Pelagia is a character in Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent appearing in the Bestower of Power storyline. Like her brother Gonska, she is a master illusionist from G'roha and serves as the right hand of her Empress Tatloch.
Pelagia is a woman dressed in red jester garb, with a cravat, two-belled hat, one long feather sticking out of it, and a smiling mask that covers his face. Her garb also involves a coat-tailed cape, with purple insides. Her colour scheme is the opposite of his brother's.
Pelagia is a loyal officer of G'roha, and her queen's right hand woman, following her every command and defending her with her life. She is, very similarly to her brother, a sadistic and deceitful individual who enjoys using cheap tricks to defeat her enemies, and happily claims the reason she wants the Divine Rings for G'roha is all the destruction they can bring upon the land.
Pelagia is also quite egotistical, considering herself to be much more formidable than her brother, to the point of calling him "brainless" after his death.
When G'Roha invaded Orsterra, Pelagia was tasked with taking over the city of Grandport to open the way for Tatloch's fleet to invade Isle of Orsa and steal the Divine Rings kept there. From her ship, Pelagia witnessed her soldiers being defeated by Eltrix, as well as the arrival of the Ringbearer Chosen and their allies to provide support. Among those allies was Eltrix's niece Alaune, queen of Edoras, so Pelagia decided to sneak inside the city and draw her into an ambush by impersonating a wounded Eltrix. However, Alaune didn't fall for her trick, knowing her aunt was to proud to actually ask for her help. The true Eltrix, as well as the Chosen One and their allies then arrived to protect the queen and defeated Pelagia, forcing her to flee.
Later, when the allied kingdoms of Edoras fought Tatloch's fleet and sunk her flagship, Pelagia encountered the Chosen One once more as they snuck into the ship to fight the empress. Despite powering herself up with magic, she was defeated again. As a last ditch effort, Pelagia sacrificed her life to create a magical burst that would take out the heroes, but failed when Lebrandt, Alaune's Chief Vassal, pushed her away at the cost of his own life.
In Bestower of Power Chapter II, Pelagia is fought as Pelagia the Conjurer.
- No tricks or schemes. // Pelagia the Conjurer's shield and weak points are hidden.: Start of battle and after recovering from a break. Hides shield points and weaknesses behind a dark fog. Effect is removed upon break.
- Pelagia the Conjurer's weakesses will change!: After hiding her shield points and weaknesses and can be used randomly in battle. Randomly switch between her weaknesses sets along her elemental skill set:
- Fireball (Single) - Deal
damage to single target.
- Scatter Blossom: Deal
damage to random target 4 time(s).
- Fireball (All) II - Deal
damage to Front.
- Fool's Firestorm: In boost mode. Deal
damage to Front 5 time(s). Inflict
Weakness (The target will consume more SP) and
Terror (The target will not gain BP at the start of their turn and cannot boost) for 3 turns.
- Fireball (Single) - Deal
- Icewind (Single) - Deal
damage to single target.
- Ice Sneer: Deal
damage to random target 3 time(s). Inflict
Weakness (The target will consume more SP) for 3 turns in each strike.
- Icewind (All) II - Deal
damage to Front.
- Fool's Glacier: In boost mode. Deal
damage to Front 5 time(s). Inflict
Weakness (The target will consume more SP) and
Terror (The target will not gain BP at the start of their turn and cannot boost) for 3 turns.
- Icewind (Single) - Deal
- Black Magic (Single) - Deal
damage to single target.
- Drama at Dusk: Deal
damage to Front. Inflict
Terror (The target will not gain BP at the start of their turn and cannot boost) for 3 turns.
- Black Magic (All) II - Deal
damage to Front.
- Fool's Covert Maneuvers: In boost mode. Deal
damage to Front 5 time(s). Inflict
Weakness (The target will consume more SP) and
Terror (The target will not gain BP at the start of their turn and cannot boost) for 3 turns.
