Octopath Traveler Wiki

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Octopath Traveler Wiki

"I am here hoping to meet with the chief of a certain tribe. If I knew where to find him, I could arrange everything myself, but..." —Ria

Ria, Born to Roam (III) is a side story in Octopath Traveler. This chapter of the tale begins by speaking to Ria in the square before Marsalim Palace in Marsalim after both Ria, Born to Roam (I) and Ria, Born to Roam (II) have been completed.

Ria Marsalim Location

Ria, Marsalim


Path Action Inquire Inquire / Path Action Scrutinize Scrutinize[]

Successfully use the Inquire or Scrutinize path action to glean the knowledge Chieftain's Schedule from the Chieftain ( Path Action Inquire Min Lvl: 45 / Path Action Scrutinize Base Rate: 50% ) in the east wing of Marsalim Palace.
The tale ends once Chieftain's Schedule is shared with Ria.
"Ria turned out to be Gloria, King Khalim's daughter. She had gone out in disguise to correct a certain chieftain's wrongdoings, and pledges to be a greater monarch than her father."


Upon completion of the side story, the following occurs:

  • Chieftain permanently disappears.
  • Ria changes her name to Gloria and relocates to Marsalim Palace


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Side Stories
Frostlands: Sir Miles, Servant of the Flame (I/II/III)  •  The Innocent Inmate  •  The Slumbering Giant  •  Lianna and Eliza*  •  Let There Be Warmth  •  Setting Out  •  Arianna Again (I/II)*  •  Here Be Dragons  •  Heirloom of a High House  •  Ogen's Epilogue*
Flatlands: Theracio's Tutelage (I/II/III)  •  The Prodigious Painting  •  Fit for a King  •  City of Gold  •  Zeph and Mercedes (II)*  •  In Search of Father (I)  •  The Gravekeeper's Grief  •  The Price of Vengeance  •  Mikk and Makk Make Good*  •  Scaredy Sheep  •  Tilting at Windmills
Coastlands: Le Mann, Explorer Extraordinaire (I/II/III)  •  Love Unrequited  •  Princess Mary, Redux*  •  In Search of Father (II)  •  Left Behind  •  The Merchant's Path  •  Scourge of the Seas  •  An Exotic Aroma  •  The Diarist's Desire*  •  Keeping Up with the Wyndhams*
Highlands: Noelle, Seeker of Knowledge (I/II/III)  •  Never Forget  •  Fertile Fields  •  Lost in Translation  •  A Royal Secret  •  Up to No Good  •  Russell's Repentance*  •  Star of the Stage  •  Performance Art  •  At Journey's End
Sunlands: Ria, Born to Roam (I/II/III)  •  Her Time to Shine  •  The Bouncer  •  The Adventures of Ali*  •  In Search of Sweets  •  Shadow over the Sands  •  Back with Bale*  •  The Prisoner's Plea  •  In Search of the Unknown  •  King Khalim's Conundrum*
Riverlands: Meryl, Lost then Found (I/II/III)  •  For Want of Fish  •  A Sweet Reunion  •  Zeph and Mercedes (I)*  •  Daughter of the Dark God (II)  •  The Worrywart  •  The Pilgrims' Plight  •  A Corpse with No Name  •  The Hidden Hoard  •  The Adventuring Life  •  Friends Again*  •  Hello Again, Harald*
Cliftlands: Daughter of the Dark God (I)  •  Kaia, Mother of Dragons (I/II/III)  •  The Bandits' Code  •  Sparks of Revolution  •  Heathcote's High Jinks*  •  A Miner Dilemma  •  The Weaver's Predicament  •  Revello and Odette*  •  On the Precipice  •  The Wayward Son
Woodlands: Ashlan the Beastmaster (I/II/III)  •  Rite of Passage  •  Way Through the Woods  •  Alphas and the Impresario  •  Arena Aspirations  •  A Promising Venture  •  Into Thin Air  •  Again with Alaic*  •  A Cub with No Name  •  Looting Grave Robber
Special: Kit, the Traveler