- "I'll be back once I eliminate that devil called poverty from the world!" —Partitio, preparing to leave Oresrush
Partitio Yellowil is one of eight playable characters in Octopath Traveler II. A charismatic merchant who follows his father and partner's footsteps, he seeks to share prosperity with the whole of Solistia after suffering poverty in his hometown.
Partitio wears a gray vest with a white undershirt and a tie, with black pants and brown shoes. As befits his name, yellow is a very prominent color on him, as shown by both his coat that he wears over his clothes while letting the sleeves hang loose, and the white fedora with a yellow strap gifted to him by his father. In English, he speaks with an American southern accent.
Partitio is a charismatic, hardworking, but kind and generous man with all the makings of a good merchant. After experiencing poverty, he desires to eliminate it and share wealth and prosperity with everyone. Despite his kindness, should anyone "get his goat," he will lose his temper, becoming enraged in the face of inequality. He is quite forgiving, however, willing to hire the likes of Thurston even after their dirty actions. He is also empathetic and can be emotional, as seen when the suffering of his friends during Oresrush's period of poverty drives him to tears.
Partitio gives a silver coin to everyone he meets, an action that he describes as a "mercantile investment" to ensure that they'll remember his face. Despite his mercantile prowess, he is both generous and innovative, repeatedly coming up with new ways to do business or optimize technology. He tends to seek solutions to any problem that he comes across, even aiding complete strangers, and his endless optimism inspires or redeems nearly every person that he comes across.
Partitio firmly believes that happiness, not money, is the ultimate goal of a merchant.
Your name is Partitio Yellowil, and you are a merchant. Your tale begins in the vast wastes of the Wildlands. After witnessing the rise and fall of the pioneer town you call home, you set your gaze upon the horizon. "I'll be back once I eliminate that devil called poverty from the world!" With dreams of bringing prosperity to all, you embark on a journey with only the scent of commerce to guide you... - Partitio's description when selecting him.
(I don't think this is where I should be going at the moment...) The following section contains potential story spoilers! |
Prior to Story[]
Sixteen years prior to current events, Partitio, his father Papp, and family friend and business partner Roque Brilliante oversaw the land that would become Oresrush, their new home and business venture due to rumors of silver deposits in the location. After a conversation between the three regarding land ownership, Papp challenged his son to test his business acumen: buy silver ore using the leaves he had given him. Partitio succeeded at this task, which earned him praise from both men.
Eight years later, Oresrush had become very prosperous with silver being its commodity. A 16-year old Partitio was an accomplished merchant in the town. One day, after a meeting with his father, he was alerted by Joe that a gang, led by Giff, was causing trouble for the workers again. After a scuffle that forced the gang to retreat (and a celebratory meal on Partitio, though not willingly), Partitio returned home to find Roque headed eastward for new a business opportunity with a new invention called the steam engine, citing that the Silver Age was soon going away. He offered Partitio a chance to join him, but the boy refused, saying his place was with the town and its people. This disappointed Roque, who left town immediately after.
Soon after Roque's departure, the former land owner took back the land due to a contract loophole and levied a huge tax on silver, causing most of the residents to live in poverty.
Chapter 1[]
A 24-year-old Partitio takes care of his father, who is in poor health due to overwork. While getting medicine for his father, he encounters his friends, who beg him for any type of work and even resort to stealing from each other to get food. Partitio shares his food with his friends, apologizing for being unable to provide work for them. He begins to cry from frustration by their situation. Giff and his men, who are the enforcers of the land owner, appear, taunting Partitio and demanding taxes from the townspeople. Giff announces that taxes on silver have gone up and taunts Partitio and his friends further before leaving.
As Partitio leaves Papp's medicine by his bedside, Papp offers his son a word of advise: to "do whatever it is you wanna do most". This inspires Partitio to meet his friends with a proposition to storm Giff's manse and put a stop to his ways once and for all. Partitio finds Giff and his men, lecturing him about the value of the "little" individuals who make wealth and the threat of losing them should they be treated with contempt. Giff responds by revealing the truth about the signed contract: that the bit about the original owner taking back the land wasn't in the original.
Partitio fights Giff and wins. A terrified Giff begs Partitio to spare him, saying he was "just following orders". Giff is reluctant to reveal who is boss is, but further threats from Partitio loosen his tongue: his boss is none other than Roque himself.
