Octopath Traveler Wiki

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Octopath Traveler Wiki

"Have you heard of the tourney? It only happens once a year at our arena." —Spectator at Victors Hollow: Arena Gate

Victors Hollow: The Arena is a town sub-area of the town of Victors Hollow in Octopath Traveler. It is the setting for Olberic's Chapter 2 tale.


Path Action GuideGuide/Path Action AllureAllure 
Name Path Action Guide Path Action Allure Str Skill Times
Archibold the Crusher - - - - -
Joshua Frostblade - - - - -
Gustav, the Black Knight - - - - -
Arena Attendant 50 20% 7 Slice Type Swords 6

Path Action ChallengeChallenge/Path Action ProvokeProvoke 
Name Path Action Challenge Str HP
Icon Shield
Weak Item (Droprate %)
Archibold the Crusher - - -
Joshua Frostblade - - -
Gustav, the Black Knight - - -
Arena Attendant 20 7 22,374 4 Type SwordsType Fire Elemental Hat (8%)



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Octopath Traveler
Travelers: Ophilia  •  Cyrus  •  Tressa  •  Olberic  •  Primrose  •  Alfyn  •  Therion  •  H'aanit
Ophilia's Path: Lianna  •  Archbishop Josef  •  Mattias  •  Guardian of the First Flame  •  Bishop Bartolo  •  Emil  •  Derryl  •  Nate  •  Hróðvitnir  •  Daniel  •  Donovan  •  Lysa  •  Mystery Man and Shady Figure  •  Pontiff Julius
Cyrus's Path: Therese  •  Princess Mary  •  Mercedes  •  Yvon  •  Lucia  •  Russell  •  Odette  •  Gideon  •  Dominic
Tressa's Path: Olneo Colzione  •  Marina Colzione  •  Leon Bastralle  •  Mikk  •  Makk  •  Ali  •  Morlock  •  Omar  •  Baltazar  •  Venomtooth Tiger  •  Noa Wyndham  •  Astor Wyndham  •  Esmeralda  •  Man  •  Ing the Diarist
Olberic's Path: Erhardt  •  King Alfred  •  Philip  •  Gaston  •  Cecily  •  Ned  •  Victorino  •  Conrad  •  Wallace Wildsword  •  Bernhard  •  Grieg the Unbreakable  •  Joshua Frostblade  •  Archibold  •  Gustav  •  Bale  •  Reggie  •  The Man with the Red Hat  •  Harald  •  Werner
Primrose's Path: Geoffrey Azelhart  •  Yusufa  •  Helgenish  •  Helena  •  Arianna  •  Oren  •  Rufus  •  Eschard  •  Revello Forsythe  •  Simeon  •  Anna Forsythe  •  Albus  •  Jan Forsythe  •  Dahlia Azelhart
Alfyn's Path: Zeph  •  Nina  •  Lily  •  Blotted Viper  •  Ellen  •  Flynn  •  Marlene  •  Vanessa Hysel  •  Ogen  •  Miguel  •  Timothy  •  Graham Crossford  •  Ogre Eagle
Therion's Path: Darius  •  Heathcote  •  Cordelia Ravus  •  Barham  •  Orlick  •  Gareth
H'aanit's Path: Z'aanta  •  Linde  •  Hägen  •  Eliza Woodward  •  Ghisarma  •  Natalia  •  Nathan  •  Lord of the Forest  •  Alaic  •  Susanna Grotoff  •  Dragon  •  King Khalim  •  Captain Raaf  •  General Lenaar  •  Redeye
Side Stories: Miles  •  Theracio  •  Le Mann  •  Noelle  •  Ria  •  Meryl  •  Kaia  •  Ashlan  •  Mathilda  •  Tony  •  Professor Bastete  •  Mont d'Or  •  Estadas  •  Professor Paul  •  Maruf
Other: Kit  •  Graham Crossford  •  Alphas  •  Impresario  •  Lyblac
Frostlands: Flamesgrace  •  Cave of Origin  •  Hoarfrost Grotto  •  Stillsnow  •  Secret Path  •  Obsidian Parlor  •  The Whitewood  •  Shrine of the Flamebearer  •  Tomb of the Imperator  •  Northreach  •  Lorn Cathedral  •  Maw of the Ice Dragon
Flatlands: Atlasdam  •  Subterranean Study  •  The Whistlewood  •  Noblecourt  •  Orlick's Manse  •  Obsidian Manse  •  Shrine of the Sage  •  The Hollow Throne  •  Wispermill  •  Ebony Grotto  •  Forest of Purgation  •  Shrine of the Starseer
Coastlands: Rippletide  •  Caves of Maiya  •  Undertow Cove  •  Moonstruck Coast  •  Goldshore  •  Caves of Azure  •  Seaside Grotto  •  Shrine of the Trader  •  Captains' Bane  •  Grandport  •  Grandport Sewers  •  Loch of the Lost King
Highlands: Hornburg  •  Cobbleston  •  Brigands' Den  •  Untouched Sanctum  •  Stonegard  •  The Spectrewood  •  Yvon's Birthplace  •  Shrine of the Thunderblade  •  Tomb of Kings  •  Everhold  •  Amphitheatre  •  Everhold Tunnels  •  Shrine of the Runeblade  •  Ruins of Hornburg
Sunlands: Sunshade  •  Sunshade Catacombs  •  Whistling Cavern  •  Wellspring  •  Lizardmen's Den  •  Black Market  •  Shrine of the Lady of Grace  •  Quicksand Caves  •  Marsalim  •  Grimsand Ruins  •  Marsalim Catacombs
Riverlands: Clearbrook  •  Cave of Rhiyo  •  Twin Falls  •  Saintsbridge  •  The Murkwood  •  Rivira Woods  •  Farshore  •  Shrine of the Healer  •  Riverford  •  Hidden Path  •  Lord's Manse  •  Refuge Ruins  •  Shrine of the Warbringer
Cliftlands: Bolderfall  •  Ravus Manor  •  Carrion Caves  •  Quarrycrest  •  The Sewers  •  Morlock's Manse  •  Shrine of the Prince of Thieves  •  Derelict Mine  •  Orewell  •  Forest of Rubeh  •  Dragonsong Fane
Woodlands: S'warkii  •  The Whisperwood  •  Path of Beasts  •  Victors Hollow  •  The Forgotten Grotto  •  Forest of No Return  •  Shrine of the Huntress  •  Duskbarrow  •  Ruins of Eld  •  Moldering Ruins  •  Shrine of the Archmagus
Other: The Gate of Finis  •  Journey's End
Ophilia's Path: Guardian of the First Flame  •  Hróðvitnir  •  Mystery Man and Shady Figure  •  Mattias
Cyrus's Path: Russell  •  Gideon  •  Yvon  •  Lucia
Tressa's Path: Mikk and Makk  •  Omar  •  Venomtooth Tiger  •  Esmeralda
Olberic's Path: Gaston  •  Joshua Frostblade  •  Archibold  •  Gustav  •  Lizardman Chief  •  Erhardt  •  Werner
Primrose's Path: Helgenish  •  Rufus  •  Albus  •  Simeon
Alfyn's Path: Blotted Viper  •  Vanessa Hysel  •  Miguel  •  Ogre Eagle
Therion's Path: Heathcote  •  Orlick  •  Gareth  •  Darius
H'aanit's Path: Ghisarma  •  Lord of the Forest  •  Dragon  •  Redeye
Optional: Jötunn  •  Giant Python and Snake Charmer  •  Leviathan  •  Devourer of Men  •  Mánagarmr  •  Azure-eyed Tiger  •  Behemoth  •  Devourer of Dreams  •  Dreadwolf  •  Gigantes  •  Lord of the Sands  •  Manymaws  •  Monarch  •  Throne Guardian  •  Tyrannodrake
Gods of Orsterra: Winnehild  •  Steorra  •  Balogar  •  Dreisang  •  Galdera
Game Mechanics
General: Achievements  •  Side Stories  •  Travel Banter
Battle: Experience  •  Skills  •  Status Effects  •  Support Skills
Path Actions: Guide/Allure  •  Scrutinize/Inquire  •  Purchase/Steal  •  Provoke/Challenge
Inventory: Items  •  Weapons  •  Shields  •  Headgear  •  Body Armor  •  Materials
Jobs: Cleric  •  Scholar  •  Merchant  •  Warrior  •  Dancer  •  Apothecary  •  Thief  •  Hunter
Advanced Jobs: Starseer  •  Runelord  •  Warmaster  •  Sorcerer

