- "Flame of hope? Nonsense. Orsterra has no need of such a thing. What our realm needs... is its one, true king." —The mysterious figure
Mysterious Assassin is an enigmatic character in Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent in the Master of All storyline, working under King Pardis III orders and serves as the mid-boss of Chapter VI.
- Attack - Deal standard physical damage to single target.
- Lifesucker Slash - Deal
damage to single target. Absorb 50% of damage dealt as HP.
- Enfeebling Sword - Deal
damage to single target. Inflict
Weakness (The target will consume more SP) for 3 turns.
- Dual Enfeebling Sword - Deal
damage to random target 2 time(s). Inflict
Weakness (The target will consume more SP) with every attack for 3 turns.
- Gelid Slash - Deal
damage to single target.
- Wild Gelid Slash - Deal
damage to random target 5 time(s).
- I have no need for one such as you...: At 50% HP or less. Mysterious Assassin enters boost mode. Uses What this realm truly needs is an absolute ruler! if not broken before its next action.
- What this realm truly needs is an absolute ruler!: Deal physical damage to single target. Reduces 90% of current SP.