Prosperity returns to Oresrush, with Giff acting as an errand boy to Papp. Partitio checks in on his father, who says he's "too busy to be dead", and that he's redistributed the wealth stolen from them. He requests to have a talk with his son and leads him to the cliff by their house, where he encourages Partitio to travel in order to see his potential filled. Partitio admits he has wanted to see the world ever since Roque left, and that now especially he wants to help those in poverty. Papp gives Partitio his hat, saying he's grown into a full merchant, and implores him to go out and help others like he helped Oresrush. With the goal to eliminate "that devil called poverty", Partitio leaves town.
If Partitio isn't your first choice, he is seen outside his home. Accept Partitio's request for you to accompany him on his travels and he will join the Party.
Chapter 2[]
Partitio makes his way to Clockbank and is awed by its glitz and glamor. As he explores, he runs into a man named Thurston demanding a boy named Will pay taxes for the Roque Company. When Thurston physically threatens the child, Partitio intervenes, scaring Thurston off. He is then accosted by a scrivener named Ori. She introduces him to the concepts of a business card and newspaper, then, responding to his inquiry, explains how the Roque Company rose to power thanks to the power of the steam engine. In spite of the sheer prosperity he hears about, Partitio is concerned that such a supposedly rich town still has so many suffering under poverty. He resolves to have a meeting with Roque, and sets off to find how to get in contact with him. Partitio attempts to get in contact with his old friend to no avail; but an opportunity presents itself when he meets a Roque Company employee named Floyd, who points Partitio to the company office. Partitio is told the president is not on the premises when he asks about Roque there.
Wandering into the factory, he sees steam engines for the first time, noticing one that looks different. After an explosive near-miss, Floyd appears and explains that he's working to make the steam engine easier for mass production. Saying his dream is prosperity for all wins Partitio's approval. Unfortunately, Floyd is having trouble finding materials that are inexpensive but still high quality enough to be safe. Partitio agrees to help look for that material, learning about clockite, a material that is durable at high temperatures. With the assistance of a clockmaker, Floyd is able to finish his prototype. Overjoyed, Floyd and Partitio celebrate at a nearby tavern before returning to the factory.
When Partitio reenters the factory, however, he can find neither Floyd nor the steam engine. He is attacked by guards who see him as an intruder. After fighting them off, Partitio investigates the factory. He finds Thurston and Floyd in an argument, with the former going against the latter's wishes to spread the steam engine to impoverished communities, reminding him that his contract states that his invention belongs wholly to the Roque Company. Partitio rushes to Floyd's side and demands that Thurston change his mind. Thurston refuses, and instead sends the company hound Garnet to chase him off. Partitio intimidates the dog instead.
As Partitio explains his intentions for the new steam engine, Roque appears. Partitio wastes no time confronting Roque about his deception, which Roque admits to. Partitio decides to "settle" their dispute with a transaction: he will buy the rights to the steam engine for any price that Roque demands. Roque settles on a ludicrous sum of eighty billion. Partitio remains unshaken, and commits to the deal, promising that when he and Roque next meet, he will have eighty billion on hand.
Partitio and Floyd wonder how he will accumulate such a vast amount. Ori, who had appeared after Partitio made his deal, offers a potential tip: an incredibly wealthy lord named Alrond that resides in the town of Wellgrove. With this knowledge in hand, Partitio sets off to find this lord and get the capital he needs to make good on his deal, but not before having a conversation with Will about his dreams. Partitio promises Will that he'll change the world into one where people can work the jobs they want.
Crossed Paths, Part 1[]
Partitio and Osvald arrive at New Delsta, admiring the city's energy. While exploring the street, they witness Regulus, a old friend of Osvald's, collapse from starvation. They make for the tavern after Partitio feeds him some bread. Here, Regulus tells them about his invention: the astronomical telescope, which will bring humanity closer to the stars. However, it is not complete yet due to a lack of funds. In spite of Osvald's objections, Partitio agrees to help get the materials with Regulus's remaining money. After purchasing the items needed to finish the telescope and giving them to Regulus, Regulus departs for Montwise to finish his invention, inviting the duo to join him if they happen to be in town.
Chapter 3[]
At Wellgrove, Partitio searches for clues regarding how to contact Alrond while looking around the strangely quiet commerce hub. He encounters a young man being scammed by a sly merchant. Partitio wins the young man's gratitude by proving the merchant's product is a fake. He thanks Partitio by buying him a drink at the tavern. At the tavern, the man tells him that he might know how to get in contact with Alrond, if Partitio has some sort of achievement he's made as a merchant. Partitio uses one of his Scent of Commerce achievements, which impresses the man, saying he will refer Partitio to Alrond and that Partitio should come to Alrond's estate later.
