Octopath Traveler Wiki

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Octopath Traveler Wiki
Octopath Traveler Wiki
Game Sub-Pages:
Octopath Traveler Octopath Traveler II


Title Participant Location Timing
Ochette's Development Ochette and Castti - -
The Power of Jerky Ochette and Throné - -
A Special Technique Ochette and Osvald - -
A United Front Ochette and Hikari - -
Popular on the Isle Ochette and Agnea - -
Human Language Ochette and Temenos - -
Helping Heig Ochette and Castti - -
Rare Liquor Ochette and Partitio - -
Louder than Benkei Ochette and Hikari - -
Goulash Ochette and Osvald - -
A History Lesson for Acta Ochette and Temenos - -
The Dark Hunter Ochette and Hikari - -
The Scent of Danger Ochette and Throné - -
The Value of Money Ochette and Partitio
Agnea the Chef Ochette and Agnea - -
Osvald Smile Ochette and Osvald - -
Daggers vs. Bows Ochette and Throné - -
Worrying About Pala Ochette and Agnea - -
Ochette's Ears Ochette and Castti - -
The Case of the Missing Jerky Ochette and Temenos - -
Ochette's Fortune Telling Ochette and Partitio - -


Ochette's Development: Ochette and Castti
The Power of Jerky: Ochette and Throné
A Special Technique: Ochette and Osvald
A United Front: Ochette and Hikari
Popular on the Isle: Ochette and Agnea
Human Language: Ochette and Temenos
Helping Heig: Ochette and Castti
Rare Liquor: Ochette and Partitio
Louder than Benkei: Ochette and Hikari
Goulash: Ochette and Osvald
A History Lesson for Acta: Ochette and Temenos
The Dark Hunter: Ochette and Hikari
The Scent of Danger: Ochette and Throné
The Value of Money: Ochette and Partitio
Agnea the Chef: Ochette and Agnea
Osvald Smiles: Ochette and Osvald
Daggers vs. Bows: Ochette and Throné
Worrying About Pala: Ochette and Agnea
Ochette's Ears: Ochette and Castti
The Case of the Missing Jerky: Ochette and Temenos
Ochette's Fortune Telling: Ochette and Partitio


Title Participant Location Timing
Healers Castti and Agnea - -
Experiments Castti and Osvald - -
A Kind Apothecary Castti and Ochette - -
The Power to Move Hearts Castti and Partitio - -
Timberain's Treasure Castti and Throné - -
Reading Castti and Temenos - -
What I Need to Do Castti and Hikari - -
Pale as a Ghost Castti and Temenos - -
The Enemy's Scent Castti and Ochette - -
The Sandstep Castti and Agnea - -
Black Swelling Castti and Hikari - -
What Amnesia Feels Like Castti and Partitio - -
Talking to Yourself Castti and Osvald - -
Cleaning Up Castti and Throné - -
A Patient Woman Castti and Throné - -
Truth and Deceit Castti and Ochette - -
A Good Apothecary Castti and Temenos - -
Red Eyes Castti and Osvald - -
Herb Garden Castti and Hikari - -
Twisted Castti and Agnea - -
Lucky Castti and Partitio - -


Healers: Castti and Agnea
Experiments: Castti and Osvald
A Kind Apothecary: Castti and Ochette
The Power to Move Hearts: Castti and Partitio
Timberain's Treasure: Castti and Throné
Reading: Castti and Temenos
What I Need to Do: Castti and Hikari
Pale as a Ghost: Castti and Temenos
The Enemy's Scent: Castti and Ochette
The Sandstep: Castti and Agnea
Black Swelling: Castti and Hikari
What Amnesia Feels Like: Castti and Partitio
Talking to Yourself: Castti and Osvald
Cleaning Up: Castti and Throné
A Patient Woman: Castti and Throné
Truth and Deceit: Castti and Ochette
A Good Apothecary: Castti and Temenos
Red Eyes: Castti and Osvald
Herb Garden: Castti and Hikari
Twisted: Castti and Agnea
Lucky: Castti and Partitio


Title Participant Location Timing
A Baby Cries Throné and Osvald Lostseed After Cutscene "A Baby's cries" in Throné's Chapter 4.


Title Participant Location Timing


Title Participant Location Timing
President Partitio and Temenos Clockbank -
Industrial Revolution Partitio and Hikari Clockbank -
Dreams Partitio and Agnea Roque Island -
A Deal Worth Eighty Billion Partitio and Osvald Roque Island -
Ori's Articles Partitio and Throné Roque Island -
For Your Goal Partitio and Castti Roque Island -
The Battle with Roque Partitio and Ochette Roque Island -
Eighty Billion Partitio and Throné Wellgrove -
A Jerky Department Store Partitio and Ochette Wellgrove -
Out of Thin Air Partitio and Temenos Wellgrove -
Lord and Friend Partitio and Hikari Wellgrove -
The Nobleman Alrond Partitio and Castti Wellgrove -
A Poor Student's Woes Partitio and Osvald Wellgrove -
Peaches Partitio and Agnea Wellgrove After Cutscene "A Distinguished Achievement" in Partitio's Chapter 3
How Agnea Saved Up 10,000 Leaves Partitio and Agnea Clockbank -
Osvald the Sober Partitio and Osvald Clockbank -
A Contest of Strength Partitio and Hikari Clockbank -
Clothes Shopping Partitio and Throné Clockbank -
Shameless Audacity Partitio and Castti Clockbank -
Getting the Joke Partitio and Temenos Clockbank -
Nickname Partitio and Ochette Clockbank -


