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Octopath Traveler Wiki

This page is about the battle against S. Odio, Lord of Dark. For the main character page, see S. Odio.

S. Odio, Lord of Dark is an enemy in Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent. He is the final boss of the OCT A LIVE side story.


This battle is scripted and O. Odio is the only playable traveler available. Battle will end when S. Odio, Lord of Dark uses Wave of Torment after boost mode.

  • Searing Madness - Deal Type Dark damage to random target 3 time(s). Impart Debuff Dark Res. Down Dark Res. Down  with every attack for 3 turns.
  • Expunge - Deal Type Dark damage to single target 3 time(s). Restores HP of self.
  • Twilight Abyss - Deal Type Dark damage to Front.
  • Torment's Draught - Deal Type Dark damage to Front 3 time(s).
  • S. Odio, Lord of Dark stands ready!: S. Odio, Lord of Dark enters boost mode. Uses Wave of Torment in his next action.
    • Wave of Torment - Reduces HP of single target to 1. The battle will end afterwards.

In this phase, Oersted will be a NPC ally.

  • Wave of Torment - Deal Type Dark damage to single target.
  • Searing Madness - Deal Type Dark damage to random target 3 time(s). Impart Debuff Dark Res. Down Dark Res. Down  with every attack for 3 turns.
  • Expunge - Deal Type Dark damage to single target 3 time(s). Restores HP of self.
  • Twilight Abyss - Deal Type Dark damage to Front. Inflict Status Paralysis Paralysis (The target has a certain chance of being unable to act) for 3 turns.
  • Torment's Draught - Deal Type Dark damage to Front 3 time(s).
  • Wave of Despair - At full BP. Deal Type Dark damage to Front. Can use Desperophobia afterwards.
  • Saint Alicia - Can be used at the end of a turn at 50% or less. Reduces HP of Front to 1. Impart permanent Debuff Phys. Atk. Down Phys. Atk. Down , Debuff Phys. Def. Down Phys. Def. Down , Debuff Elem. Atk. Down Elem. Atk. Down , Debuff Elem. Def. Down Elem. Def. Down , Debuff Crit. Down Crit. Down  and Debuff Spd. Down Spd. Down . Inflict permanent CotC Status Poison Poison (The target will take elemental damage at the end of their turn), Status Bleeding Bleeding (The target will take physical damage at the end of their turn) and Status Paralysis Paralysis (The target has a certain chance of being unable to act).
  • Ebony Curse - Can be used at the end of a turn. Recover 1 BP, but consume 25% of max SP.
  • Desperophobia - Restore own SP (amount: 100% of max SP).
  • Hollow Delusion - Can be used at start of a turn. Impart self with Buff Elem. Atk. Up Elem. Atk. Up  and Buff Dark Dmg. Up Dark Dmg. Up  for 6 turns.
  • Fetters of Despair - Start of turn at:
    • 40% HP: Impart self with permanent Buff Elem. Atk. Up Elem. Atk. Up .
    • 25% HP or less: Replaces the permanent Elem. Atk. Up for Buff Dmg. Up Dmg. Up .
