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This page is about the second phase of the final battle against Pardis III. For the third phase of the final battle, see Master of All. For the first phase of the final battle, see King Pardis III.

Pardis the Scholarking is an enemy in Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent. After being defeated, Pardis summons the Scholar's Ring power to gain a new form, starting the second phase of Master of All's final battle.

If any of the Edoras Defenders were not fought separately in the castle, Pardis the Scholarking will absorb magical power from them - this occurs before the fight begins and cannot be prevented if the conditions were met.


  • Offering of Lust // Pardis the Scholarking absorbed magical power from the soldiers!: Start of battle if any of the Edoras Defenders were not fought separately in the castle. Depending on which Defenders were absorbed, Pardis the Scholarking will gain certain abilities:
    • Wealth: Permanent Buff Vim and Vigor Vim and Vigor (The target will gain some HP at the end of their turn) for ~1200 HP.
    • Power: Increases his actions per turn to two. Fury of the Absolute will not be used.
    • Fame: Set his shield points from 15 to 20.
  • Attack - Deal standard physical damage to single target. Inflict Status Dread Dread (The traveler will not gain BP at the start of their turn and cannot boost) for 3 turns.
  • Unyielding Blade of Ruin: Deal Type Swords damage to single target. Inflict Status Dread Dread (The traveler will not gain BP at the start of their turn and cannot boost) and Status Bleeding Bleeding (The target will take physical damage at the end of their turn) for 3 turns.
  • Flood of Despair: Deal Type Dark damage to single target. Inflict Status SP Sap SP Sap (The traveler will take SP damage at the end of their turn) and Status Can't Switch Can't Switch (The traveler will be unable to be switched) for 3 turns.
  • Wild Infernal Blade: Deal Type Fire damage to random target 3 time(s).
  • Unyielding Blade of the Absolute: Deal Type Swords damage to Front.
  • Threatening Pressure: Deal Type Dark damage to Front. Impart Debuff Spd. Down Spd. Down  for 4 turns and inflict Status Dread Dread (The traveler will not gain BP at the start of their turn and cannot boost) for 4 turns.
  • Physical Counter Stance: At 75% HP or less. Imparts self with permanent Buff Repel Phys. Repel Phys. (The target will counter physical damage). Counters with Frenzy of the Absolute. Effect is replaced after using Magic Counter Stance at the end of the turn.
    • Frenzy of the Absolute: Deal physical damage to the target and imparts self 3 shield points.
  • Magic Counter Stance: At 75% HP or less. Imparts self with permanent Buff Repel Elem. Repel Elem. (The target will counter elemental damage). Counters with Lightning of the Absolute. Effect is replaced after using Physical Counter Stance at the end of the turn.
    • Lightning of the Absolute: Deal Type Lightning damage to single target. Inflict Status Paralysis Paralysis (The target has a certain chance of being unable to act) for 3 turns.
  • Know your place...: Deal Type Swords damage to Front 2 time(s) and deal Type Dark damage to Front.
  • Godblow: Reduce HP of single target to 1.
  • Pardis the Scholarking emits a mysterious light!: After recovering from a break. Pardis the Scholarking changes weakness sets in the order shown below.
    • Type SwordsType DaggersType StavesType IceType Light
    • Type PolearmsType BowsType TomesType FireType Light
    • Type DaggersType AxesType FansType IceType Light
    • Type DaggersType BowsType StavesType LightningType Light
    • Type SwordsType DaggersType StavesType WindType Light
  • Fury of the Absolute: At 50% HP or less. Increases his actions per turn to two. Effect is permanent until the Magical power overflows from Pardis the Scholarking.
  • Magical power overflows from Pardis the Scholarking.: At 25% HP or less. Impart self with permanent Buff Phys. Atk. Up Phys. Atk. Up  and Buff Elem. Atk. Up Elem. Atk. Up .
  • Wave of the Absolute: Deal physical damage to Front.
  • Ominous power flows forth from the ring.: At 25% HP or less. Uses On Your Knees if not broken before his next action.
    • On Your Knees: Deal physical damage to Front. Inflict Status Dread Dread (The traveler will not gain BP at the start of their turn and cannot boost), Status Can't Switch Can't Switch (The traveler will be unable to be switched), Status Bleeding Bleeding (The target will take physical damage at the end of their turn) and Status SP Sap SP Sap (The traveler will take SP damage at the end of their turn) for 4 turns.