The Lost Isle is an optional field location in Octopath Traveler II. Located on the northeastern Sundering Sea, this hidden island houses an enormous labyrinth.
By traversing a secret path to the west of the labyrinth, players can find an Arcanist Descendant who will grant them the Arcanist job. The Arcanist will disappear immediately after this interaction, having fulfilled their duty.
- Blood Revenant
- Blood Remnant
- Ancient Cursed Talisman (x4)
- Blessing in Disguise Amulet
- Lost Tribe's Dagger
- Great Sage's Staff
- The Lost Isle has a notably lower encounter rate than other dungeons, allowing the player to traverse large sections of the labyrinth uninterrupted. It also only has two monsters, those being Blood Remnants and Blood Revenants.
- The Arcanist Descendant speaks in a manner identical to that of the twelve gods in the original Octopath Traveler: "Unto thee... I impart the lost secrets of the heavens."
- The Lost Isle contains two signposts. The first, by the entrance, reads "Find the true path." The second, at the end of the labyrinth, reads, "The true path... Free from wickedness and distraction, Thy mind's eye shall be thy guide."
- The secret path sparkles blue from time to time, reminiscent of the light underlying Glacis's ice bridge in the Stormy Cape.