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Octopath Traveler Wiki

This page is about the second phase of the final battle against Oskha. For the main character page, see Oskha. For the first phase of the final battle, see Oskha the Have-not.

Oskha the Trader is an enemy in Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent. Unable to stand Bargello's supposed hypocrisy, he summons the Merchant's Ring power to gain a new form in order to tear Bargello' sheep skin until his true form is exposed, starting the second phase of Bestower of Wealth's final battle.


Like in the previous fight Bargello will aid the party as a NPC ally.

  • A Hundred Arms: Start of battle and start of turn after using All-Consuming Flames. Increases his actions per turn to three. Effect is removed when There can be no better world..
  • Relinquish everything!: First action and after recovering from a break. Inflict Status Stillness Stillness (The traveler will be not able to use one skill) to Front. Effect is removed upon break.
  • Skyfire: Deal Type Fire damage to single target.
  • Disarray: Deal physical damage to single target. Inflict CotC Status Sleep Sleep (The target will be unable to act until a turn has passed or they take damage) for 3 turns and forcibly switch the Front traveler for the Back one. Traveler acting after the movement will slip and fall, missing their turn.
  • Raging Strike: Deal physical damage to random target 3 time(s).
  • Raging Flame Strike: Deal Type Fire damage to random target 3 time(s).
  • Powerblow: Deal physical damage to random target 3 time(s). Impart Debuff Phys. Atk. Down Phys. Atk. Down  with every attack for 2 turns.
  • Mindblow: Deal physical damage to random target 3 time(s). Reduces 1 BP.
  • Spiritblow: Deal physical damage to random target 3 time(s). Reduces SP.
  • Lifeblow: Deal physical damage to random target 3 time(s). Restore 500% HP of the damage dealt.
  • Twin Flash: Deal Type Swords damage to Front 2 time(s).
  • Twin Flash: Blaze: Deal Type Fire damage to Front 2 time(s).
  • Hands of Isolation: Deal physical damage to Front. Inflict Status Can't Switch Can't Switch (The traveler will be unable to be switched) for 3 turns.
  • Physical Evasion Stance: Imparts self with Buff Evade Phys. Atk. Evade Phys. Atk. (The target will dodge physical damage) 3 time(s).
  • You shall be forsaken!: Removes buffs of both Front and Back.
  • I am the Have-not....: After recovering from the first 2 breaks.
    • First break: Sets his shield points down to 27 and removes Type Bows from his weaknesses (Type DaggersType IceType Dark).
    • Second break: Sets his shield points down to 24 and removes Type Ice from his weaknesses (Type DaggersType Dark).
  • Do you desire this?: After recovering from the 3th break onwards and can be used after the end of the turn. Changes his weakness to two random weapon/element of his original weaknesses (Type Daggers, Type Bows, Type Ice, Type Dark).
  • There can be no better world.: At 50% HP or less. Oskha the Trader enters boost mode. If uses A Hundred Arms right after entering boost mode, it will use All-Consuming Flames 3 time(s) if not broken before his next action.
    • All-Consuming Flames: Deal Type Fire damage to Front. Inflict Status Can't Switch Can't Switch (The traveler will be unable to be switched) for 3 turns.
  • Wealth is a raging fire.: At 25% HP or less. Deals Type Fire damage equal to 99% of each unit's HP in Front and inflict Status Can't Switch Can't Switch (The traveler will be unable to be switched). This action is scripted and cannot be dodged nor avoided.
    • Oskha the Trader's ring shines brighter.: Oskha the Trader will enter boost mode. A in-battle dialogue will follow and Oskha the Trader's shield points will be reduced to 1.