- "There are people out there who will appreciate me and my works for what they are. Like you, Partitio." —Terry
Terry is a character in Octopath Traveler II. She is a shipwright working in Tropu'hopu and built the ship the Grand Terry, named by its buyer, Partitio Yellowil.
Terry wears a red hat, a dark crop top, and bright teal pants.
Terry is extremely gifted in her craft, but recently disillusioned by the contempt of investors and prospective buyers who fail to value her work. She has grown bitter with a lack of appreciation, refusing to accept anything less than 100,000 leaves for her latest unfinished ship. When Partitio invests in her skills, however, Terry finds the motivation to finish the ship and sell it to him, at last finding appreciation for her abilities.
Terry was once apprenticed to her grandfather, known across the world as a master shipwright. Investors would flock to his creations, but when he died, they scattered in the fear that Terry's designs could not live up to his promise. As such, Terry's most recent ship remains unfinished, and she continually sends off disappointed buyers.
Once Partitio purchases her ship for 100,000 leaves, Terry rediscovers her enthusiasm and finishes the ship's construction. She allows Partitio to choose the visual appearance and name of her ship, which he dubs the Grand Terry in her honor.
- "Now then, what sort of ship should I make next?" —In Tropu'hopu: Shipyard (day)
- "Blueprints make a ship, and I still need a lot of practice penning them." —In Tropu'hopu: Shipyard (night)
- "I wouldn't mind sailing the sea for a bit." —When recruited
- "That was fun. Ask me again anytime!" —Parting Ways
- "Heh, this shipwright is going to shipwreck you!" —When Challenged
- "Sorry, but I can't have you getting in the way!" —When Provoked
- "Hey, quit bothering me, will you?" —Path Action failure
"Terry" can be derived from the Gothic name "Theodoric" (meaning "ruler of the people") or from the Greek name "Teresa" (meaning "to harvest"). Terry's name likely reflects her outstanding skill at shipbuilding ("ruling" over other practitioners of her craft) and her long-awaited success (granted when Partitio chooses to "harvest" the bounty of her ship).
- Upon buying the ship from Terry, the player gains the ability to sail the Sundering Sea at will, and may choose to customize the ship from the following design options:
- Colors (unpainted, black, red, or blue)
- Sail design (undecorated, sun, sea god's trident, or octopus)
- Once the Grand Terry has been purchased, players can buy a Ship Alteration Ticket from Terry for 20,000 leaves. Doing so will allow the player to customize their ship one more time, though this ability only lasts once, and further alterations require the purchase of another ticket. Terry's ticket cannot be stolen or entreated from her, and another ticket immediately reappears in her inventory when the last one is purchased.
- Terry's Dance Session ability is Fortifying Refrain. She wields a staff in battle.