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Octopath Traveler Wiki
Castle Edoras
Hell: Castle Edoras

Hell: Castle Edoras is a location in Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent.



                      Mesara the Thief
                      Edoras Executioner


                      Burly Soldier


                      Prince Oswald
                      Elrica-Adoring Pauper
                      Starved Child


                      Ulrica's Attendant


Random Encounters[]

Name Lv. HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Leaf
Icon EXP
TP Item (Droprate %)
Fallen Edoras Soldier III 84 12,648 7 Type SwordsType PolearmsType BowsType IceType Light LeafLeaf 750 3,825 10 Infernal Insect Carapace (??%)
Fallen Pauper 84 11,832 6 Type SwordsType PolearmsType AxesType FansType Lightning LeafLeaf 639 3,110 10 Netherfort Thorn (??%)
Netherfort Polishstone (??%)
Infernal Pest I 84 12,444 8 Type AxesType FansType FireType Dark LeafLeaf 683 3,217 10 Blood Ore (??%)
Netherfort Polishstone (??%)
Infernal Refuse 84 12,151 7 Type StavesType TomesType IceType WindType Light LeafLeaf 743 3,253 10 Fallen Bone (??%)

Elite Enemies[]

Name Lv. HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Leaf
Icon EXP
TP Item (Droprate %)
Menacing Cursed Flame Guardian 85 214,245 17 Type StavesType TomesType IceType Lightning LeafLeaf 870 17,387 10 ? (??%)



Hidden Item[]


Hell: Castle Edoras - 2F/Townspeople


Random Encounters[]

Name Lv. HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Leaf
Icon EXP
TP Item (Droprate %)
Fallen Edoras Soldier III 84 12,648 7 Type SwordsType PolearmsType BowsType IceType Light LeafLeaf 750 3,825 10 Infernal Insect Carapace (??%)
Fallen Pauper 84 11,832 6 Type SwordsType PolearmsType AxesType FansType Lightning LeafLeaf 639 3,110 10 Netherfort Thorn (??%)
Netherfort Polishstone (??%)
Infernal Pest I 84 12,444 8 Type AxesType FansType FireType Dark LeafLeaf 683 3,217 10 Blood Ore (??%)
Netherfort Polishstone (??%)
Infernal Refuse 84 12,151 7 Type StavesType TomesType IceType WindType Light LeafLeaf 743 3,253 10 Fallen Bone (??%)

Elite Enemies[]

Name Lv. HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Leaf
Icon EXP
TP Item (Droprate %)
Fallen Edoras Defender of Power 85 317,038 20 Type DaggersType StavesType FireType Wind LeafLeaf 938 25,265 10 ? (??%)



Hidden Item[]


Random Encounters[]

Name Lv. HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Leaf
Icon EXP
TP Item (Droprate %)
Cursed Flame Curator 84 12,648 9 Type DaggersType StavesType IceType Lightning LeafLeaf 713 3,682 10 Blood Ore (??%)
Netherfort Polishstone (??%)
Fallen Aristocrat 84 11,885 8 Type AxesType StavesType TomesType FireType Dark LeafLeaf 817 3,217 10 Netherfort Thorn (??%)
Fallen Maid 84 11,971 8 Type SwordsType BowsType TomesType WindType Light LeafLeaf 669 3,253 10 Infernal Insect Carapace (??%)
Infernal Refuse 84 12,151 7 Type StavesType TomesType IceType WindType Light LeafLeaf 743 3,253 10 Fallen Bone (??%)



Hidden Item[]


Hell: Castle Edoras - 4F/Townspeople


Random Encounters[]

Name Lv. HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Leaf
Icon EXP
TP Item (Droprate %)
Cursed Flame Curator 84 12,648 9 Type DaggersType StavesType IceType Lightning LeafLeaf 713 3,682 10 Blood Ore (??%)
Netherfort Polishstone (??%)
Fallen Aristocrat 84 11,885 8 Type AxesType StavesType TomesType FireType Dark LeafLeaf 817 3,217 10 Netherfort Thorn (??%)
Fallen Maid 84 11,971 8 Type SwordsType BowsType TomesType WindType Light LeafLeaf 669 3,253 10 Infernal Insect Carapace (??%)
Infernal Refuse 84 12,151 7 Type StavesType TomesType IceType WindType Light LeafLeaf 743 3,253 10 Fallen Bone (??%)

Elite Enemies[]

Name Lv. HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Leaf
Icon EXP
TP Item (Droprate %)
Fallen Edoras Defender of Wealth 85 251,434 16 Type SwordsType BowsType FansType Dark LeafLeaf 1,241 22,618 10 ? (??%)




Random Encounters[]

Name Lv. HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Leaf
Icon EXP
TP Item (Droprate %)
Cursed Flame Curator 84 12,648 9 Type DaggersType StavesType IceType Lightning LeafLeaf 713 3,682 10 Blood Ore (??%)
Netherfort Polishstone (??%)
Fallen Edoras Knight I 84 12,104 8 Type PolearmsType StavesType WindType Dark LeafLeaf 765 3,396 10 Netherfort Thorn (??%)
Fallen Edoras Knight II 84 13,615 9 Type DaggersType AxesType BowsType Fire LeafLeaf 758 3,789 10 Infernal Insect Carapace (??%)
Infernal Insect III 84 11,832 6 Type BowsType StavesType IceType Light LeafLeaf 691 3,719 10 Fallen Bone (??%)

Elite Enemies[]

Name Lv. HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Leaf
Icon EXP
TP Item (Droprate %)

= |- valign="top"

Menacing Great Infernal Insect II 85 218,902 19 Type PolearmsType BowsType FireType Light LeafLeaf 841 18,975 10 ? (??%)




Hell: Castle Edoras - 6F/Townspeople


Random Encounters[]

Name Lv. HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Leaf
Icon EXP
TP Item (Droprate %)
Cursed Flame Curator 84 12,648 9 Type DaggersType StavesType IceType Lightning LeafLeaf 713 3,682 10 Blood Ore (??%)
Netherfort Polishstone (??%)
Fallen Edoras Knight I 84 12,104 8 Type PolearmsType StavesType WindType Dark LeafLeaf 765 3,396 10 Netherfort Thorn (??%)
Fallen Edoras Knight II 84 13,615 9 Type DaggersType AxesType BowsType Fire LeafLeaf 758 3,789 10 Infernal Insect Carapace (??%)
Infernal Insect III 84 11,832 6 Type BowsType StavesType IceType Light LeafLeaf 691 3,719 10 Fallen Bone (??%)

Elite Enemies[]

Name Lv. HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Leaf
Icon EXP
TP Item (Droprate %)
Fallen Edoras Defender of Fame 85 302,454 18 Type SwordsType TomesType IceType Lightning LeafLeaf 909 26,228 10 ? (??%)



