- This page is about Oskha. For his fake identity, see Tiziano.
- "Thou shall have not. Wealth is a raging fire. A blight upon the world." —The "Have-not"
Oskha Hüseynov is a character in Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent. He initially appears as an ally in the Master of Wealth storyline, but later returns as the main antagonist in Bestower of Wealth.
Oskha is a young man with long blond hair who, during his years as "Tiziano", wore a scarf, a black jacket and red pants. A year after his faked death and starting working as the "Have-not", his hair was even longer, his body was full of bandages and wore a long ragged cloak.
Originally, Oskha believed his father's values that wealth couldn't betray you if used to bring happiness to others. However, after his family was ruined by Scarabe's greed, he felt betrayed by his father's wealth and came to despise money and everything that had to do with it. He was obsessed with the idea that all wealthy people were selfish and greedy and refused to accept Bargello as an exception to that rule. He insisted he had a hidden true nature "under his skin" that was as greedy as all the millionaires he's crossed paths with during his life.
He was the only son of Julian Hüseynov and who would be the heir to the Hüseynov's house, who were the rulers of the Sufrataljah region, but was forced to flee due to the machinations of the jeweler Scarabe, who planned to seize the family's wealth for himself. Before escaping, his father gave him the Huntress and the Merchant's Ring, their heirlooms. Having to drink water from the mud to survive when days ago he had everything, Oskha felt betrayed by wealth and began to feel a deep disgust against it. Considering wealth as a curse upon the world, the young man vowed to eliminate them all and change the world to its primordial state where such concept did not exist.
After running aimlessly, he ended up in Valore. At some point he sold the Huntress's Ring to Herminia, knowing her greed, powered by the ring's power, would end up destroying her.
Starving to death, he focused on a group of homeless boys who were about to enjoy their meal and prepares to attack them, but one of them decided to share the meal with him. Surprised, the young Oskha asked him if it is a trap to make him lower his guard. The boy, introducing himself as Bargello, told him that is not the case. Oskha decided to introduce himself as "Tiziano". After listening to Bargello, he becomes intrigued about him and decides to join his group.
The following years, "Tiziano" worked with Bargello to achieve the goal of stopping Herminia's powder network and take over her position as the most powerful gang in Valore. Following crime boss Taviani's murder, he was supposed to ask another crime boss named Montella for support against Herminia but was captured by her and tortured into joining her side. Being overdosed with powder, "Tiziano" was seemingly left for dead in Herminia's burning mansion after the Chosen One, Bargello and his gang defeated The Covetous Witch.
However, "Tiziano" had faked his death to go back to his original identity. He then began killing millionaires and leaving the message "Judgement to the rich" written in blood next to their corpses, signing as the "Have-not". At some point, he killed the wealthy master of a slave named Judah and cut him into eight pieces. Since then, Judah became his loyal follower. After assembling a large group of followers, Oskha used his victim's fortune to buy all supplies from the towns he visited and blocked all trading routes to them. He would then offer the limited supplies to the townsfolk and force them to kill each other to survive. In the end, he would burn the town down and repeat the process, taking down six towns and even a whole country.
A year later, his crimes caught the attention of Bargello, who was the new Godfather of Valore. After a quick confrontation, Oskha deeply wounded him, leaving the rest of his gang to chase him with the Chosen One's assistance.
Oskha then went back to the Sufrataljah region, whose people had been enslaved by Scarabe, and had Judah cause an uprising that would allow him to storm his mansion and kill him. After the Chosen One and his allies killed Judah, Oskha escaped while threatening them with Valore's destruction, but first he destroyed another town with his siege tactics. However, his strategy failed in Valore, where the townsfolk were convinced by Bargello's gang to stand together and fight Oskha's enforcers. Oskha was also defeated by the gang but managed to escape again, unwilling to give up on his plan to create a world without money. He went to his family's secret treasure vault with the intention of using his own inheritance to continue with his plans but was confronted once more by Bargello. Then, Oskha revealed how he planned to help the generous Bargello take Herminia's place as the Godfather just so he could become as greedy as her, thus proving his point about how wealth corrupts everyone, and showed his frustration at how his former friend kept being true to his values instead. Oskha was then finally slain by the Chosen One, Bargello and his gang's teamwork.
- "So you recognize me now, do you? I have finally returned home." —Confronting Scarabe
- "Tell me, Bargello.... How long do you plan on wearing that sheep's wool? Change the town for the better? Don't make me laugh. All you want is wealth, like everyone else! So quit the charade and show yourself for the wolf that you are!" —Oskha denouncing Bargello's beliefs
- Hirohito Suzuki remarks that "The main scenario writer, Futsuzawa Kakunoshin, had given us a clear image of the character, so we used that as a base to create the pixel art. The cape was a similar color and had a voluminous structure, so I remember struggling with the pixel art production with Morimoto."[1]
- Hirohito Suzuki about Oskha's ring form: "It is precisely because he is a have-not that he desires more than anyone else. With the intention of giving form to his desire, I requested a transforming body with multiple hands. Even when he clasps his hands, the gold dust that overflows from them represents his uncontrollable feelings, inspired by the image of a handful of sand."[1]
In Bestower of Wealth Chapter III, Oskha is fought for the first time in Herminia's Former Manse.
- Lacerate: Deal damage to single target.
- Infernal Fire: Deal damage to single target.
- Dual Shredder Slash: Deal damage to random target 2 time(s). Imparts Phys. Atk. Down for 2 turns.
