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Octopath Traveler Wiki

Path to the Bed of the Titan is a dungeon location in Octopath Traveler II. It is Ochette's Chapter 2: Tera Route dungeon, leading to the Bed of the Titan where Tera slumbers.


Name HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Leaf (Collect) EXP JP Item (Droprate %) Steal
Wild Mole IV 1,232 2 Type PolearmsType AxesType StavesType Light LeafLeaf 240 (LeafLeaf 480) 26 25 Inspiriting Plum (14%) Inspiriting Plum
Wild Mole V 1,348 3 Type SwordsType BowsType StavesType Light LeafLeaf 264 (LeafLeaf 528) 40 27 Plum Leaf (25%) Plum Leaf
Wild Mole VI 1,697 4 Type SwordsType StavesType Lightning LeafLeaf 336 (LeafLeaf 672) 70 34 Inspiriting Plum (M) (5%) Inspiriting Plum (M)
King Condor 2,624 3 Type PolearmsType StavesType Lightning LeafLeaf 450 (LeafLeaf 900) 81 37 Inspiriting Plum (10%) Inspiriting Plum
Shaggy Spider 2,712 4 Type DaggersType AxesType StavesType Ice LeafLeaf 495 (LeafLeaf 990) 75 40 Healing Grape Bunch (6%) Healing Grape Bunch
Two-handed Hatchling 1,397 3 Type SwordsType AxesType FireType Light LeafLeaf 288 (LeafLeaf 576) 39 29 Cleansing Leaf (25%) Cleansing Leaf
Vampire Bat 1,330 2 Type SwordsType PolearmsType BowsType Light LeafLeaf 348 (LeafLeaf 696) 36 35 Healing Grape (M) (8%) Healing Grape (M)





  • Although Path to the Bed of the Titan serves as the majority of its respective dungeon, this path is unmarked on the world map. Its label merely calls it "Bed of the Titan."