Octopath Traveler Wiki

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Octopath Traveler Wiki
Octopath Traveler Wiki

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"A human can only learn so much in its short lifetime. I will gain the time, the power to understand everything." —Lucia

Lucia is a character in Octopath Traveler. She is the assistant to the headmaster of the Royal Academy of Atlasdam, Yvon, and is the main antagonist and final boss of Cyrus' story.



Lucia is a woman with long, dark hair and wears a black scholar’s cloak over a purple dress.

After using the blood-crystal, she transforms into a demon and her body becomes hunched and disfigured, with powerful arms and a glowing heart.


Lucia is an intelligent woman who possesses a strong ambition for acquiring new knowledge and an ability to mastermind her plans over the course of many years, but is also a self-centred sociopath. Like Yvon, she does not believe in sharing knowledge for the good of others and thinks of knowledge as something to be sought out for personal gain. She also thinks of other people as disposable pawns to be used for her own purposes, which she demonstrates by deliberately giving Yvon an imperfect blood-crystal without his knowledge after he had unlocked all the secrets within From the Far Reaches of Hell, intending for him to be killed in battle by Cyrus so she can use the knowledge he unlocked for herself. When her research is threatened, she even readily forsakes her own humanity, using a perfect blood-crystal on herself to turn into a deformed but powerful monstrosity.

Lucia has very good control over her emotions, never raising her voice once until her final confrontation with Cyrus in the Ruins of Eld where she becomes excited while attempting to persuade Cyrus to join her in discovering all the world's knowledge. However, Cyrus' rejection of her offer on the grounds that he wants to discover knowledge so that he can share it with others whereas Lucia wants to keep knowledge to herself so that she can feel superior, angers her enough to forsake her calm façade and reveal that, for all her intelligence, she is indeed a very selfish and arrogant woman with no tolerance for any opinions regarding knowledge that differ from her own.

In spite of her arrogance, Lucia is capable of acknowledging her own mistakes, agreeing with Cyrus that she bears responsibility for Yvon's wilful personality that hindered her plans, given that she was the one who had arranged for his accession to the position of headmaster.

Lucia feels a strong contempt for humanity, specifically for their mortality, which she considers to be a weakness. Her contempt is such that she refers to humans as a whole as "it" instead of "they", while expressing her desire to become immortal so that she can acquire all the world's knowledge for herself, though she refers to specific individuals such as Cyrus and Yvon by their proper gender pronouns.


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(I don't think this is where I should be going at the moment...)
The following section contains potential story spoilers!

15 years prior to the events of Octopath Traveler, Lucia met Lyblac, and together they plotted to install Yvon as the headmaster of the Atlasdam Royal Academy in order to gain access to the tome From the Far Reaches of Hell.

The two were able to convince Yvon to assassinate the former headmaster so that he might take his place and procure the tome. However, after Yvon was able to unlock the secrets of the tome, Lucia plotted in secret to dispose of him and continue the research herself.

After becoming the new headmaster, Yvon begins using dark magic and stealing knowledge from other places, killing those in his way. When Yvon reprimands Cyrus and puts him on leave due to false rumors about an affair with Princess Mary, Lucia is present. 

Later, she meets the powerful mage named Gideon. Lucia and Yvon use his magic to create Blood Stones by kidnapping people and draining them of blood. She follows Cyrus to Stonegard, informing him of Yvon's scheme to use From the Far Reaches of Hell for evil. She leads Cyrus to the headmaster's birthplace, only to knock him out and imprison him. Before leaving Stonegard, she gives Yvon a flawed blood crystal to use against Cyrus, knowing it would render him unstable and kill him.

Lucia would later appear in Duskbarrow in the Ruins of Eld, where she hoards a myriad of priceless books to conduct her studies in secret. She is confronted by Cyrus, who deduced that she was the true mastermind behind the tome's theft and use. She boasts of her schemes and attempts to sway Cyrus into joining her, but he turns her down, distinguishing his desire to use education for good from her selfish pursuit of knowledge. Flying into a rage, Lucia uses a blood crystal, taking on a similar monstrous form as Yvon did in an attempt to kill Cyrus, which fails as he defeats her and her blood stone destroys her.

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Lucia's battle is generally fought in three phases, changing as she recovers from the first two breaks.

The first phase begins with Lucia having only 1 shield and no weaknesses, but immediately increasing them to 30 shields as the very first action and setting her weaknesses to the first set. She will initially only be weak to melee weapons, with the exception of staves. Her skills during this phase are primarily physical attacks.

The second phase begins after she recovers from the first break. Her shields decrease to 15, and her weaknesses change to her second set, which contains all elemental weaknesses except Dark. Her skills during this phase are primarily elemental damage.

