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Octopath Traveler Wiki

Winnehild's Battle Cry is the Warmaster divine skill in Octopath Traveler.


Attacks all foes with every weapon in the Warmaster's arsenal, hitting each target 6 times (once for each weapon). Each attack uses the P.Atk bonus provided by the weapon associated with it, and the attacks will hit in the following order:

Type SwordsType BowsType AxesType DaggersType StavesType Polearms

This order is relevant for damage when used against unbroken targets, as enemies weak to weapons earlier in the list will be broken sooner, boosting the damage of hits from weapons later in the list.

Divine Skill: Can only be executed while at Boost level MAX, which requires the expenditure of 3 BP.


Damage = 6 hits x 2.1 x [Attacker P.Atk - (Target P.Def x 0.4)]

Each individual hit uses the P.Atk bonus of the associated equipped weapon type, and the P.Atk value of the associated weapon is treated as x1.5 times higher during the damage calculation step. This can also allow your effective P.Atk to exceed the normal maximum of 999.

Other Multipliers[]

  • All damage scales with the level of the attacker (see Level Multiplier)
  • All damage has a random multiplier (from x0.98 to x1.02) applied to it for each hit
  • Critical hits deal x1.25 damage.
  • Hitting a broken enemy deals x2.0 damage
  • The Buff Increased Physical Attack Increased Physical Attack buff on the attacker or the Debuff Decreased Physical Defense Decreased Physical Defense on the target increases damage by x1.5; with both, the total multiplier is x2.25

For more details see Damage Formula.



Support Skills[]

  • SP Saver halves and rounds down the SP Cost of this skill
  • Summon Strength increases the Phys. Atk. stat by +50
  • Surpassing Power increases the damage cap of this skill to 99,999
  • Eagle Eye increases the Critical stat by +50
  • Boost-Start on the equipping character causes them to start battles with 2 BP instead of 1, setting up for this divine skill
  • BP Eater multiplies the damage output of boosted skills by an additional ×1.5
  • Stronger Strikes multiplies the damage of attacks targeting an unbroken foe's weakness by ×1.5, instead of ×1.3
  • Fortitude increases the damage of physical attacks by +6% for every 1% of HP below 33% the equipping character has, up to a maximum of ×3 damage at 1 HP
  • Physical Prowess applies the Buff Increased Physical Attack Increased Physical Attack and Buff Increased Physical Defense Increased Physical Defense buffs indefinitely