Arriving at the manor, Partitio is surprised to find the young man in Alrond's study. To his shock, the young man reveals himself to be Alrond, telling Partitio that he disguised himself as a commoner to accurately gauge the character of whoever tried to curry his favor. Partitio tells Alrond of his goal to buy the steam engine and his reasons for doing so--along with the hefty price tag. While Alrond is impressed by Partitio's sincerity, he cannot sanction any sort of deal until Partitio does something for him in return. Wellgrove has been in economic decline for quite some time, and Alrond has no idea how to fix it. If Partitio can find a solution, Alrond will be more than happy to repay him in any manner he desires.
Partitio comes up with the idea of centralizing the town's merchants into one area. He finds an abandoned building that he deems suitable for his needs and hires adequate staff to run the place. He dubs it "Alrond's Department Store", and after refurbishing the building, goes in search of wares to sell in it. The plan works with flying colors: what was once an economic wasteland blossoms into a commercial paradise.
Going to Alrond's estate to tell him the good news, Partitio notices the manor is surrounded in fog. The inside is no different. Moreover, he finds Alrond's butler, Misha, wounded. Misha claims a man came out of the fog with a strange device and attacked him, then went to Alrond's room. Partitio rushes there, finding Alrond injured as well. Alrond warns him that something is hiding in the fog. As Partitio goes to confront the hidden figure, he realizes that the "fog" is steam. The hidden figure attacks. Undaunted, Partitio engages them in battle--revealing that the hidden figure is Thurston, who was fired from the Roque Company shortly after the events in Clockbank. Enraged at Partitio for ruining his career, he decided to kill him in hopes of stopping his business deal and getting back in Roque's good graces. After the battle, Partitio reprimands the man, telling him that he was fired because of his reliance on dirty tricks. However, Partitio also says that he's forgiving and is willing to give Thurston a chance to prove that he can be better. He promises to hire Thurston once he gains the rights to the steam engine, causing Thurston to concede.
Partitio takes Alrond to the thriving department store to show him how the venture is doing, explaining the logic behind creating a department store. Alrond thanks Partitio for efforts in saving his town and makes good on his end of the deal by giving him a promissory note worth eighty billion leaves. Asking if Partitio truly intends to go through with the deal, he warns the young entrepreneur not to trust Roque. As she tends to do, Ori suddenly appears, this time with a scoop about Roque: he has planned a big reveal regarding the steam engine at a convention on his personal island. As it has no ferry route, Partitio will need a private ship to reach it. With that knowledge and adequate capital in hand, Partitio sets off to prepare for his final encounter with Roque.
Chapter 4[]
After making his way to Roque Island, Partitio gets ready to finalize his deal with Roque, only to find his entry to the convention blocked. Fortunately, Ori, who can't get into the event either, knows of an alternate route in. The two make their way through a back passage from the tavern into the building surrounding where Roque is holding his event, but are caught by guards. Ori ominously bids Partitio farewell as she urges him to go on without her (she fakes having a stomachache to the guards).
As Partitio makes his way through the building, he overhears Roque's speech to the surrounding scriveners. Eventually he arrives at the convention and presents Alrond's promissory note. To his surprise, Roque rejects this, saying that he will only accept cold, hard cash as payment. Partitio then realizes that Roque never had any intention of selling the steam engine. His realization is interrupted by Alrond, who appears on his ship alongside Misha and eighty billion leaves in tangible currency. With the adequate capital on hand, Partitio has Roque cornered. Roque suddenly cancels the transaction, violating his own contract. He retreats into one of his company warehouses, with reporters and Partitio hounding him. Suddenly, they hear a loud sound coming straight for them, and a large metal contraption suddenly bursts from the door: Roque's biggest steam-powered achievement, Steam Tank Obsidian. He refuses to let the steam engine go as he knows the power it possesses. However, Partitio resolves to make sure Roque makes good on his end of the deal, and fights Roque and his contraption.
After a hard-fought battle, Steam Tank Obsidian is scrapped and Roque is defeated. Roque reveals the truth behind what made him so greedy: as a child, he suddenly caught interest in an expensive pocket watch and wanted it more than anything. He poured countless hours of blood, sweat, and tears into his meager job as a bootblack to gain enough money to buy it, only to find himself feeling yearning for a new product the moment he acquired it. He began repeating this process over and over until he eventually stopped caring how he got what he wanted. He knew just how empty that kind of life truly was and how far he had fallen, but believed that he was too far gone to go back at that point. Defeated, he relinquishes the rights to the steam engine to Partitio, and tells Partitio to leave him behind so he can watch all he'd worked for fall to ash. However, Partitio, not content with leaving anyone behind, tells Roque that he still wishes to give him a chance to prove he can still walk a righteous path. He decides to hire Roque, using his steam engine to start a new business venture. Roque is awed by Partitio's uniqueness as a merchant.
