Pontiff Julius.
If you are reading this, then human hope has triumphed over my ideal world.
I think perhaps there is some small part of me that desires this outcome.
Here I will record my life experiences and my final wish. I pray you will read until the very end.
From the moment I was born, I was bound to be this world's guardian.
As inheritor of the gift of the Blue Flame, I was to become the Flameguard, upholding justice and safekeeping the divine rings.
I never once questioned my fate. I wielded my sword and the Blue Flame without a single doubt in my mind.
However, my heart became clouded over time.
When I rescued that woman from the noble of Everhold, only to see her displeasure at being forced to return to her meager life...
When I was unable to save the princess who stood against King Pardis III's tyranny...
And when I learned the truth of what happened to my mother...
Though I gained your permission to incinerate the church's darkest recesses, the cloud over my heart never cleared.
Yet my duty had not changed.
I continued to use my Blue Flame to purge evil wherever it reared its ugly head.
For that was my life purpose.
Then one day, the world transformed around me.
The dark power that flowed into me when I came in contact with Ceraphina's flame gave rise to my very first desire.
And that desire in turn unveiled to me a rage deeper than any I had ever felt.
Once awakened to these emotions, I developed a hatred for this contradictory world, an unfathomable sorrow over my mother's plight, and a strong contempt for the foolishness of people.
My formely gray world became dyed in every kind of greed and sentiment, turning into a nauseating kaleidoscope of color.
This excited me—convicted me.
"I will purge this world of all desire."
That was the very first goal I held in life—my first dream.
How ironic that the power of darkness should be the one to nudge me down the path toward humanity.
These newfound feelings simultaneously confused, disgusted, and elated me.
Thus did I resolve to follow wherever they led.
I murdered people, desecrated the dead, and attempted to recreate the entire world all for the sake of my ideals.
As one who devoted myself to the eradication of all evil, I know I can no longer be saved after succumbing to this greed.
Yet, if the blessing of the Sacred Flame truly exists in this world...
Then I believe Rondo, who continues to cling to hope, is suited to being its next protector.