- Black Magic (Single) - Deal
- Pelagia the Conjurer's weakesses will change!: After hiding her shield points and weaknesses and can be used randomly in battle. Randomly switch between her weaknesses sets along her elemental skill set:
- Medica (Single) III - Restore HP of an ally and grant
Vim and Vigor (The target will gain some HP at the end of their turn) for 2 turns.
- Empty Dream: Forcibly switch Front travelers for the Back ones. Travelers acting after the movement will slip and fall, missing their turn.
- Illusion and Reality: Reduces 20% of Front travelers' maximum SP.
- It's...over!: Pelagia the Conjurer enters boost mode. Her next movement depends of her current elemental skill set if not broken before her next action.
In Bestower of Power, Chapter III, Pelagia is fought as Pelagia the Conjurer (Ruin).
- No tricks or bluffs. // Pelagia the Conjurer (Ruin)'s shield and weak points are hidden. / Can you figure this out? // Pelagia the Conjurer (Ruin)'s shield and weak points are hidden.: Start of battle / after recovering from a break. Hides shield points and weaknesses behind a dark fog. Effect is removed upon break.
- Pelagia the Conjurer (Ruin)'s weakesses will change!: After hiding her shield points and weaknesses and can be used randomly in battle. Randomly switch between her weaknesses sets along her elemental skill set:
- Fireball (Single) - Deal
damage to single target.
- Scatter Blossom: Deal
damage to random target 4 time(s).
- Fireball (All) II - Deal
damage to Front.
- Fool's Firestorm: In boost mode. Deal
damage to Front 5 time(s). Inflict
Weakness (The target will consume more SP) and
Terror (The target will not gain BP at the start of their turn and cannot boost) for 3 turns.
- Fireball (Single) - Deal
- Icewind (Single) - Deal
damage to single target.
- Ice Sneer: Deal
damage to random target 3 time(s). Inflict
Weakness (The target will consume more SP) for 3 turns in each strike.
- Icewind (All) II - Deal
damage to Front.
- Fool's Glacier: In boost mode. Deal
damage to Front 5 time(s). Inflict
Weakness (The target will consume more SP) and
Terror (The target will not gain BP at the start of their turn and cannot boost) for 3 turns.
- Icewind (Single) - Deal
- Black Magic (Single) - Deal
damage to single target.
- Drama at Dusk: Deal
damage to Front. Inflict
Terror (The target will not gain BP at the start of their turn and cannot boost) for 3 turns.
- Black Magic (All) II - Deal
damage to Front.
- Fool's Covert Maneuvers: In boost mode. Deal
damage to Front 5 time(s). Inflict
Weakness (The target will consume more SP) and
Terror (The target will not gain BP at the start of their turn and cannot boost) for 3 turns.
- Black Magic (Single) - Deal
- Pelagia the Conjurer (Ruin)'s weakesses will change!: After hiding her shield points and weaknesses and can be used randomly in battle. Randomly switch between her weaknesses sets along her elemental skill set:
- Medica (Single) III - Restore HP of an ally and grant
Vim and Vigor (The target will gain some HP at the end of their turn) for 2 turns.
- Empty Dream: Forcibly switch Front travelers for the Back ones. Travelers acting after the movement will slip and fall, missing their turn.
- Illusion and Reality: Reduces 20% of Front travelers' maximum SP.
- Summon Pawn: At 60% HP or less and the next turn after recovering from a break. Summons a Phantom Soldier to the battlefield.
- Die!!!!: At 60% HP or less. Pelagia the Conjurer (Ruin) enters boost mode. Her next movement depends of her current elemental skill set if not broken before her next action.
- Dark Offering: Cast
Countdown on self for 5 turns. It will be followed by Dark Implosion if Pelagia is not broken before the countdown's end.
- Dark Ally: Deal
damage to single target.
- Dark Impact: Deal
damage to single target.
- Annihilate: When Pelagia the Conjurer (Ruin) is broken or is not longer in the battlefield. Takes up to 100% damage of max HP from Self.