The third and final phase begins after she recovers from the second break. Her shields decrease further to 8, and her weaknesses change to her third set. Lucia gains a third action per turn, with the third action always being a health regeneration ability. Her skills during this phase are primarily physical attacks.

  • Physical Perfection // Lucia has gained inhuman strength...: Used as the first action of the battle, superseding all other actions. The following actions occur:
    • Lucia's shields are set to 30
    • Lucia's weaknesses are set to the following: Type SwordsType PolearmsType DaggersType AxesType Bows
    • Lucia uses only the following skills:
      • Attack: Physical attack, single target.
      • Sweep: Physical attack, targets entire party.
      • Wallop: Physical attack, single target. Inflicts Status Unconsciousness Unconsciousness for 2-3 turns.
      • Pulverize: Heavy physical attack, single target. Drains target of all BP.
  • Lucia's body has metamorphosed into a hideous form...: Used after recovering from first second break. The following actions occur:
    • Lucia's shields are set to 15
    • Lucia's weaknesses are set to the following: Type FireType IceType LightningType WindType Light
    • Lucia uses only the following skills:
      • Attack: Physical attack, single target.
      • Hellfire: Elemental damage, Type Fire. Targets entire party.
      • Shadow Slash: Elemental damage, Type Dark. Chance to inflict Status Silence Silence for 2-5 turns.
      • Shatter Soul: Heavy physical attack, single target. Deals 999 damage to target's SP.
  • Lucia is losing control of her body...: Used after recovering from the second break. The following actions occur:
    • Lucia's shields are set to 8 for the remainder of the battle
    • Lucia's weaknesses are set to the following: Type SwordsType AxesType LightningType Light
    • Lucia uses only the following skills:
      • Attack: Physical attack, single target.
      • Berserk Rage: Physical attack, targets random allies. Hits up to 4 times.
      • Pulverize: Heavy physical attack, single target. Drains target of all BP.
      • Shatter Soul: Heavy physical attack, single target. Deals 999 damage to target's SP.
      • Lucia is screaming in tongues...: Lucia enters boost mode for 1 turn. Uses Almighty Curse if not broken before Lucia's next action.
        • Almighty Curse: Effect. Targets entire party. The following effects occur:
          • Reduces HP of entire party to 1.
          • Heals Lucia for the total of all HP removed.
          • The effect cannot be reflected through skills such as Reflective Veil nor avoided through Sidestep.
    • Lucia increases her actions per turn to three. Third action is always Lucia's body begins to regenerate...
      • Lucia's body begins to regenerate...: Always used as the third action per turn. Lucia recovers 2% of her maximum health (1681 HP).


(Removed. See talk section before adding to this category)


"We are true seekers of knowledge - you and I!" —To Cyrus
"I've given you time to make a move - any move! - but clearly we are going nowhere fast." —After Cyrus's heroic monologue



"Lucia" is a name derived from the Latin term "Lux," meaning "light." Lucia's name reflects her desire to illuminate the mysteries of the unknown through the light of knowledge.


  • Lucia is the only main story boss whose shields decrease after recovering from a successful break.
  • Of all the Chapter 4 bosses, Lucia is one of two alongside Redeye who is slain but does not appear past the Gate of Finis, as Yvon instead takes her place while the Dragon takes Redeye's place.
    • Both Lucia and Redeye were horrifically mutated from their human forms, transformed into demons by fell magic derived from Galdera's power. As such, both of them disintegrated upon death like Mattias and Yvon, but unlike the latter two (who respectively only drew a small portion of Galdera's power or used an incomplete blood crystal), Lucia used a perfected blood crystal to achieve her horrific form, while Redeye barely escaped being completely turned into a vessel for Galdera. Lucia's and Redeye's more extreme transformations therefore derived from closer or stronger links to Galdera's power, which likely caused them to permanently disappear from the living (and possibly the afterlife) or become discreetly absorbed into Galdera's being.
  • She is also the only boss who is fought before accomplishing the chapter's objectives.
  • Lucia has the lowest amount of HP of all the Chapter 4 bosses, to compensate for her high number of shields.
  • Lucia initially holds Cyrus in high regard, considering him to be the only scholar who can "stand shoulder-to-shoulder" with her. She proclaims, "We are true seekers of knowledge—you and I!" and extends multiple opportunities for Cyrus to join her in her research, suggesting that in spite of her prevailing disdain for humanity, she genuinely seeks the company of a fellow knowledge enthusiast.
  • Lucia is the only final boss whose villain speech (denoted by the music theme "Pure Evil" ) is interrupted by the speech of a protagonist coupled with his theme ("Cyrus, the Scholar").
  • In her human sprite, Lucia has purple-black hair; however, her demonic form has short blond hair instead.
  • Lucia's demon form speaks in a noticeably altered resonant voice.
  • Although both Lucia and Yvon transform into demons via blood crystals, Lucia's demon form appears more unnatural than Yvon's, as her arms become disproportionately elongated and bones jut from her neck. This difference is probably due to the fact that Lucia's blood crystal was pure rather than flawed like Yvon's.
  • The difference between a flawed and perfect blood crystal may be whether the blood crystal is made up entirely of the same blood type. In Cyrus's Chapter 2, he notes that the blood crystals have a gradient of different reds and concludes that it takes multiple people to make a single blood crystal.
  • Lucia and Yvon's demonic forms sport enlarged hearts and glowing veins, a reference to the blood crystals being the key to their power.
  • Certain aspects of Lucia's demon form, such as her crimson eyes and elongated arms, resemble Redeye. Her design also appears to have inspired Kaldena of Night from Octopath Traveler II.
  • Because Lucia's boss fight starts off with one shield and zero weaknesses before the automatic activation of "Physical Perfection", Cyrus's "Study Foe" ability never takes effect during the battle.
  • In concept art, Lucia is called Layla, suggesting that this may have been her prototype name.[1]
  • Alternate concepts of Lucia's demon form include a version similar to her final form with a spiked crest jutting out from her spine; a woman whose hair snakes out in a spiral of shadowy tentacles; and a four-legged beast with a bony crest, two jutting horns, and a short tail.[2]


