- "This tome came from a land across the sea. Sadly, it is written in a script I can make neither heads nor tails of... I wonder if anyone can." —Bookbinder
Lost in Translation is a side story in Octopath Traveler. The tale begins by speaking with the Bookbinder inside the house to the west of the entrance to Yvon's Birthplace in Stonegard Heights.

Bookbinder, Stonegard Heights
Guide /
Travel to Rippletide. Successfully use the Guide or Allure path action to the Exotic Grandma (
Min Lvl: 5 /
Base: 80% ) located at the end of the pier to the south.

The tale ends once the Exotic Grandma is brought to the Bookbinder.
- "The bookbinder received the help of an elderly woman of foreign origins to translate the book."
Upon completion of the side story, the following occurs:
- Exotic Grandma relocates to Stonegard Heights near the Bookbinder.