A few days later, Papp and Roque are at Oresrush, reconciled and planning the lay-out for Partitio's new business venture: a steam train that can travel the continent and back far faster than anything they'd seen before. Meanwhile, at Clockbank, Partitio, now president of Partitio and Roque, talks to Will about a new up-and-coming business opportunity for him, one that will allow him to travel around the continent just like he wanted: a job working on a steam train.
Crossed Paths, Part 2[]
Arriving in Montwise, Partitio and Osvald search for Regulus's laboratory. After a disagreement on how one should take one's coffee, they head to Regulus's laboratory, finding the scholar fallen once more on hard times. He reveals that due to funds running out again, he employed a moneylender, and to provide collateral, he turned over his telescope until he could pay back his debt. Baffled, the duo set out to find the moneylender.
Outside the moneylender's manse, they overhear thugs discussing Regulus's loan, stating that he's long since paid it off. The duo confront these thugs, then proceed inside the manse where they confront the lender himself. Partitio starts to make an offer to buy the telescope off the moneylender, but Osvald mugs him instead, with Partitio saying he will "look the other way this once". Before returning to Regulus, Osvald demands the moneylender stay away from Regulus.
The telescope having been returned to Regulus, the trio venture out into the night to gaze at the stars. Osvald notices a cross-shaped constellation, which Regulus identifies as the cross of Cetus. However, Regulus notes that the constellation should not be visible at this time of year, when it is overhead only during the day. Osvald proposes that it might be night when it should be day. Regulus reveals that he's been recording the movements of the sun for many years, but recently stopped due to the daylight hours appearing to shorten. The trio, confused by what appears to be the nighttime growing longer, marvel at the mysteries of the night sky. Regulus determines he will continue to study it - and Partitio reminds him to eat.
The Scent of Commerce[]
The Scent of Commerce are side stories exclusive to Partitio. Only the Tropu'hopu Route is required to progress the main story.
Tropu'hopu Route[]
Partitio enters the Tropu'hopu Shipyard just in time to see an affluent man confront an agent about a vessel he doesn't believe is worth the asking price. Partitio's curiosity is piqued by the man mentioning the apprentice of a legendary shipwright. He approaches the apprentice, a woman named Terry, who advises Partitio to leave as the ship is incomplete and not for sale. She reveals her asking price of a hundred thousand leaves but once again emphasizes that the ship is not for sale. Partitio nonetheless sees value in the ship, and returns to her after accumulating her asking price. Partitio's sincerely appreciating her work rather than seeking the work of her mentor inspires her to complete the ship, which Partitio dubs The Grand Terry in her honor. After this route is complete, the party will have free access to the Sundering Sea.
Winterbloom Route[]
Partitio overhears someone crying for help. He rushes into the building where the voice is coming from, only to find it empty. He eventually realizes that the sound is repeating and coming from a strange device in the room. A trader named Audley arrives, confirming that what Partitio is hearing is indeed coming from the machine, called a "phonographic articulator". Audley admits he's had trouble marketing and selling the device as he has only demonstrated its ability to record and play voices. Partitio instead suggests the device be used to play music. He goes in search of three musicians to perform for the device: a pianist from Flamechurch, a violinist from Canalbrine, and a guitarist from Crackridge (all play variations of Cait's Theme). Audley thanks Partitio and muses who he should sell his product to. Partitio suggests he sell it to taverns, which in turn would invite individuals to buy the device, creating a world where every household has its own music player. Audley invites Partitio to name the device. He settles on "gramophone". Completing this route will put gramophones in every tavern, where players can listen to 30 tracks from the game's soundtrack.
Sai Route[]
Partitio recognizes an emblem in the town of Sai as belonging to the legendary merchant Masoud, who wrote the Mercantile Manuscript, a chronicle of his journeys through the eastern and western continents. He approaches the merchant and asks to read the Manuscript. Masoud refuses, instead putting Partitio to a test: he must find what Masoud treasures most as a merchant. Partitio first tries his daughter, but finds that is the incorrect answer. Masoud's daughter then offers a hint: what Masoud seeks is not a specific treasure, but what he values as a merchant. Partitio thinks about what he personally values as a merchant and determines it is himself. He approaches Masoud again, this time trying to hire him as the answer to his riddle. This proves to be the correct answer, and Masoud grants him access to the Mercantile Manuscript. Completing this route will allow the player to read the Mercantile Manuscript, a collection of lore concerning the world of Octopath Traveler II.
As his son, Partitio cares deeply for his father and holds him in high regard. In turn, Papp is proud of his boy and instilled in him the values of altruism and helping others that defined Partitio's creed as a merchant.
