- This page is about the first phase of the final battle against Oskha. For the main character page, see Oskha. For the second phase of the final battle of Bestower of Wealth, see Oskha the Trader.
Oskha the Have-not is an enemy in Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent. He is the first phase of the final boss battle of Bestower of Wealth's Chapter III.
Bargello will aid the party as a NPC ally.
- Lacerate: Deal damage to single target.
- Infernal Fire: Deal damage to single target.
- Dual Shredder Slash: Deal damage to random target 2 time(s). Inflict Phys. Atk. Down for 2 turns.
- This is beyond you....: Deal physical damage to Front. Reduces 5 BPs.
- Swift Slash: Deal damage to Front 2 time(s).
- Purgation Slash: Deal and damage to Front.
- Don't think you're better than me!: Can be used at the end of the turn. Deal damage to Front and Back.
- Physical Evasion Stance: Imparts self with Evade Phys. Atk. (The target will dodge physical damage) 3 time(s).
- Can you withstand this?: Imparts self with Phys. Atk. Up and Phys. Def. Up for 3 turns.
- I am the Have-not....: After recovering from the first 3 breaks.
- Do you desire this?: After recovering from the 4th break onwards and can be used after the end of the turn. Changes his weakness to a random weapon/element of his original weaknesses (, , , , , ).
- Come!: At 70% HP or less. Summons an Altered Gold Remnant/Altered Ivory Remnant to the battlefield.
- Are you prepared?: At 30% HP or less. Oskha the Have-not enters boost mode. Uses Instant Shredder Slash if not broken before his next action.
- Charge - Deal physical damage to single target.
- Flurry: Deal physical damage to random target 3 time(s).
- Fourfold Lotusfang: Deal physical damage to random target 4 time(s).
- Diamondray Cannon: Deal damage to Front.
- Charge Barrier: Imparts Null All (The target will become invulnerable to damage) to self for 1 turn. Uses Resonance Crusher in its next action.
- Resonance Crusher: Deal non-elemental damage to Front.
- Healing: Restore HP of Oskha.
- Fourfold Lotusfang: Deal physical damage to random target 4 time(s).
- Bolt Wave: Deal damage to Front. Inflict Paralysis (The target has a certain chance of being unable to act) for 2 turns.
- Fourfold Lotusfang: Deal physical damage to random target 4 time(s).
- Diamondray Cannon: Deal damage to Front.
- Charge Barrier: Imparts Null All (The target will become invulnerable to damage) to self for 1 turn. Uses Resonance Crusher in its next action.
- Resonance Crusher: Deal non-elemental damage to Front.