The Arena is a location in Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent.



Edit Tab

Path Action Wealth 
Name Inquire Rank Possessions Purchase Ally Skill Hire
Former Smuggler 20 Accessories Calming Charm I
Item Nuts (CotC) Tasty Experience Nut (L)
Questionable Powder -
(Uses: 3)

Path Action Power 
Name Inquire Rank Danger Level Possessions Ally Skill Fight
Icon Shield
Destitute Gladiator 22 65 Item Default (CotC) Feather Duster
Item Bronze Seal Seal of Enlightment
Item Body Armor Innocent Armor

Path Action Fame 
Name Inquire Rank Possessions Ally Skill
Veteran Announcer 20 Item Nuts (CotC) Tasty Experience Nut (L)
Item Other Copper Coin
Battlefield Flow -
(Uses: 2)
Arena Dancer 20 Item Bronze Seal Seal of Enlightment
Type Fans Innocent Fan
Rising Zeal - Restore HP of Front (potency: 100) and imparts Buff Crit. Up Crit. Up  by 15% (turns: 3).
(Uses: 2)
Destitute Gladiator 22 Item Default (CotC) Cheap Whiskey
Headgear Innocent Helm
Trifold Slash -
(Uses: 3)


VulnerableUnknown                      Former Smuggler
VulnerableUnknown                      Veteran Announcer
VulnerableUnknown                      Arena Dancer

(After completing Bestower of Wealth Chapter I)