As Papp's business partner, Roque was well-acquainted with Partitio from a young age, and Partitio held him in high regard. However, after finding out Roque was both responsible for his abject poverty and was just generally greedy, Partitio takes it upon himself to stop his former friend. Even after buying the steam engine from him and seemingly leaving Roque with nothing, Partitio still reaches out to Roque and gives him another chance to prove that he can become a better person. This act of kindness moves Roque, who finally agrees to let his old greed go and returns to Oresrush to work alongside his old friend Papp to build himself from the ground up once more.
Partitio got along well with Ori despite the latter's habit of popping up at the most inopportune times. She was responsible for giving Partitio information on Alrond to get the money needed for the rights to the steam engine as well as a way to confront Roque directly on his private island factory. When Partitio discovered what Ori's true allegiances were after rekindling the Sacred Flame in Fellsun Ruins, he was dispirited, but relieved that she survived the ritual.
Merchant Skills[]
Support Skills[]
Support Skill Name | No. of Skills Unlocked | Total JP | Description |
Grows on Trees | 4 | 130 | Receive additional ![]() ![]() |
Boost-Start | 5 | 630 | Grants the equipping character 1 BP at the start of battle. |
Hang Tough | 6 | 1630 | When the equipping character is not near death, otherwise lethal attacks will instead leave them with 1 HP. |
Full Power | 7 | 4630 | Completely fills the equipping character's latent power gauge at the start of battle. |
EX Skills[]
EX Skill Name | SP | Damage Type | Description | Unlock Method |
Negotiate Schedule | ![]() ![]() |
Pay a single foe to let you act during their turn. | Visit the Altar of the Trader with Partitio | |
Share SP | - | Grant a single ally 25%/50%/75%/all of your remaining SP. | Complete Partitio's story |
Latent Power[]
Latent Power is an exclusive unique move for each character in Octopath Traveler II that can only be unlocked by defeating a tough opponent at the end of Chapter 1. It has a gauge that charges when they take damage, or break enemies.
Hoot and Holler: Partitio's BP is replenished to the max.
Partitio's talent is Business Partners. Unlike most other talents, it's not strictly limited to battle effects. Whenever he hires a townsperson through his Night Path action, they provide an additional effect to specific money-related activities. These can be used infinitely as long as they remain a companion and does not require them to be summoned in battles, if they provide a bonus to battle skills (such as Collect and Hired Help). They will not trigger if another party member uses related skills.
Benefits related to purchases, sales etc only trigger if Partitio is in the current active party lineup, however. Each townsperson has a specific benefit, which is shown below their usual stats when viewing them through Partitio's path actions.
However, due to the nature of the objective that requires Partitio to purchase the steam engine rights in his final chapter, his Business Partners ability will be locked for this event even if he has hired an NPC that grants a discount to any purchases, making it impossible to save a percentage of the leaves that are received from Alrond.
Below are the sprites and appearance changes for Partitio with each basic Subjob:
Each time a subjob is selected the appearance of the character will also change. The first sprite is the appearance with no Subjob equipped.
Recommended Subjobs[]
The Merchant is a flexible character who can do a lot of things, though it does not excel at any one stat or application. As such, Partitio shines in a number of different roles, with combat-oriented applications at the top and support at the bottom.
- Warrior's Incite and Vengeful Blade can be combined with Partitio's innate Sidestep to draw, dodge and counter all incoming attacks.
- Thief's Armor Corrosive debuff is one of the few ways to increase the damage from Partitio's innate Hired Help, since buffs do not affect that Skill. This combination also makes Partitio an expert money farmer, centralizing his innate Collect and the subjob's Steal in one character. Finally, this combo opens an unorthodox way to keep track of enemy health, since the success rate of both these money collecting skills increases when enemies are at low health.
- Scholar becomes a viable option after Partitio unlocks his EX Skill, Share SP, allowing him to use the subjob's Alephan's Enlightenment on elemental damage users as well as keeping their SP topped off.
- Cleric, much like Scholar, allows Partitio to become an SP battery after he unlocks his EX Skill, Share SP. In fact, it is arguably better in this area, since the subjob's Mystical Staff Skill allows him to refill his own SP and ensure that he always has enough to give away. However, it comes at the cost of losing damage increasing buffs, forcing another character to pick up the slack and costing an extra turn.
- Inventor is often recommended to Partitio since the subjob benefits from his Latent Power, Hoot and Holler, allowing him to extend the subjobs many buffs.