Peaches: Agnea and Partitio


Title Participant Location Timing
A Visit with the Pontiff Agnea and Temenos New Delsta -


A Visit with the Pontiff: Agnea and Temenos
Dogs: Agnea and Throné
Greatest Dancer in the Land: Agnea and Partitio
The Smell of Coffee: Agnea and Osvald
Hot Moves: Agnea and Hikari
A Normal Town: Agnea and Throné
Papa: Agnea and Hikari
Agnea's Legs: Agnea and Castti
Ochette's Phrase: Agnea and Ochette
Mama: Agnea and Castti
The Weight of a Leaf: Agnea and Partitio
Garud and Cuani: Agnea and Hikari
Shoes: Agnea and Temenos
Singing Together: Agnea and Osvald
Dolcinaea's Change: Agnea and Ochette
Raspberry Festival: Agnea and Throné
A New Stage: Agnea and Partitio
Gil's Piano: Agnea and Ochette
Names of the Gods: Agnea and Temenos
Agnea's Idea: Agnea and Osvald
The Power of Music: Agnea and Hikari


Title Participant Location Timing
Mysteries to Be Solved Temenos and Throné Flamechurch -
Their Memories Live On Temenos and Hikari Rifted Rock -
Osvald's Encouragement Temenos and Osvald Rifted Rock -
Castti's Encouragement Temenos and Osvald Nameless Village -
Leader of the Moonshade Order Temenos and Osvald - -
Meat Between Your Teeth Temenos and Partitio - -
Mural in the Ruins Temenos and Ochette Fellsun Ruins -
Memories of Roi Temenos and Agnea Crackridge -
Lost Temenos and Throné - -
Temenos's Nemesis Temenos and Castti Stormhail -
Battle with the Church Temenos and Hikari Stormhail -
Crows Temenos and Partitio Stormhail -
Headquarters of the Sacred Guard Temenos and Ochette Stormhail -
The Pit of D'arqest Temenos and Osvald Stormhail -
Ack! Temenos and Agnea Stormhail -
Why Do They Call You A Hound? Temenos and Ochette Canalbrine -
The Great Detective Temenos and Hikari Canalbrine -
An Amateur's Work Temenos and Throné Canalbrine -
Too Hard on Crick Temenos and Agnea Canalbrine -
Pops's Hat Temenos and Partitio Canalbrine -
Death of the Pontiff Temenos and Castti Canalbrine -