VulnerableUnknown                      Arena Gatekeeper

Traveler Stories[]

Side Quests[]




1st Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Old Man 55 11,594 8 Type SwordsType BowsType WindType Dark Rubies x30
LeafLeaf Leaves x110,000

2nd Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Townsperson 60 11,594 8 Type StavesType TomesType FansType FireType Wind Rubies x30
LeafLeaf Leaves x110,000
Townsperson 60 11,842 8 Type BowsType StavesType FansType FireType Wind
Townsperson 60 11,842 8 Type BowsType StavesType FansType FireType Wind

3rd Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Knight Ardante 62 17,782 10 Type StavesType TomesType FireType Lightning Rubies x30
Silver Guidestone x30
Knight Ardante 62 17,782 9 Type AxesType BowsType FansType IceType Wind

4th Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Menacing Dreadwing 70 90,920 11 Type SwordsType PolearmsType BowsType WindType Light Rubies x30
Silver Guidestone x30

Main Tourney[]

Match #1[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Audat 70 92,450 9 Type SwordsType AxesType FansType FireType LightningType Light Rubies x30
Gold Guidestone x50
Hired Apothecary 70 92,450 8 Type SwordsType DaggersType BowsType FireType Lightning

Match #2[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Dustin 75 99,825 10 Type PolearmsType DaggersType AxesType WindType Light Rubies x30
Gold Guidestone x50
Dustin's Apprentice (Male) 75 83,500 9 Type PolearmsType DaggersType BowsType WindType Dark
Dustin's Apprentice (Female) 75 78,000 8 Type PolearmsType AxesType BowsType FansType WindType Dark


Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Thurston 80 194,220 24 Type BowsType FansType LightningType Light Rubies x30
Wind Rune III


Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Tikilen 85 297,350 25 Type BowsType FansType Light Item Person 5★ Tikilen
Elite Mercenary 85 181,430 15 Type PolearmsType BowsType LightningType Light
Veteran Mercenary 85 181,430 14 Type PolearmsType BowsType LightningType Light


1st Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Mercenary 65 16,128 10 Type BowsType StavesType IceType Light Rubies x30
LeafLeaf Leaves x135,000
Mercenary 65 16,128 8 Type PolearmsType TomesType IceType LightType Dark

2nd Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Old Man 67 17,802 10 Type SwordsType DaggersType BowsType Lightning Rubies x30
LeafLeaf Leaves x135,000
Man 67 18,124 9 Type PolearmsType AxesType StavesType FansType FireType Lightning
Woman 67 18,124 9 Type SwordsType TomesType FansType FireType Wind

3rd Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Swordsman 62 19,500 10 Type PolearmsType AxesType LightningType Dark Rubies x30
Silver Guidestone x50

4th Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Savage River Frogking I 72 16,500 8 Type PolearmsType DaggersType FansType WindType Dark Rubies x 100
Silver Guidestone x50

Main Tourney[]

Match #1[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Astapha 70 102,450 8 Type AxesType BowsType TomesType FireType IceType Dark Rubies x30
Gold Guidestone x50
Brigand Lackey 70 70,112 7 Type SwordsType PolearmsType StavesType WindType Dark

Match #2[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Freij 75 92,731 11 Type SwordsType AxesType BowsType FireType Dark Rubies x30
Gold Guidestone x50
Loyal Hunter 75 79,245 8 Type SwordsType PolearmsType DaggersType WindType Dark
Loyal Apothecary 75 75,149 7 Type PolearmsType AxesType FireType WindType Dark


Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Dulce 80 116,532 15 Type SwordsType PolearmsType AxesType Dark Rubies x30
Elite Dancer's Emblem
Dulce's Apprentice 80 77,688 9 Type SwordsType AxesType WindType Dark
Hired Elderly Mercenary 80 75,478 10 Type PolearmsType DaggersType AxesType IceType Dark


Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Glossom 95 314,160 26 Type PolearmsType AxesType Dark Item Person 5★ Glossom
Dazzling Dancer 95 193,200 14 Type SwordsType AxesType WindType Dark
Passionate Dancer 95 181,430 12 Type SwordsType AxesType WindType Dark


1st Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Sword Mistress 64 16,128 9 Type SwordsType StavesType TomesType Dark Rubies x30
LeafLeaf Leaves x153,500
Swordsman 64 16,128 9 Type DaggersType AxesType FansType LightningType Wind

2nd Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Scouting Soldier 67 16,170 11 Type TomesType FansType LightningType Light Rubies x30
LeafLeaf Leaves x153,500
Soldier 65 16,464 9 Type DaggersType AxesType FansType WindType Light

3rd Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Motionless Old Soldier 68 17,848 11 Type AxesType TomesType IceType Wind Rubies x30
Silver Guidestone x50
Soldier 68 18,170 9 Type SwordsType StavesType TomesType IceType Light
Soldier 68 18,032 9 Type PolearmsType BowsType TomesType LightType Dark

4th Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Savage Great Condor 73 17,600 7 Type DaggersType AxesType FansType FireType Lightning Rubies x100
Silver Guidestone x50

Main Tourney[]