- Arcanist's Seal of Diffusion turns Partitio's self-buffs into party-wide ones. For example, being able to use an AOE Rest allows him to restore HP and SP to all party members for free. Otherwise, a party-wide Sidestep grants complete immunity to all physical attacks.
- "Oh! Howdy there, friend. What can I help you with? Whoa now, you've got a special look about you. You've got a light in you, a charisma that warms all 'round ya like the sun on the prairie. Lady Luck must be shinin' down on me. 'cause it ain't everyday you meet someone like you! The folks around these parts call me Partitio. I'm a merchant, and I'm gettin' ready to hit that dusty trail. Y'see I've got big plans and big ideas—too big to handle alone. I was hopin' I'd find a dependable sort like you to accompany me on my travels." —Before joining the Party
- "You really mean it!? Thanks, partner! I'm the man who's gonna save the world from the devil they call poverty." —Accept to join the Party
- "I'm lookin' forward to sharing a campfire with you!" —Joined the Party
- "I'm grateful to you Mister Roque. Thanks to you, I experienced abject poverty beyond anything I could've imagined. That's what helped me realize the truth. That things of value, well, they deserve to be shared. I don't yet know just how much of a difference I can make... but I plan to do all I can to share the wealth and help make the world a happier place. That's what being a merchant means to me!" —Partitio to Roque, boss fight dialogue
- "If you need anythin', just give me a holler! I'm ready to help anytime!" —In taverns
- "Bring it on!" —Start of turn
- "Here goes!" —Start of turn
- "Yeehaw!" —Start of turn
- "I'm just gettin' warmed up!" —Start of turn
- "Arrow of fortune!" —Using Arrow of Fortune
- "Hoo boy!" —Using Rest
- "Hot, ain't it?" —Using Ember
- "Much appreciated!" —After Purchase or Collect
- "No need to be stingy." —Failing Collect
- "I'm investing in ya!" —Using Donate BP
- "I don't want no trouble, friend." —Using Sidestep
- "Let's get to work!" —Using Hired Help
- "Bifelgan, make me rich!" —Using Bifelgan's Bounty
- "Wealth should be spread around." —Using Share SP
- "How 'bout you and I make a deal." —Using Negotiate Schedule
- "Slice 'n' slash!" —Using Aggressive Slash
- "Piercin' thrust!" —Using Piercing Thrust
- "Not so fast." —Using Ennervating Slash
- "My purse strings are tighter than undersize trousers." —Using Stout Wall
- "Look over here, you rascal!" —Using Incite
- "I'd stay away if I was you." —Using Vengeful Blade
- "Right back at ya!" —Triggering Eye for an Eye
- "Brand the Thunderblade!" —Using Brand's Blade
- "Here's a pick-me-up!" —Using Heal Wounds
- "Shiny, ain't it?" —Using Holy Light
- "Heh, I'll protect ya." —Using Prayer to the Flame
- "I'll just help myself!" —Using Mystical Staff
- "Burn bright, O Sacred Flame!" —Using Luminescence
- "Shield of faith!" —Using Sacred Shield
- "Salvation's on sale!" —Using Revive
- "Aelfric the Flamebringer." —Using Aelfric's Blessing
- "Lion roar!" —Using Lion Dance
- "Gotcha!" —Using Ruinous Kick
- "Peacock strut!" —Using Peacock Strut
- "Here's a puff for ya." —Using Sweeping Gale
- "Just slip on in." —Using Stimulate
- "Time to roll the dice!" —Using Bewildering Grace
- "Time for a hoedown, Sealticge!" —Using Sealticge's Seduction
- "Fire it up!" —Using Fireball
- "Cold snap!" —Using Icewind
- "Zap zap!" —Using Lightning Bolt
- "'Scuse me." —Using Analyze
- "Hey, I got me an idea." —Using Stroke of Genius
- "Take that 'n' that 'n' that!" —Using Elemental Barrage
- "Go big, or go home!" —Using Advanced Magic
- "Alephan, lend me your smarts!" —Using Alephan's Wisdom
- "Sorry about this." —Using Steal
- "Night's a-comin'." —Using Darkest Night
- "Don't mind if I do." —Using HP Thief
- "Slow one, huh?" —Using Surprise Attack
- "I'm faster than lightning!" —Using Swift Step
- "No armor now!" —Using Armor Corrosive
- "Simmer down, there." —Using Shackle Foe
- "Aeber, Prince of Thieves!" —Using Aeber's Reckoning
- "It'll be all right." —Using Healing Touch
- "Chilly, huh?" —Using Icicle
- "Stay hale and hearty!" —Using Rehabilitate
- "Whack!" —Using Sweeping Cleave
- "Poison chop!" —Using Poison Axe
- "Hmm." —Using Replenish Health