- Swift Slash: Deal damage to Front 2 time(s).
- Purgation Slash: Deal and damage to Front 2 time(s).
- This is beyond you....: Deal damage to Front. Reduces 5 BPs.
- Physical Evasion Stance: Imparts self with Evade Phys. Atk. (The target will dodge physical damage) 3 time(s).
- I am the Have-not....: After recovering from a break.
- Are you prepared?: Oskha the Have-not enters boost mode. Uses Instant Shredder Slash if not broken before his next action.
In the Silver Spring, Oskha is fought twice in immediate succession:
- The first fight as Oskha the Have-not.
- The second fight as Oskha the Trader.
Bargello will aid the party as a NPC ally.
- Lacerate: Deal damage to single target.
- Infernal Fire: Deal damage to single target.
- Dual Shredder Slash: Deal damage to random target 2 time(s). Inflict Phys. Atk. Down for 2 turns.
- This is beyond you....: Deal physical damage to Front. Reduces 5 BPs.
- Swift Slash: Deal damage to Front 2 time(s).
- Purgation Slash: Deal and damage to Front.
- Don't think you're better than me!: Can be used at the end of the turn. Deal damage to Front and Back.
- Physical Evasion Stance: Imparts self with Evade Phys. Atk. (The target will dodge physical damage) 3 time(s).
- Can you withstand this?: Imparts self with Phys. Atk. Up and Phys. Def. Up for 3 turns.
- I am the Have-not....: After recovering from the first 3 breaks.
- Do you desire this?: After recovering from the 4th break onwards and can be used after the end of the turn. Changes his weakness to a random weapon/element of his original weaknesses (, , , , , ).
- Come!: At 70% HP or less. Summons an Altered Gold Remnant/Altered Ivory Remnant to the battlefield.
- Are you prepared?: At 30% HP or less. Oskha the Have-not enters boost mode. Uses Instant Shredder Slash if not broken before his next action.
- Charge - Deal physical damage to single target.
- Flurry: Deal physical damage to random target 3 time(s).
- Fourfold Lotusfang: Deal physical damage to random target 4 time(s).
- Diamondray Cannon: Deal damage to Front.
- Charge Barrier: Imparts Null All (The target will become invulnerable to damage) to self for 1 turn. Uses Resonance Crusher in its next action.
- Resonance Crusher: Deal non-elemental damage to Front.
- Healing: Restore HP of Oskha.
- Fourfold Lotusfang: Deal physical damage to random target 4 time(s).
- Bolt Wave: Deal damage to Front. Inflict Paralysis (The target has a certain chance of being unable to act) for 2 turns.
- Fourfold Lotusfang: Deal physical damage to random target 4 time(s).
- Diamondray Cannon: Deal damage to Front.
- Charge Barrier: Imparts Null All (The target will become invulnerable to damage) to self for 1 turn. Uses Resonance Crusher in its next action.
- Resonance Crusher: Deal non-elemental damage to Front.
Like in the previous fight Bargello will aid the party as a NPC ally.
- A Hundred Arms: Start of battle and start of turn after using All-Consuming Flames. Increases his actions per turn to three. Effect is removed when There can be no better world..
- Relinquish everything!: First action and after recovering from a break. Inflict Stillness (The traveler will be not able to use one skill) to Front. Effect is removed upon break.
- Skyfire: Deal damage to single target.
- Disarray: Deal physical damage to single target. Inflict Sleep (The target will be unable to act until a turn has passed or they take damage) for 3 turns and forcibly switch the Front traveler for the Back one. Traveler acting after the movement will slip and fall, missing their turn.
- Raging Strike: Deal physical damage to random target 3 time(s).
- Raging Flame Strike: Deal damage to random target 3 time(s).
- Powerblow: Deal physical damage to random target 3 time(s). Impart Phys. Atk. Down with every attack for 2 turns.
- Mindblow: Deal physical damage to random target 3 time(s). Reduces 1 BP.
- Spiritblow: Deal physical damage to random target 3 time(s). Reduces SP.
- Lifeblow: Deal physical damage to random target 3 time(s). Restore 500% HP of the damage dealt.
- Twin Flash: Deal damage to Front 2 time(s).
- Twin Flash: Blaze: Deal damage to Front 2 time(s).
- Hands of Isolation: Deal physical damage to Front. Inflict Can't Switch (The traveler will be unable to be switched) for 3 turns.
- Physical Evasion Stance: Imparts self with Evade Phys. Atk. (The target will dodge physical damage) 3 time(s).
- You shall be forsaken!: Removes buffs of both Front and Back.
- I am the Have-not....: After recovering from the first 2 breaks.
- Do you desire this?: After recovering from the 3th break onwards and can be used after the end of the turn. Changes his weakness to two random weapon/element of his original weaknesses (, , , ).
- There can be no better world.: At 50% HP or less. Oskha the Trader enters boost mode. If uses A Hundred Arms right after entering boost mode, it will use All-Consuming Flames 3 time(s) if not broken before his next action.
- Wealth is a raging fire.: At 25% HP or less. Deals damage equal to 99% of each unit's HP in Front and inflict Can't Switch (The traveler will be unable to be switched). This action is scripted and cannot be dodged nor avoided.
- Oskha the Trader's ring shines brighter.: Oskha the Trader will enter boost mode. A in-battle dialogue will follow and Oskha the Trader's shield points will be reduced to 1.