Match #1[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Loyu 70 98,320 9 Type SwordsType BowsType StavesType TomesType IceType Light Rubies x30
Gold Guidestone x50
Pirate (Dagger) 70 72,578 7 Type PolearmsType BowsType TomesType Light
Pirate (Sword) 70 68,247 7 Type PolearmsType BowsType TomesType Light

Match #2[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Strink 75 108,541 12 Type SwordsType PolearmsType StavesType TomesType Ice Rubies x30
Gold Guidestone x50
Strink's Aide 75 80,578 9 Type PolearmsType BowsType TomesType Light
Strink's Henchman 75 77,357 8 Type PolearmsType AxesType IceType Light


Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
D'bouvire 80 116,532 22 Type SwordsType StavesType TomesType Ice Rubies x30
Light Rune III


Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Varkyn 95 320,180 28 Type SwordsType StavesType Ice Item Person 5★ Varkyn
Tactical Researcher 95 193,200 12 Type SwordsType PolearmsType BowsType Light
Scheming Dancer 95 154,840 16 Type PolearmsType BowsType TomesType Ice
Living Soulstone 95 99,999 Type Unknown


1st Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Thief 62 14,478 9 Type SwordsType TomesType FansType IceType Light Rubies x30
LeafLeaf Leaves x162,000
Thief 62 14,478 8 Type PolearmsType AxesType TomesType FireType Lightning
Thief 62 14,478 8 Type PolearmsType AxesType FansType FireType Light

2nd Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Scholar 65 16,170 9 Type PolearmsType FansType IceType Dark Rubies x30
LeafLeaf Leaves x162,000
Scholar 65 16,338 9 Type SwordsType AxesType BowsType FireType Light

3rd Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Syndicate Member 67 14,478 10 Type BowsType FansType LightningType Light Rubies x100
Silver Guidestone x50
Syndicate Member 67 17,802 9 Type SwordsType AxesType TomesType IceType Light
Syndicate Member 67 18,124 9 Type PolearmsType BowsType StavesType WindType Light

4th Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Savage Salamander 73 9,800 6 Type PolearmsType BowsType FansType FireType Lightning Rubies x30
Silver Guidestone x30

Main Tourney[]

Match #1[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Aschim 70 88,540 10 Type AxesType BowsType TomesType FireType WindType Light Rubies x30
Gold Guidestone x50
Underhanded Underling 70 67,358 6 Type SwordsType StavesType FireType Light
Despicable Underling 70 61,476 6 Type SwordsType StavesType FireType Light

Match #2[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Padiwes 75 99,415 13 Type SwordsType BowsType TomesType IceType Light Rubies x30
Gold Guidestone x50
Amiable Friend 75 72,788 10 Type SwordsType StavesType FireType Wind
Composed Friend 75 73,574 9 Type SwordsType BowsType TomesType Light


Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Trinovo 80 107,452 18 Type SwordsType StavesType IceType Light Rubies x30
Elite Thief's Emblem
Perrine 80 106,847 18 Type AxesType TomesType FireType Wind


Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Ri'tu 95 325,080 26 Type FireType WindType Light Item Person 5★ Ri'tu
Wild Dancer 95 150,920 13 Type SwordsType BowsType TomesType WindType Light
Reliable Warrior 95 184,520 14 Type IceType Wind


1st Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Mont d'Or 64 16,128 9 Type SwordsType IceType Wind Rubies x30
LeafLeaf Leaves x173,600
Swordsman 64 16,422 9 Type SwordsType DaggersType StavesType FireType Dark

2nd Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Well-read Artisan 65 16,170 11 Type SwordsType StavesType FireType Wind Rubies x30
LeafLeaf Leaves x173,600
Man 65 16,128 9 Type SwordsType AxesType FireType Light
Townsperson 60 16,128 9 Type PolearmsType DaggersType TomesType LightningType Dark

3rd Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Detof Warrior 66 16,212 9 Type DaggersType AxesType LightningType Light Rubies x30
Silver Guidestone x50
Bodyguard 66 16,170 9 Type PolearmsType StavesType TomesType IceType Lightning
Bodyguard 66 16,506 9 Type SwordsType DaggersType TomesType LightningType Dark

4th Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Ravenous Plant 73 44,250 12 Type SwordsType BowsType TomesType FireType Dark Rubies x100
Silver Guidestone x50

Main Tourney[]

Match #1[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Kunay 70 83,250 9 Type PolearmsType DaggersType BowsType StavesType Fire Rubies x30
Gold Guidestone x50
Loyal Scaled Viper 70 68,350 8 Type PolearmsType StavesType Fire
Obedient Red Viper 70 50,750 6 Type PolearmsType DaggersType BowsType Ice
Obedient Red Viper 70 50,750 6 Type PolearmsType DaggersType BowsType Ice

Match #2[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Lunga 75 90,750 12 Type SwordsType PolearmsType StavesType Fire Rubies x30
Gold Guidestone x50
Tzane 75 84,975 9 Type AxesType BowsType StavesType Fire
Melan 75 88,275 10 Type PolearmsType AxesType BowsType Fire


Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Na'tsvea 80 187,785 20 Type PolearmsType BowsType StavesType Fire Rubies x30
Elite Apothecary's Emblem
Tainipall 80 165,165 18 Type AxesType BowsType StavesType Fire


Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Gertrude 95 764,260 9 Type DaggersType BowsType Fire Item Person 5★ Gertrude


1st Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Town Girl 62 14,516 9 Type DaggersType StavesType WindType Dark Rubies x30
LeafLeaf Leaves x194,700
Townsperson 62 14,782 9 Type SwordsType StavesType TomesType LightningType Light
Elderly Woman 62 14,782 9 Type DaggersType TomesType FansType Wind

2nd Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Gatekeeper 65 16,464 10 Type StavesType TomesType LightningType LightType Dark Rubies x30
LeafLeaf Leaves x194,700
Man 65 16,338 9 Type SwordsType DaggersType BowsType IceType Lightning
Dancer 65 16,128 9 Type PolearmsType AxesType TomesType WindType Dark

3rd Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Syndicate Member 67 17,986 10 Type BowsType FansType LightningType Light Rubies x30
Silver Guidestone x50
Syndicate Member 67 17,802 9 Type SwordsType AxesType TomesType IceType Light
Syndicate Member 67 18,124 9 Type PolearmsType BowsType StavesType WindType Light

4th Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Savage Sandworm 75 17,600 7 Type SwordsType PolearmsType TomesType LightningType Wind Rubies x100
Silver Guidestone x50

Main Tourney[]

Match #1[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Igor 70 91,400 10 Type PolearmsType AxesType FansType LightningType LightType Dark Rubies x30
Gold Guidestone x50
Du'vil 70 68,750 6 Type SwordsType AxesType LightningType Dark
Trevor 70 70,350 7 Type SwordsType FansType LightType Dark

Match #2[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Huron 75 96,800 12 Type SwordsType PolearmsType AxesType StavesType Fans Rubies x30
Gold Guidestone x50
Worrisome Froggen 75 83,820 9 Type SwordsType FansType Ice
Entertaining Froggen 75 76,890 7 Type AxesType FansType Lightning


Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Douglas 80 193,310 19 Type SwordsType AxesType FansType Lightning Rubies x30
Elite Hunter's Emblem
Desperate Cleric 80 174,005 17 Type SwordsType AxesType FansType Lightning


Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Yunnie 95 539,140 24 Type SwordsType AxesType Fans Item Person 5★ Yunnie
Evening Calm Member (Hunter) 95 135,380 16 Type SwordsType AxesType FansType Lightning
Evening Calm Member (Merchant) 95 130,060 14 Type DaggersType StavesType FansType Lightning
Evening Calm Member (Thief) 95 124,880 13 Type SwordsType AxesType FireType Ice
Evening Calm Member (Apothecary) 95 123,620 12 Type SwordsType Fans
Evening Calm Member (Warrior) 95 138,040 13 Type AxesType Lightning


1st Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Bewitching Dancer 65 16,128 10 Type PolearmsType AxesType StavesType Ice Rubies x30
LeafLeaf Leaves x200,000
Dancer 65 16,128 9 Type SwordsType StavesType TomesType WindType Light

2nd Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Diarist 67 17,802 10 Type PolearmsType AxesType FireType Dark Rubies x30
LeafLeaf Leaves x200,000
Man 67 17,756 10 Type AxesType BowsType TomesType IceType Light
Woman 67 17,986 9 Type SwordsType AxesType StavesType FireType Lightning

3rd Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Sentry 72 19,600 9 Type DaggersType TomesType FansType IceType Lightning Rubies x30
Silver Guidestone x50
Scholar 72 19,600 9 Type PolearmsType StavesType FireType Dark
Sentry 72 19,950 9 Type SwordsType BowsType TomesType FireType Lightning

4th Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Abyssal One 77 50,250 12 Type SwordsType PolearmsType StavesType FireType Light Rubies x100
Silver Guidestone x50

Main Tourney[]

Match #1[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Soritta 75 135,575 15 Type SwordsType PolearmsType AxesType StavesType Lightning Rubies x30
Gold Guidestone x50
Dark Elemental 75 83,105 10 Type SwordsType PolearmsType StavesType LightningType Light
Dark Elemental 75 83,105 10 Type SwordsType PolearmsType StavesType LightningType Light

Match #2[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Gwaishan 80 268,450 18 Type SwordsType PolearmsType TomesType LightningType Wind Rubies x30
Gold Guidestone x50


Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Ecklar 90 201,365 19 Type PolearmsType StavesType WindType Light Rubies x30
Elite Cleric's Emblem
Socius 90 194,580 21 Type SwordsType BowsType TomesType Fire


Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Yan Long 100 781,082 24 Type SwordsType PolearmsType Light Item Person 5★ Yan Long
Wu the Messenger Bird 100 100,450 10 Type AxesType Tomes
Siu the Messenger Bird 100 126,125 9 Type AxesType Tomes