- "This'll be slow and painful." —Using Weak to Poison
- "Dohter, help us out!" —Using Dohter's Charity
- "I'm a crack shot!" —Using Precise Shot
- "Shockin', huh?" —Using Thunderbird
- "Chop, chop, chop!" —Using Cleaving Blow
- "No runnin' now." —Using Take Aim
- "Slow down, friend!" —Using Leghold Trap
- "Not gonna happen." —Using Abating Orb
- "Draefendi! Guide my shot!" —Using Draefendi's Bow
- "Flame, fill us." —Using Conjure Flames
- "Blizzard, swirl around us." —Using Conjure Ice
- "Lightning, crackle over us." —Using Conjure Lightning
- "Wind, lift us!" —Using Conjure Gusts
- "Rain, come on down!" —Using Prayer for Rain
- "Let's purify your soul, partner." —Using Dance of Immunity
- "Heaven's blessings upon us." —Using Rite of the Sun
- "What comes 'round goes 'round." —Using BP Boost
- "Here's a little somethin' for ya!" —Using Seal of Diffusion
- "Thank you kindly!" —Using Seal of Inversion
- "Slash, stab, whack, bang!" —Using Sixfold Strike
- "Time for a whoopin'!" —Using Bulwark
- "I'm puttin' all my money on this." —Using Conqueror's Sword: Cosmic Roar
- "Slashin' sword!" —Finishing Conqueror's Sword: Cosmic Roar
- "Stabbin' spear!" —Using Warlord's Spear: Giant Swing
- "Jabbin' dagger!" —Using Dancer's Blade: Mischievous Step
- "Choppin' axe!" —Using Lionheart's Axe: On the Hunt
- "Piercin' arrow!" —Using Hunter's Bow: Flurry of Arrows
- "Staff of spirits!" —Using Spiritlord's Staff: Deliverance
- "Catapult, go, go, go!" —Using Changeable Catapult
- "Bouncy bouncy." —Using Springy Boots
- "I see right through ya." —Using Critical Scope
- "Comin' right at ya!" —Using Elemental Bomb Bottle
- "Here's a shot!" —Using Tin Horn
- "Progress!" —Using Hastening Hammer
- "This is good for the humors." —Using Arkar's Coil
- "Wind 'er up!" —Using All-Purpose Tool
- "Time to divvy up the earnings!" —After battle
{{Quote|All in a day's work.
- "Maybe next time." —After battle
- "I got more grit than I can handle." —Using Latent Power
- "Whoa, time out." —Afflicted with a status ailment
- "Too obvious!" —Discovering an enemy's weakness
- "Bring it on." —Using Defend
- "Giff!" —Battling Giff
- "Bite me, I'll bite right back!" —Battling Garnet
- "Stop playing hide'n'seek!" —Battling Thurston when veiled
- "I don't know the meaning of the word 'mercy.'" —Battling Thurston when revealed
- "Let's do this, Mister Roque!" —Battling Steam Tank Obsidian
- "Take that, and that and that!" —Battling Vide
- "Let's have ourselves a showdown!" —Start of battle
- "Gotcha!" —Defeating an enemy
- "Hooey!" —Defeating an enemy
- "Good effort!" —Dodging an enemy attack
- "Heh!" —Dodging an enemy attack
- "Thank you kindly!" —Receiving party aid
- "Yeehaw, let's do it!" —Max Boost
- "Here. A coin made from our silver... Every fortune's made from a pile of these: the little guys. Treat one with contempt and you'll lose 'em all. That goes for money, and for people." —To Giff
Art by yamao of ACQUIRE Corp.
Art by Tatsuaki Urushihara of the SQEX Asano team.
"Partitio" is derived from the Latin "partio," meaning "to divide into parts." Partitio's name alludes to his philosophy of spreading wealth so that everyone has a part.
Partitio's surname, "Yellowil," is a portmanteau of the words "yellow" and "will." Yellow refers to his color scheme (which is also associated with happiness, gold, and energy, characterizing Partitio's optimistic spirit), while the "will" may refer to his will to share happiness with the world.
- Partitio is one of only two main characters who does not kill any of their main chapter bosses or antagonists, the other being Agnea.
- Incidentally, neither of the two's storylines involve fighting anyone who has anything to do with the Moonshade Order's machinations.
- When being recruited into the party, Partitio has unique dialogue for each of the seven other travelers.
- Partitio has a four different sprites over the course of his early story:
- A child version (8 years old; no coat or hat)
- A teenage version (16 years old; no coat or hat)
- A version with his yellow coat, but no hat
- His present-day sprite, with his yellow coat and his father's white hat
- Partitio wears his coat draped across his shoulders, similar to the manner in which Cyrus Albright wears his cloak.
