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Octopath Traveler Wiki

Kit Crossford is a character in Octopath Traveler, son of Graham Crossford.



Kit has long blond hair tied into a ponytail and blue eyes. He wears a dark blue cape over his shoulders, a black long sleeved shirt, white pants with a brown satchel and brown boots.


Although he exhibits tenacious determination in his search for his father, Kit appears to be relatively clueless in his travels. He sustains injury from a monster and finds himself without healing resources, struggles to earn his keep as part of an acting troupe, and blindly follows Lyblac to the Gate of Finis in the hope that she will unite him with his father. Despite his naivety, Kit has an outlook of gratitude, as he seeks to repay the actors who took him in and do right by those who aid him in his journey.


Kit can be found outside of the town of your initial chosen traveler after you complete their prologue. He has been attacked by a monster and is injured. He asks the traveler if they can spare a Healing Grape. Should the player give him one, he will thank them. He will then introduce himself and state that he is on a journey to find his lost father, who disappeared when Kit was just a child. He will give the player LeafLeaf 1,500 for helping him.

Helping Kit completes the side story Kit, the Traveler, which is typically the first side story players will encounter.

He reappears in Noblecourt, where he believes that he has gone as far as he can alone. He asks the party to find a group for him to travel with. The group then takes the inspiring actor to him and he joins the Impresario's circus.

Kit can be found again at Moonstruck Coast, and he tells the player that he feels like he needs to repay the Impresario somehow. The party gives him a lapis lazuli, which Kit uses to repaint the Impresario's sign.

Later on, Kit is seen talking to Lyblac in front of the Gate of Finis. She tells Kit that he will find his father inside the gate. However, Kit was deceived by Lyblac, and his body is offered up to the thirteenth god, Galdera, where the two became one and the same. Lyblac tells the player that this was possible through Kit's bloodline, as their ancestor, Odin Crossford, was the magician who sealed Galdera away.

Once Galdera is defeated, Kit resurfaces from the god without any knowledge of what had just occurred. A few moments after thanking the player for rescuing him, the spirits of Graham and his wife appear before Kit. Graham thanks the player for sealing away the darkness in Orsterra, then he gives Kit words of encouragement: to live on, and live strong.

Kit and the player then exit the Gate of Finis, closing the gate. The player is given LeafLeaf 100,000 and a Spurning Ribbon Equip: Wards off all enemy encounters.


Main article: Kit Crossford/Quotes



"Kit" is a shortened version of the names "Christoper" and "Catherine." It means "bearing Christ," and as such has also come to mean "pure." In Kit Crossford's case, the name reflects his innocence and his supernatural destiny, as Kit serves a vessel for Galdera (somewhat similar to the way that Jesus Christ became the "vessel" for human sin).

Kit's surname "Crossford" is a locational name possibly inspired by the English village of Crossford, whose ford was often crossed by monks on their way between the abbeys of Dunfermline and Culross.


  • Kit’s reflection appears inside the Omniscient Eye, proving that he was indeed absorbed by the malevolent Galdera.
  • The In Search of Father (I) quest reveals that Kit is not a good actor.
  • According to early concept art for Octopath Traveler, Kit was originally designed as a protagonist with long blond hair, a black coat, and an appearance of nobility.[1]