  1. The Art of Octopath Traveler 2016-2020, page 134.
  2. The Art of Octopath Traveler 2016-2020, page 134.
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Octopath Traveler
Travelers: Ophilia  •  Cyrus  •  Tressa  •  Olberic  •  Primrose  •  Alfyn  •  Therion  •  H'aanit
Ophilia's Path: Lianna  •  Archbishop Josef  •  Mattias  •  Guardian of the First Flame  •  Bishop Bartolo  •  Emil  •  Derryl  •  Nate  •  Hróðvitnir  •  Daniel  •  Donovan  •  Lysa  •  Mystery Man and Shady Figure  •  Pontiff Julius
Cyrus's Path: Therese  •  Princess Mary  •  Mercedes  •  Yvon  •  Lucia  •  Russell  •  Odette  •  Gideon  •  Dominic
Tressa's Path: Olneo Colzione  •  Marina Colzione  •  Leon Bastralle  •  Mikk  •  Makk  •  Ali  •  Morlock  •  Omar  •  Baltazar  •  Venomtooth Tiger  •  Noa Wyndham  •  Astor Wyndham  •  Esmeralda  •  Man  •  Ing the Diarist
Olberic's Path: Erhardt  •  King Alfred  •  Philip  •  Gaston  •  Cecily  •  Ned  •  Victorino  •  Conrad  •  Wallace Wildsword  •  Bernhard  •  Grieg the Unbreakable  •  Joshua Frostblade  •  Archibold  •  Gustav  •  Bale  •  Reggie  •  The Man with the Red Hat  •  Harald  •  Werner
Primrose's Path: Geoffrey Azelhart  •  Yusufa  •  Helgenish  •  Helena  •  Arianna  •  Oren  •  Rufus  •  Eschard  •  Revello Forsythe  •  Simeon  •  Anna Forsythe  •  Albus  •  Jan Forsythe  •  Dahlia Azelhart
Alfyn's Path: Zeph  •  Nina  •  Lily  •  Blotted Viper  •  Ellen  •  Flynn  •  Marlene  •  Vanessa Hysel  •  Ogen  •  Miguel  •  Timothy  •  Graham Crossford  •  Ogre Eagle
Therion's Path: Darius  •  Heathcote  •  Cordelia Ravus  •  Barham  •  Orlick  •  Gareth
H'aanit's Path: Z'aanta  •  Linde  •  Hägen  •  Eliza Woodward  •  Ghisarma  •  Natalia  •  Nathan  •  Lord of the Forest  •  Alaic  •  Susanna Grotoff  •  Dragon  •  King Khalim  •  Captain Raaf  •  General Lenaar  •  Redeye
Side Stories: Miles  •  Theracio  •  Le Mann  •  Noelle  •  Ria  •  Meryl  •  Kaia  •  Ashlan  •  Mathilda  •  Tony  •  Professor Bastete  •  Mont d'Or  •  Estadas  •  Professor Paul  •  Maruf
Other: Kit  •  Graham Crossford  •  Alphas  •  Impresario  •  Lyblac
Frostlands: Flamesgrace  •  Cave of Origin  •  Hoarfrost Grotto  •  Stillsnow  •  Secret Path  •  Obsidian Parlor  •  The Whitewood  •  Shrine of the Flamebearer  •  Tomb of the Imperator  •  Northreach  •  Lorn Cathedral  •  Maw of the Ice Dragon
Flatlands: Atlasdam  •  Subterranean Study  •  The Whistlewood  •  Noblecourt  •  Orlick's Manse  •  Obsidian Manse  •  Shrine of the Sage  •  The Hollow Throne  •  Wispermill  •  Ebony Grotto  •  Forest of Purgation  •  Shrine of the Starseer
Coastlands: Rippletide  •  Caves of Maiya  •  Undertow Cove  •  Moonstruck Coast  •  Goldshore  •  Caves of Azure  •  Seaside Grotto  •  Shrine of the Trader  •  Captains' Bane  •  Grandport  •  Grandport Sewers  •  Loch of the Lost King
