- "I am here hoping to meet with the chief of a certain tribe. If I knew where to find him, I could arrange everything myself, but..." —Ria
Ria, Born to Roam (III) is a side story in Octopath Traveler. This chapter of the tale begins by speaking to Ria in the square before Marsalim Palace in Marsalim after both Ria, Born to Roam (I) and Ria, Born to Roam (II) have been completed.

Ria, Marsalim
Inquire /
Successfully use the Inquire or Scrutinize path action to glean the knowledge Chieftain's Schedule from the Chieftain (
Min Lvl: 45 /
Base Rate: 50% ) in the east wing of Marsalim Palace.

Chieftain, Marsalim Palace
The tale ends once Chieftain's Schedule is shared with Ria.
- "Ria turned out to be Gloria, King Khalim's daughter. She had gone out in disguise to correct a certain chieftain's wrongdoings, and pledges to be a greater monarch than her father."
Upon completion of the side story, the following occurs:
- Chieftain permanently disappears.
- Ria changes her name to Gloria and relocates to Marsalim Palace