  1. The Art of Octopath Traveler 2016-2020, page 218.
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Octopath Traveler
Travelers: Ophilia  •  Cyrus  •  Tressa  •  Olberic  •  Primrose  •  Alfyn  •  Therion  •  H'aanit
Ophilia's Path: Lianna  •  Archbishop Josef  •  Mattias  •  Guardian of the First Flame  •  Bishop Bartolo  •  Emil  •  Derryl  •  Nate  •  Hróðvitnir  •  Daniel  •  Donovan  •  Lysa  •  Mystery Man and Shady Figure  •  Pontiff Julius
Cyrus's Path: Therese  •  Princess Mary  •  Mercedes  •  Yvon  •  Lucia  •  Russell  •  Odette  •  Gideon  •  Dominic
Tressa's Path: Olneo Colzione  •  Marina Colzione  •  Leon Bastralle  •  Mikk  •  Makk  •  Ali  •  Morlock  •  Omar  •  Baltazar  •  Venomtooth Tiger  •  Noa Wyndham  •  Astor Wyndham  •  Esmeralda  •  Man  •  Ing the Diarist
Olberic's Path: Erhardt  •  King Alfred  •  Philip  •  Gaston  •  Cecily  •  Ned  •  Victorino  •  Conrad  •  Wallace Wildsword  •  Bernhard  •  Grieg the Unbreakable  •  Joshua Frostblade  •  Archibold  •  Gustav  •  Bale  •  Reggie  •  The Man with the Red Hat  •  Harald  •  Werner
Primrose's Path: Geoffrey Azelhart  •  Yusufa  •  Helgenish  •  Helena  •  Arianna  •  Oren  •  Rufus  •  Eschard  •  Revello Forsythe  •  Simeon  •  Anna Forsythe  •  Albus  •  Jan Forsythe  •  Dahlia Azelhart
Alfyn's Path: Zeph  •  Nina  •  Lily  •  Blotted Viper  •  Ellen  •  Flynn  •  Marlene  •  Vanessa Hysel  •  Ogen  •  Miguel  •  Timothy  •  Graham Crossford  •  Ogre Eagle
Therion's Path: Darius  •  Heathcote  •  Cordelia Ravus  •  Barham  •  Orlick  •  Gareth
H'aanit's Path: Z'aanta  •  Linde  •  Hägen  •  Eliza Woodward  •  Ghisarma  •  Natalia  •  Nathan  •  Lord of the Forest  •  Alaic  •  Susanna Grotoff  •  Dragon  •  King Khalim  •  Captain Raaf  •  General Lenaar  •  Redeye
Side Stories: Miles  •  Theracio  •  Le Mann  •  Noelle  •  Ria  •  Meryl  •  Kaia  •  Ashlan  •  Mathilda  •  Tony  •  Professor Bastete  •  Mont d'Or  •  Estadas  •  Professor Paul  •  Maruf
Other: Kit  •  Graham Crossford  •  Alphas  •  Impresario  •  Lyblac
Frostlands: Flamesgrace  •  Cave of Origin  •  Hoarfrost Grotto  •  Stillsnow  •  Secret Path  •  Obsidian Parlor  •  The Whitewood  •  Shrine of the Flamebearer  •  Tomb of the Imperator  •  Northreach  •  Lorn Cathedral  •  Maw of the Ice Dragon
Flatlands: Atlasdam  •  Subterranean Study  •  The Whistlewood  •  Noblecourt  •  Orlick's Manse  •  Obsidian Manse  •  Shrine of the Sage  •  The Hollow Throne  •  Wispermill  •  Ebony Grotto  •  Forest of Purgation  •  Shrine of the Starseer
Coastlands: Rippletide  •  Caves of Maiya  •  Undertow Cove  •  Moonstruck Coast  •  Goldshore  •  Caves of Azure  •  Seaside Grotto  •  Shrine of the Trader  •  Captains' Bane  •  Grandport  •  Grandport Sewers  •  Loch of the Lost King
Highlands: Hornburg  •  Cobbleston  •  Brigands' Den  •  Untouched Sanctum  •  Stonegard  •  The Spectrewood  •  Yvon's Birthplace  •  Shrine of the Thunderblade  •  Tomb of Kings  •  Everhold  •  Amphitheatre  •  Everhold Tunnels  •  Shrine of the Runeblade  •  Ruins of Hornburg
Sunlands: Sunshade  •  Sunshade Catacombs  •  Whistling Cavern  •  Wellspring  •  Lizardmen's Den  •  Black Market  •  Shrine of the Lady of Grace  •  Quicksand Caves  •  Marsalim  •  Grimsand Ruins  •  Marsalim Catacombs
Riverlands: Clearbrook  •  Cave of Rhiyo  •  Twin Falls  •  Saintsbridge  •  The Murkwood  •  Rivira Woods  •  Farshore  •  Shrine of the Healer  •  Riverford  •  Hidden Path  •  Lord's Manse  •  Refuge Ruins  •  Shrine of the Warbringer
Cliftlands: Bolderfall  •  Ravus Manor  •  Carrion Caves  •  Quarrycrest  •  The Sewers  •  Morlock's Manse  •  Shrine of the Prince of Thieves  •  Derelict Mine  •  Orewell  •  Forest of Rubeh  •  Dragonsong Fane
Woodlands: S'warkii  •  The Whisperwood  •  Path of Beasts  •  Victors Hollow  •  The Forgotten Grotto  •  Forest of No Return  •  Shrine of the Huntress  •  Duskbarrow  •  Ruins of Eld  •  Moldering Ruins  •  Shrine of the Archmagus
Other: The Gate of Finis  •  Journey's End
Ophilia's Path: Guardian of the First Flame  •  Hróðvitnir  •  Mystery Man and Shady Figure  •  Mattias
Cyrus's Path: Russell  •  Gideon  •  Yvon  •  Lucia
Tressa's Path: Mikk and Makk  •  Omar  •  Venomtooth Tiger  •  Esmeralda
Olberic's Path: Gaston  •  Joshua Frostblade  •  Archibold  •  Gustav  •  Lizardman Chief  •  Erhardt  •  Werner
Primrose's Path: Helgenish  •  Rufus  •  Albus  •  Simeon
Alfyn's Path: Blotted Viper  •  Vanessa Hysel  •  Miguel  •  Ogre Eagle
Therion's Path: Heathcote  •  Orlick  •  Gareth  •  Darius
H'aanit's Path: Ghisarma  •  Lord of the Forest  •  Dragon  •  Redeye
Optional: Jötunn  •  Giant Python and Snake Charmer  •  Leviathan  •  Devourer of Men  •  Mánagarmr  •  Azure-eyed Tiger  •  Behemoth  •  Devourer of Dreams  •  Dreadwolf  •  Gigantes  •  Lord of the Sands  •  Manymaws  •  Monarch  •  Throne Guardian  •  Tyrannodrake
Gods of Orsterra: Winnehild  •  Steorra  •  Balogar  •  Dreisang  •  Galdera
Game Mechanics
General: Achievements  •  Side Stories  •  Travel Banter
Battle: Experience  •  Skills  •  Status Effects  •  Support Skills
Path Actions: Guide/Allure  •  Scrutinize/Inquire  •  Purchase/Steal  •  Provoke/Challenge
Inventory: Items  •  Weapons  •  Shields  •  Headgear  •  Body Armor  •  Materials
Jobs: Cleric  •  Scholar  •  Merchant  •  Warrior  •  Dancer  •  Apothecary  •  Thief  •  Hunter
Advanced Jobs: Starseer  •  Runelord  •  Warmaster  •  Sorcerer