- Of the eight main travelers in Octopath Traveler II, Partitio is the only one that has a main boss fight at the end of all of his story chapters.
- In one of their travel banters, because Ochette finds Partitio's name difficult to pronounce, she calls him "Partihardy." She shortens it to just "Parti" in battle.
- As revealed in travel banter with Throné, Partitio prefers to wear durable clothes with double-stitching, proof of the care that the weavers put into them.
- Partitio has the fewest chapter parts to complete in his story, at exactly four in total with no split routes in any of them.
- To compensate for this, the three "Scent of Commerce" quests were made. Although two of them are considered optional, at least one of them must be done prior to starting Partitio's third chapter, and the ship purchase is mandatory to complete before Partitio's fourth chapter.
- During a scene in his Chapter 3, when he revitalizes the commerce of a glum merchant in Wellgrove, Partitio's prowess is such that the merchant identifies him as Bifelgan the Trader, the god of commerce himself.
- Also during his Chapter 3, Partitio's theme plays as the background music in each of the cities he visits to gather supplies for the department store. This is the only occasion in the game in which a character theme replaces an area's theme, with Partitio's theme playing even if the player exits the city and returns.
- During travel banter with Throné, Partitio offers Alrond's promissory note into her safekeeping.
- During his Chapter 3, Partitio hawks a carpet vendor's wares with gusto, bidding his customers to "feast their eyes" on the carpets' quality. This scene could be a reference to Ali's carpet sales in the original Octopath Traveler, where Ali the merchant appears in Tressa's Chapter 4 and makes a grandiose sale of House Khafqa's famed carpet.
- Partitio is described as the manliest character in the game by Naoki Ikushima in the artbook.
- Partitio's "Share SP" skill shares its name with a Thief skill in the original Octopath Traveler.
- Writer Kakunoshin Futsuzawa mentions that Partitio's character is inspired by Alfyn as he wanted to write another all-round good guy. The theme of Partitio's story is centered around wealth and altruistically sharing it with others.[2]
- In her journal fragments, Ori describes Partitio as "an honest fellow with laughing eyes."
- When asked by Osvald to theorize, Partitio suggests that the seventh source is money.
- Despite his business acumen, Partitio doesn't know what a business card or a newspaper are. He only learns of these when he visits the bustling city of Clockbank, as Oresrush never had a need for such inventions.
- Both Partitio and Agnea receive gifts of clothing from their fathers before setting out on their journey; Partitio takes Papp's hat, whereas Agnea earns her mother's dress from Garud.
- Most (if not all) of the NPCs associated with Partitio's story carry a Silver Coin in their possessions, in keeping with Partitio's habit of gifting a silver coin to everyone he meets.
- When composing Partitio's theme, Yasunori Nishiki sought foremost to express Partitio's positive, manly nature. The saxophone emphasizes Partitio's coolness, while the electric guitar imbues the theme with a flavor of industrial revolution.[3]
- Nishiki's first version of Partitio's theme was rejected for being a bit too aggressive in tone, but it eventually revived in slightly modified form as "Gil on the Keys."[4]
- When composing Partitio's unique final battle theme, "The Journey for Happiness Ends," Yasunori Nishiki used the punch of the electric guitar to further emphasize Partitio's manliness and coolness. Partitio may be battling to defeat his nemesis, but his feelings are upright and true, and Nishiki is particularly fond of how the arrangement here supports his honest, straightforward nature.[5]
- When it came time for director Keisuke Miyauchi and Nishiki to choose a name for Partitio's Battle Extend theme, they thought anew about what the goal of Partitio’s journey really was: Money? Success? A few ideas came to mind, but when they considered that his ultimate objective was to bring happiness to everyone - even those who had swindled him in the past - Miyauchi and Nishiki decided that it made the most sense to describe Partitio's actions as being “in pursuit of happiness." This became the theme's title, one of Nishiki's personal favorites.[6]
- ↑ https://www.jp.square-enix.com/octopathtraveler2/traveler/partitio.html
- ↑ https://www.square-enix-games.com/en_US/news/making-octopath-traveler-ii
- ↑ https://note.com/yasunori_nishiki/n/n64e0a76b1220?magazine_key=mceb3c1ed9da8
- ↑ https://note.com/yasunori_nishiki/n/n64e0a76b1220?magazine_key=mceb3c1ed9da8
- ↑ https://note.com/yasunori_nishiki/n/n485cced27463
- ↑ https://note.com/yasunori_nishiki/n/n998a38261c02