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Octopath Traveler
Travelers: Ophilia  •  Cyrus  •  Tressa  •  Olberic  •  Primrose  •  Alfyn  •  Therion  •  H'aanit
Ophilia's Path: Lianna  •  Archbishop Josef  •  Mattias  •  Guardian of the First Flame  •  Bishop Bartolo  •  Emil  •  Derryl  •  Nate  •  Hróðvitnir  •  Daniel  •  Donovan  •  Lysa  •  Mystery Man and Shady Figure  •  Pontiff Julius
Cyrus's Path: Therese  •  Princess Mary  •  Mercedes  •  Yvon  •  Lucia  •  Russell  •  Odette  •  Gideon  •  Dominic
Tressa's Path: Olneo Colzione  •  Marina Colzione  •  Leon Bastralle  •  Mikk  •  Makk  •  Ali  •  Morlock  •  Omar  •  Baltazar  •  Venomtooth Tiger  •  Noa Wyndham  •  Astor Wyndham  •  Esmeralda  •  Man  •  Ing the Diarist
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Primrose's Path: Geoffrey Azelhart  •  Yusufa  •  Helgenish  •  Helena  •  Arianna  •  Oren  •  Rufus  •  Eschard  •  Revello Forsythe  •  Simeon  •  Anna Forsythe  •  Albus  •  Jan Forsythe  •  Dahlia Azelhart
Alfyn's Path: Zeph  •  Nina  •  Lily  •  Blotted Viper  •  Ellen  •  Flynn  •  Marlene  •  Vanessa Hysel  •  Ogen  •  Miguel  •  Timothy  •  Graham Crossford  •  Ogre Eagle
Therion's Path: Darius  •  Heathcote  •  Cordelia Ravus  •  Barham  •  Orlick  •  Gareth
H'aanit's Path: Z'aanta  •  Linde  •  Hägen  •  Eliza Woodward  •  Ghisarma  •  Natalia  •  Nathan  •  Lord of the Forest  •  Alaic  •  Susanna Grotoff  •  Dragon  •  King Khalim  •  Captain Raaf  •  General Lenaar  •  Redeye
Side Stories: Miles  •  Theracio  •  Le Mann  •  Noelle  •  Ria  •  Meryl  •  Kaia  •  Ashlan  •  Mathilda  •  Tony  •  Professor Bastete  •  Mont d'Or  •  Estadas  •  Professor Paul  •  Maruf
Other: Kit  •  Graham Crossford  •  Alphas  •  Impresario  •  Lyblac
Frostlands: Flamesgrace  •  Cave of Origin  •  Hoarfrost Grotto  •  Stillsnow  •  Secret Path  •  Obsidian Parlor  •  The Whitewood  •  Shrine of the Flamebearer  •  Tomb of the Imperator  •  Northreach  •  Lorn Cathedral  •  Maw of the Ice Dragon
Flatlands: Atlasdam  •  Subterranean Study  •  The Whistlewood  •  Noblecourt  •  Orlick's Manse  •  Obsidian Manse  •  Shrine of the Sage  •  The Hollow Throne  •  Wispermill  •  Ebony Grotto  •  Forest of Purgation  •  Shrine of the Starseer
Coastlands: Rippletide  •  Caves of Maiya  •  Undertow Cove  •  Moonstruck Coast  •  Goldshore  •  Caves of Azure  •  Seaside Grotto  •  Shrine of the Trader  •  Captains' Bane  •  Grandport  •  Grandport Sewers  •  Loch of the Lost King
Highlands: Hornburg  •  Cobbleston  •  Brigands' Den  •  Untouched Sanctum  •  Stonegard  •  The Spectrewood  •  Yvon's Birthplace  •  Shrine of the Thunderblade  •  Tomb of Kings  •  Everhold  •  Amphitheatre  •  Everhold Tunnels  •  Shrine of the Runeblade  •  Ruins of Hornburg
Sunlands: Sunshade  •  Sunshade Catacombs  •  Whistling Cavern  •  Wellspring  •  Lizardmen's Den  •  Black Market  •  Shrine of the Lady of Grace  •  Quicksand Caves  •  Marsalim  •  Grimsand Ruins  •  Marsalim Catacombs
Riverlands: Clearbrook  •  Cave of Rhiyo  •  Twin Falls  •  Saintsbridge  •  The Murkwood  •  Rivira Woods  •  Farshore  •  Shrine of the Healer  •  Riverford  •  Hidden Path  •  Lord's Manse  •  Refuge Ruins  •  Shrine of the Warbringer
Cliftlands: Bolderfall  •  Ravus Manor  •  Carrion Caves  •  Quarrycrest  •  The Sewers  •  Morlock's Manse  •  Shrine of the Prince of Thieves  •  Derelict Mine  •  Orewell  •  Forest of Rubeh  •  Dragonsong Fane
Woodlands: S'warkii  •  The Whisperwood  •  Path of Beasts  •  Victors Hollow  •  The Forgotten Grotto  •  Forest of No Return  •  Shrine of the Huntress  •  Duskbarrow  •  Ruins of Eld  •  Moldering Ruins  •  Shrine of the Archmagus
Other: The Gate of Finis  •  Journey's End
Ophilia's Path: Guardian of the First Flame  •  Hróðvitnir  •  Mystery Man and Shady Figure  •  Mattias
Cyrus's Path: Russell  •  Gideon  •  Yvon  •  Lucia
Tressa's Path: Mikk and Makk  •  Omar  •  Venomtooth Tiger  •  Esmeralda
Olberic's Path: Gaston  •  Joshua Frostblade  •  Archibold  •  Gustav  •  Lizardman Chief  •  Erhardt  •  Werner
Primrose's Path: Helgenish  •  Rufus  •  Albus  •  Simeon
Alfyn's Path: Blotted Viper  •  Vanessa Hysel  •  Miguel  •  Ogre Eagle
Therion's Path: Heathcote  •  Orlick  •  Gareth  •  Darius
H'aanit's Path: Ghisarma  •  Lord of the Forest  •  Dragon  •  Redeye
Optional: Jötunn  •  Giant Python and Snake Charmer  •  Leviathan  •  Devourer of Men  •  Mánagarmr  •  Azure-eyed Tiger  •  Behemoth  •  Devourer of Dreams  •  Dreadwolf  •  Gigantes  •  Lord of the Sands  •  Manymaws  •  Monarch  •  Throne Guardian  •  Tyrannodrake
Gods of Orsterra: Winnehild  •  Steorra  •  Balogar  •  Dreisang  •  Galdera
Game Mechanics
General: Achievements  •  Side Stories  •  Travel Banter
Battle: Experience  •  Skills  •  Status Effects  •  Support Skills
Path Actions: Guide/Allure  •  Scrutinize/Inquire  •  Purchase/Steal  •  Provoke/Challenge
Inventory: Items  •  Weapons  •  Shields  •  Headgear  •  Body Armor  •  Materials
Jobs: Cleric  •  Scholar  •  Merchant  •  Warrior  •  Dancer  •  Apothecary  •  Thief  •  Hunter
Advanced Jobs: Starseer  •  Runelord  •  Warmaster  •  Sorcerer