Title Participant Location Timing



  • All travel banters in characters' stories can be visited again in the Journal, regardless if the player has seen them or not.
[v · e · ?]
Octopath Traveler II
Travelers: Ochette  •  Castti  •  Throné  •  Osvald  •  Partitio  •  Agnea  •  Temenos  •  Hikari
Ochette's Path: Akalā  •  Mahina  •  Juvah  •  Cohazeh  •  Dark Entity  •  Alpione  •  Cateracta  •  Acta  •  Tera  •  Pom  •  Glacis  •  Heig  •  Darkling of the Sorrowful Moon
Castti's Path: Malaya  •  Sesque  •  Senah  •  Veron and Doron  •  Mao  •  Edmund  •  Griff  •  Rosa  •  Melia  •  Lily  •  Greg  •  Plukk  •  Mikk  •  Makk  •  Trousseau  •  Elma  •  Andy  •  Randy  •  Sally  •  Temm
Throné's Path: Pirro  •  Scaracci  •  Donnie  •  Diamante  •  Father  •  Mother  •  Masked Boy  •  The Slaver  •  Bergomi  •  Elderly Guard  •  Mira  •  Morozov  •  Marietta  •  Guide  •  Claude
Osvald's Path: Warden Davids  •  Emerald  •  Bale  •  Harvey  •  Rita  •  Elena  •  Lady Clarissa  •  Stenvar  •  Grieving Golem
Partitio's Path: Papp  •  Roque  •  Ned  •  Joe  •  Harry  •  Nikki  •  Giff  •  Will  •  Ori  •  Floyd  •  Thurston  •  Garnet  •  Terry  •  Audley  •  Masoud  •  Alrond  •  Misha
Agnea's Path: Gus  •  Pala  •  Garud  •  Cuani  •  Dolcinaea  •  Gil  •  La'mani  •  Veronica  •  Giselle  •  Rico  •  Coda  •  Tanzy  •  Laila  •  Platt
Temenos's Path: Mindt  •  Pontiff Jörg  •  Lucian  •  Crick  •  Felvarg  •  Cubaryi  •  Kaldena  •  Ort  •  Hermes  •  Vados  •  Roi  •  Reiza  •  Kaldena's Father  •  Shirlutto
Hikari's Path: Ritsu  •  Kazan  •  Mugen  •  Rai Mei  •  Southern General  •  Jigo Ku  •  Tsuki  •  Benkei  •  Bandelam  •  Borneau  •  Zeto  •  "Hikari"  •  Mikka  •  Azuma  •  General Rou  •  King of Sa  •  Ageha  •  Kunzo  •  Jin Mei  •  Kura  •  Bandit Chief
Side Stories: Al  •  Arkar  •  Eugis  •  Porta  •  Tiffany  •  Margello  •  Meylan  •  Nero  •  Judge Astell  •  Ruby  •  Yurinas  •  Karma  •  Georges Lazuli
Other: Regulus  •  Wooly-Ooly  •  Yomi  •  Alpates  •  Arcanette  •  Petrichor  •  Oboro  •  D'arqest
Hinoeuma: Ku  •  Ku: Castle Town  •  Sai  •  Ryu  •  Castle Ku  •  Tranquil Grotto  •  Dragonridge  •  Sand Lion's Den  •  Five-Tiered Tower
Wildlands: Oresrush  •  Crackridge  •  Gravell  •  Fellsun Ruins  •  Duskruin Shrine  •  Bed of the Titan  •  Giff's Manse
Leaflands: Timberain  •  Wellgrove  •  Cropdale  •  Timberain Castle  •  Veil of Trees  •  Animal Trail  •  Mother's Garden  •  Secret Forest  •  House Wellows Manor
Harborlands: Canalbrine  •  Conning Creek  •  Roque Island  •  Cavern of the Sea God  •  Cavern of the Moon and Sun  •  Sacred Guard Ship
Toto'haha: Beasting Village  •  Tropu'hopu  •  Nameless Village  •  Wandering Wood  •  Tombs of the Wardenbeasts
Brightlands: New Delsta  •  Clockbank  •  Lostseed  •  Underground Waterway  •  Diamante's Estate  •  New Delsta: Theater
Crestlands: Flamechurch  •  Flamechurch: Cathedral  •  Montwise  •  Merry Hills  •  Abandoned Church  •  Underground Laboratory  •  Shrine of Ul'sterra
Winterlands: Stormhail  •  Winterbloom  •  Cape Cold  •  Frigit Isle  •  Sacred Peak Altahe  •  Castle Mei  •  Snowhares' Den  •  Infernal Castle
Sundering Sea: Lighthouse Island  •  Curious Nest  •  Shipwreck of the Empress  •  Nameless Isle  •  The Lost Isle  •  Vidania  •  Gate of Finis
Ochette's Path: King Iguana  •  Dark Entity  •  Alpione  •  Tera  •  Glacis  •  Darkling of the Sorrowful Moon
Castti's Path: Veron and Doron  •  Sand Lion  •  Mikk  •  Makk  •  Plukk  •  Trousseau
Throné's Path: Pirro  •  Bergomi  •  Mother  •  Father  •  Claude
Osvald's Path: Warden Davids  •  Lady Clarissa  •  Captain Stenvar  •  Grieving Golem  •  Professor Harvey
Partitio's Path: Giff  •  Garnet  •  Neo Steam Engine  •  Thurston  •  Steam Tank Obsidian
Agnea's Path: Duorduor  •  La'mani  •  Veronica  •  Dolcinaea
Temenos's Path: Felvarg  •  Vados the Architect  •  Deputy Cubaryi  •  Captain Kaldena
Hikari's Path: Ritsu Mishuyo  •  Bandelam the Reaper  •  General Rou  •  Rai Mei  •  King Mugen
The Final Chapter: Grotesque Monster  •  Arcanette  •  Vide
Optional: Behemoth  •  Deep One  •  Dreadwolf  •  Battle-Worn Shark  •  Scourge of the Sea  •  Karma  •  Gken  •  Ichchadhari the Snake Charmer  •  Tyran the Seeker  •  Auðnvarg  •  Priestess Hinoekagura  •  Galdera
Game Mechanics
General: Achievements  •  Side Stories  •  Travel Banter
Battle: Experience  •  Skills  •  Status Effects  •  Support Skills
Path Actions: Guide/Allure  •  Scrutinize/Inquire  •  Purchase/Steal  •  Provoke/Challenge
Inventory: Items  •  Weapons  •  Shields  •  Headgear  •  Body Armor  •  Materials
Jobs: Cleric  •  Scholar  •  Merchant  •  Warrior  •  Dancer  •  Apothecary  •  Thief  •  Hunter
Advanced Jobs: Arcanist  •  Inventor  •  Armsmaster  •  Conjurer