1st Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Sword Mistress 62 14,478 9 Type BowsType TomesType FansType Light Rubies x30
LeafLeaf Leaves x200,000
Swordsman 62 14,516 8 Type SwordsType StavesType TomesType WindType Light
Swordsman 62 14,782 8 Type SwordsType AxesType StavesType LightningType Light

2nd Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Captain 69 17,894 11 Type DaggersType StavesType TomesType FireType Light Rubies x30
LeafLeaf Leaves x200,000
Woman 69 18,078 10 Type PolearmsType StavesType TomesType IceType Wind
Woman 69 17,894 10 Type PolearmsType StavesType TomesType IceType Wind

3rd Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Sentry 72 19,600 12 Type BowsType TomesType FansType IceType Dark Rubies x30
Silver Guidestone x50
Sentry 72 19,950 9 Type PolearmsType DaggersType FireType WindType Light
Sentry 72 19,950 9 Type AxesType StavesType FansType LightningType Dark

4th Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Emperor 75 47,250 11 Type PolearmsType BowsType StavesType IceType Wind Rubies x100
Silver Guidestone x50

Main Tourney[]

Match #1[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Kunay 70 83,250 9 Type PolearmsType DaggersType BowsType StavesType Fire Rubies x30
Gold Guidestone x50
Loyal Scaled Viper 70 68,350 8 Type PolearmsType StavesType Fire
Obedient Red Viper 70 50,750 6 Type PolearmsType DaggersType BowsType Ice
Obedient Red Viper 70 50,750 6 Type PolearmsType DaggersType BowsType Ice

Match #2[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Tormo 80 191,750 21 Type SwordsType DaggersType BowsType IceType Wind Rubies x30
Gold Guidestone x50
Skeletal Puppet (Axe) 80 72,215 9 Type DaggersType BowsType FireType IceType Wind
Skeletal Puppet (Dagger) 80 66,365 8 Type SwordsType BowsType TomesType FireType Wind


Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Rebecca 90 300,485 18 Type DaggersType TomesType IceType Wind Rubies x30
Elite Merchant's Emblem
Thunder Elemental 90 139,265 15 Type SwordsType TomesType Ice
Ice Elemental 90 144,440 16 Type DaggersType BowsType Wind


Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Largo 100 1,201,450 27 Type DaggersType BowsType Ice Item Person 5★ Largo
Sentinel (Largo) I 100 78,475 17 Type SwordsType StavesType IceType LightningType Wind
Sentinel (Largo) II 100 63,625 15 Type SwordsType BowsType FansType IceType Lightning
Sentinel (Largo) III 100 83,325 17 Type SwordsType DaggersType StavesType LightningType Wind
Sentinel (Largo) IV 16 75,900 17 Type PolearmsType BowsType FansType LightningType Wind
Sentinel (Largo) V 100 98,175 18 Type SwordsType DaggersType LightningType Wind
Sentinel (Largo) VI 100 83,325 16 Type PolearmsType FansType IceType Wind
Crimson Sentinel (Largo) 100 113,025 18 Type SwordsType StavesType IceType Lightning
Azure Sentinel (Largo) 100 91,970 16 Type SwordsType PolearmsType BowsType Wind


1st Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Merchant 53 10,835 4 Type SwordsType AxesType FansType IceType Dark Rubies x30
LeafLeaf Leaves x200,000
Bodyguard 53 16,128 5 Type PolearmsType BowsType TomesType WindType Light
Bodyguard 53 12,740 5 Type PolearmsType BowsType TomesType WindType Light

2nd Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Soldier 60 13,056 9 Type SwordsType AxesType StavesType FireType Wind Rubies x30
LeafLeaf Leaves x200,000
Soldier 60 13,056 9 Type DaggersType BowsType StavesType FireType Ice
Soldier 60 13,056 9 Type PolearmsType BowsType FansType IceType Lightning

3rd Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Hunter 64 16,086 11 Type StavesType FansType IceType Light Rubies x30
Silver Guidestone x50
Sentry 64 16,086 9 Type PolearmsType StavesType TomesType LightningType Dark
Sentry 64 16,086 9 Type SwordsType AxesType FansType IceType Dark

4th Match[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Savage Killer Chameleon 71 17,600 8 Type DaggersType BowsType FansType IceType Light Rubies x100
Silver Guidestone x50

Main Tourney[]

Match #1[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Macgregor 70 314,000 24 Type PolearmsType DaggersType FansType LightningType Dark Rubies x30
Gold Guidestone x50

Match #2[]

Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Selma 80 261,625 19 Type SwordsType BowsType FansType FireType Wind Rubies x30
Gold Guidestone x50
Watchful Steward 80 152,035 14 Type SwordsType DaggersType BowsType FansType Wind
Strategic Head Maid 80 127,660 11 Type PolearmsType DaggersType BowsType WindType Dark


Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Nicki 90 302,795 23 Type DaggersType FansType LightningType Light Rubies x30
Gold Guidestone x100
Heartsick Swordsman 90 196,190 20 Type PolearmsType IceType LightningType Wind


