Father Monaris is a character in Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent. He appears as a minor NPC in Master of Power but later he returns as an antagonist in Bestower of Fame.
- Monaris the Villainous's body begins to charge...: Start of battle and can be used at the end of a turn. Cast Countdown on self for 3 turns. Uses Frenzied Flesh if not broken before the end of the third turn after the countdown.
- Attack - Deal standard physical damage to single target.
- Crush: Deal physical damage to single target. Inflict Weakness (The target will consume more SP) for 3 turns.
- Wallop: Deal physical damage to single target.
- Breakdown: Deal physical damage to single target. Reduces target's SP.
- Silence: Deal physical damage to single target. Inflict Silence (The target will be not able to use one skill) for 3 turns.
- Heartcrush: Deal physical damage to single target. Reduces target's BP by 3.
- Monaris the Villainous's flesh is bulging severely.: After recovering from the first break. Sets his shield point to 34.
- Monaris the Villainous's flesh is peeling off.: After recovering from the second break onwards. Sets his shield point to 24. Monaris will alternate between them on each break (if in the former break his flesh was peeling off, in the next break his flesh will be bulging and viceversa).
- Miza...My only hope...: At 60% HP or less. Monaris the Villainous enters boost mode and impart self with Phys. Atk. Up for 2 turns. Uses MIIIZAAAAAA! if not broken before his next action.
- MIIIZAAAAAA!: Deal physical damage to Front 2 time(s). First strike will forcibly switch Front traveler(s) for the Back one(s).