Highlands: Hornburg  •  Cobbleston  •  Brigands' Den  •  Untouched Sanctum  •  Stonegard  •  The Spectrewood  •  Yvon's Birthplace  •  Shrine of the Thunderblade  •  Tomb of Kings  •  Everhold  •  Amphitheatre  •  Everhold Tunnels  •  Shrine of the Runeblade  •  Ruins of Hornburg
Sunlands: Sunshade  •  Sunshade Catacombs  •  Whistling Cavern  •  Wellspring  •  Lizardmen's Den  •  Black Market  •  Shrine of the Lady of Grace  •  Quicksand Caves  •  Marsalim  •  Grimsand Ruins  •  Marsalim Catacombs
Riverlands: Clearbrook  •  Cave of Rhiyo  •  Twin Falls  •  Saintsbridge  •  The Murkwood  •  Rivira Woods  •  Farshore  •  Shrine of the Healer  •  Riverford  •  Hidden Path  •  Lord's Manse  •  Refuge Ruins  •  Shrine of the Warbringer
Cliftlands: Bolderfall  •  Ravus Manor  •  Carrion Caves  •  Quarrycrest  •  The Sewers  •  Morlock's Manse  •  Shrine of the Prince of Thieves  •  Derelict Mine  •  Orewell  •  Forest of Rubeh  •  Dragonsong Fane
Woodlands: S'warkii  •  The Whisperwood  •  Path of Beasts  •  Victors Hollow  •  The Forgotten Grotto  •  Forest of No Return  •  Shrine of the Huntress  •  Duskbarrow  •  Ruins of Eld  •  Moldering Ruins  •  Shrine of the Archmagus
Other: The Gate of Finis  •  Journey's End
Ophilia's Path: Guardian of the First Flame  •  Hróðvitnir  •  Mystery Man and Shady Figure  •  Mattias
Cyrus's Path: Russell  •  Gideon  •  Yvon  •  Lucia
Tressa's Path: Mikk and Makk  •  Omar  •  Venomtooth Tiger  •  Esmeralda
Olberic's Path: Gaston  •  Joshua Frostblade  •  Archibold  •  Gustav  •  Lizardman Chief  •  Erhardt  •  Werner
Primrose's Path: Helgenish  •  Rufus  •  Albus  •  Simeon
Alfyn's Path: Blotted Viper  •  Vanessa Hysel  •  Miguel  •  Ogre Eagle
Therion's Path: Heathcote  •  Orlick  •  Gareth  •  Darius
H'aanit's Path: Ghisarma  •  Lord of the Forest  •  Dragon  •  Redeye
Optional: Jötunn  •  Giant Python and Snake Charmer  •  Leviathan  •  Devourer of Men  •  Mánagarmr  •  Azure-eyed Tiger  •  Behemoth  •  Devourer of Dreams  •  Dreadwolf  •  Gigantes  •  Lord of the Sands  •  Manymaws  •  Monarch  •  Throne Guardian  •  Tyrannodrake
Gods of Orsterra: Winnehild  •  Steorra  •  Balogar  •  Dreisang  •  Galdera
Game Mechanics
General: Achievements  •  Side Stories  •  Travel Banter
Battle: Experience  •  Skills  •  Status Effects  •  Support Skills
Path Actions: Guide/Allure  •  Scrutinize/Inquire  •  Purchase/Steal  •  Provoke/Challenge
Inventory: Items  •  Weapons  •  Shields  •  Headgear  •  Body Armor  •  Materials
Jobs: Cleric  •  Scholar  •  Merchant  •  Warrior  •  Dancer  •  Apothecary  •  Thief  •  Hunter
Advanced Jobs: Starseer  •  Runelord  •  Warmaster  •  Sorcerer