Name Lvl HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Victory Rewards
Hammy 100 462,000 24 Type PolearmsType FansType Wind Item Person 5★ Hammy
Bladesman Petra 100 781,275 26 Type AxesType FansType LightningType Wind
Whirlwind Miluca 100 736,725 22 Type DaggersType BowsType FansType Lightning

[v · t · e · ?]
Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent
Cleric: Agnès  •  Brigitte  •  Cedric  •  Emil  •  Gloria  •  Hikari EX  •  Jose  •  Lianna  •  Madelaine  •  Menno  •  Millard  •  Molrusso  •  Mydia  •  S. Odio  •  Ophilia  •  Pearl  •  Promme  •  Ramona  •  Relisha  •  Rinyuu  •  Stead  •  Telly  •  Temenos  •  Yan Long  •  Yukes
Apothecary: Alfyn  •  Castti  •  Ceraphina  •  Cornelia  •  Gertrude  •  Hayes  •  Jane  •  Jorge  •  Lumis  •  Merrit  •  Nephti  •  Ogen  •  Penny  •  Primrose EX  •  Rinyuu EX  •  Rita  •  Rodion  •  Saria  •  Shana  •  Shelby  •  Sofia EX  •  Soleil  •  Sowan  •  Theo  •  Zenia
Dancer: Agnea  •  Bargello EX  •  Dark Priestess  •  Dolcinaea  •  Eleonora  •  Evelyn  •  Fabio  •  Fiore EX  •  Glossom  •  H'aanit EX  •  Harley  •  Harry  •  Hasumi  •  Iris  •  Lemaire  •  Lynette  •  Mabel  •  Manuel  •  Meena  •  Molrusso EX  •  Neha  •  Paula  •  Primrose  •  Signa  •  Tatloch  •  Tithi
Merchant: 9S  •  Alrond  •  Barrad  •  Cardona  •  Carroll  •  Cecily  •  Cerna  •  Conny  •  Devin  •  Dorothea  •  Gilderoy  •  Helga  •  Juan  •  Krauser  •  Largo  •  Leon  •  Millard EX  •  Nier  •  Nona  •  Ori  •  Oskha  •  Partitio  •  Pia  •  Rai Mei  •  Roland  •  Sigrid EX  •  Sazantos EX  •  Tressa  •  W'ludai
Scholar: Alaune  •  Cyrus  •  Ditraina  •  Dorrie  •  Elvis  •  Eunice  •  Frederica  •  Hammy  •  Heinz  •  Julio  •  Kenneth  •  Laura  •  Levan  •  Levina  •  Molu  •  Nina-Lanna  •  Nivelle  •  Noelle  •  Odette  •  Ophilia EX  •  Osvald  •  Pardis III  •  Peredir  •  Sofia  •  Solon  •  Streibough  •  Therese  •  Varkyn  •  Viola EX
Thief: A2  •  Adelle  •  Aslyte  •  Auguste  •  Bargello  •  Billy  •  Canary  •  Cless  •  Diego  •  Durand  •  Elrica EX  •  Falco  •  Felline  •  Heathcote  •  Kagemune  •  Kaine  •  Kurtz  •  Nicola  •  Pirro  •  Ri'tu  •  Sarisa  •  Sonia  •  Tatloch EX  •  Therion  •  Throné  •  Tiziano  •  Viola  •  Wingate
Warrior: 2B  •  Aedelgard  •  Cecil  •  Crick  •  Dark Knight  •  Edea  •  Eliza  •  Elrica  •  Eltrix  •  Fiore  •  Hikari  •  Jorn  •  Joshua  •  Kouren  •  Lionel  •  Menny  •  Miles  •  Nanna  •  Oersted  •  Olberic  •  O. Odio  •  Richard  •  Ringabel  •  Rondo  •  Saul  •  Sazantos  •  Serenoa  •  Sigrid  •  Tahir  •  Tikilen  •  Trish  •  Tytos  •  Lars  •  Yugo
Hunter: Agnea EX  •  Ashlan  •  Bertrand  •  Camilla  •  Chloe  •  Cyrus EX  •  Ditraina EX  •  Guti  •  H'aanit  •  Herminia  •  Hujheb  •  Jillmeila  •  Kersjes  •  Kilns  •  Lolo  •  Lucetta  •  Lumis EX  •  Narr  •  Ochette  •  Scarecrow  •  Sertet  •  Sunny  •  Tressa EX  •  Vivian  •  Yunnie  •  Z'aanta
Master of Wealth: Herminia  •  Bargello  •  Tiziano  •  Pierro Della  •  Fra  •  Rosso  •  Taviani  •  Sonia
Master of Power: Tytos  •  Velnorte  •  Rinyuu  •  Phina  •  Dmitri  •  Jurgen
Master of Fame: Auguste  •  Schwartz  •  Mikhail  •  Francesca
Master of All: Pardis III  •  Elrica  •  Alaune  •  Lebrandt  •  Mahrez  •  Mesara  •  Richard  •  Gimel  •  Solon  •  Mendoza  •  Cerro  •  Gonzalez  •  Krauser
Bestower of Wealth: Oskha  •  Levina  •  Leopaldi  •  Delvecchio  •  Scarabe  •  Judah
Bestower of Power: Tatloch  •  Marianne  •  Dudek  •  Eltrix
Bestower of Fame: Ceraphina  •  Sazantos  •  Rondo  •  Taigan  •  Timov  •  Josef  •  Hugo  •  Monaris  •  Miza
Bestower of All: Or'sazantos  •  Finis  •  Dark Knight  •  Dark Priestess  •  Ataraxia
Nameless Town: Nephti  •  Isla  •  Feintz  •  Rique  •  Glayne  •  Kota  •  Pecolo  •  Parua  •  Atsumo Rihiko  •  Nan Masano
Emberflame Story: Aviete  •  Mellow  •  Stollenwurm  •  Lykaon  •  Simurgh  •  Yuetu  •  Svaðilfari  •  Lutīyā
Woodlands: Valore  •  Herminia's Manse  •  Forest Ruins  •  Auguste's Villa  •  Victors Hollow  •  Subterranean Arena  •  Great Tree's Tears
Frostlands: Emberglow  •  Emberglow Laboratory  •  Emberglow Slopes  •  Hunter's House  •  Ceremonial Square  •  Cathedral of Tytos  •  Snowbloom Ruins  •  Snowshard Grotto  •  Emberglow Laboratory: Inner Chambers  •  Flamesgrace  •  Cave of Laments  •  Cave of Origin
Flatlands: Theatropolis  •  Amphitheatre  •  Serpent's Burrow  •  Knights Ardante Garrison  •  Nameless Town  •  Tower of Remembrance  •  Atlasdam  •  Fort Wold Ruins
Coastlands: Rippletide  •  Isle of Orsa  •  Radiant Reefs  •  Grandport  •  Grandport Sewers  •  Sea Cavern  •  Middlesea
Cliftlands: Cragspear  •  Gray Grotto  •  Geist Canyon  •  Abandoned Mines  •  Castle Edoras  •  I'cirlo  •  Spiny Grotto
Riverlands: Clearbrook  •  Waterpool Caves  •  Shadowflow Grotto  •  Castle Riven  •  Donescu  •  Cyphlo Banks  •  Misty Falls
Sunlands: Sunshade  •  Finesand Ruins  •  Sufrataljah  •  Sufrataljah: Palace  •  Whitesand Cave  •  Golden Palace
Highlands: Shepherds Rock  •  Valley of Death  •  Cavern of Mists  •  Berecain  •  Forbidden Temple  •  Sweltering Cave
The Skew: Hall of Heroes (1st Floor  •  2nd Floor  •  3rd Floor)  •  Icegrove Clearing (Forest Ruins  •  Snowshard Grotto  •  Serpent's Burrow  •  Cavern of Mists  •  Gate of Finis)
Hell: Cliftlands: Cragspear  •  Geist Canyon  •  Castle Edoras
Hell: Woodlands: Valore  •  White Grape Hill Path  •  Netherflame Chamber
Hell: Highlands: Hornburg  •  Hornburg Castle
The Gate of Finis: Corridors of Contrition  •  The Bridge Beyond  •  Crimson River Traverse  •  Ridge of the Imprisoned God
Domain of the Gods: Agapea  •  Flamebearer's Shrine: Sanctum (Trial of Faith  •  Trial of Rebirth  •  Trial of Rebirth  •  Trial of Valor)
The Heavens: Garden of Sin (Sands of Rapacity  •  Seas of Servility  •  Skies of Vanity  •  Altar of Heavenly Peals)
???: Sacred Springs  •  Labyrinthine Woods
Brightlands: New Delsta (Ouma)  •  Underground Waterway  •  New Delsta: Theater
Toto'haha: Beasting Village  •  Beasting Bay: Anchorage
Harborlands: Canalbrine  •  Lair of the Usurper
Winterlands: Cape Cold
Hinoeuma: Ryu
Leaflands: Cropdale  •  Animal Trail
Crestlands: Flamechurch
Wildlands: Crackridge
Master of Wealth: Burly Blackrobe  •  Captain Tristan  •  Sonia  •  Lady Herminia
Master of Power: Abnormal Ruffian  •  Al the Servant  •  Jurgen  •  Commander Tytos
Master of Fame: Aides  •  Francesca the Actress  •  Auguste the Playwright
Master of All: Ring-sealed Beast  •  Mesara the Thief  •  M'suhi the Viper  •  Edoras Infantryman  •  Gimel the Brigand Leader  •  Cerro the Emissary  •  Gonzalez the Ironarm  •  General Krauser  •  Mysterious Assassin  •  Edoras Soldier/Edoras Defenders  •  Gonska the Clown  •  King Pardis III
Bestower of Wealth: Blackrobes  •  Delvecchio  •  Mandarino and Remone  •  Lookouts  •  Judah the Believer  •  Oskha the Have-not
Bestower of Power: Foreign Emissaries  •  Captain Na'gu  •  G'roha Commander  •