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Octopath Traveler Wiki

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"So come... let us consume all life on this world... let us consume the gods themselves... For now and eternity... there is only us... There is only Galdera!" —Before battle

Galdera, the Fallen is the overarching antagonist and true final boss of Octopath Traveler. He is the 13th of the gods of Orsterra. His portfolio is that of life and death, and he is sometimes known as the god of the Accurst Flame.

Galdera also appears as an optional secret boss in Octopath Traveler II, where he can be confronted within the game's Gate of Finis.


"The thirteenth child and baby of the family, Galdera has no particular talent like his older siblings, but more ambition than all of them put together. His mother hopes that his heart, at least, will keep him on the right path." —Champions of the Continent

According to Aelfric, the greedy Galdera wanted the world for himself since the beginning, so he burned her mother with his accursed flames when She was planning to distribute Orsterra among his siblings.

Eons ago, Galdera betrayed the other gods and attempted to seize their power for himself, but was cast down by Aelfric the Flamebearer, and imprisoned in a plane of utter darkness behind the Gate of Finis. This earned Galdera the sobriquet "The Fallen."

However, Galdera had created a daughter, Lyblac, who has worked since escaping imprisonment to free him. Her preparations for his return are what caused most of the events of the game. She pursues descendants of Odin Crossford, the sorcerer who sealed Galdera behind the Gate, to use as Galdera's vessel. A failed attempt was made with Graham Crossford, and an attempt to kidnap Rinyuu for the same purpose failed to secure her, and hence Lyblac set her sights on Graham's son, Kit.

Should Galdera be freed, his vengeance on the Gods and people of Orsterra would surely follow. Artifacts such as the tome From the Far Reaches of Hell and the mural in the Ruins of Eld are left as warnings of what destructive powers lie behind the Gate.

Galdera believes himself to be the perfect almighty existence. He intends to consume all life, including humanity and the other gods, and become the only thing in existence for all eternity.


"That's right. I killed her. Because she said she'd distribute land to each of us. And I made it clear before... I want everything for myself!" —a young Galdera upon being discovered, according to Aelfric's Trial of Truth
"Why should Orsterra be given to fools like you? I will devour all the life of this world, including you twelve. All will be mine and mine alone! I don't need or want anyone else!" —a young Galdera's resolution, according to Aelfric's Trial of Truth
"I hear you... my daughter...
My daughter... for fulfilling your fate... I bestow upon thee eternal slumber...
Brave souls... You have earned the same reward...
So come... let us consume all life... let us consume the gods themselves...
For now and eternity... there is only us. There is only Galdera!
" —At Journey’s End


"Galdera" may be derived from the Anglo-Saxon term "galdere," which means "enchanter," "sorcerer," or "diviner." "Galdera" is also Basque for "question," possibly alluding to the dark god's forbidden knowledge and power.

Galdera's name also bears a resemblance to the term "caldera," which refers to a volcanic crater and potentially inspires imagery of the Underworld.


Octopath Traveler[]

  • Kit can be seen trapped behind the Omniscient Eye.
  • Galdera is one of only two bosses in Octopath Traveler to have more than one separate battle, the other being Simeon. However, even though Galdera is considered the game's true final boss, his battle is optional as it is only accessed through select side quests, and unlike Simeon, the player fights him with all eight main characters.
  • In phase one, a Raging Soul is summoned before any actions can be taken. However, once that soul is defeated, two more will only be summoned on the eye's next action. Due to this, it is possible to break the eye and deal enough damage to skip when it summons two souls entirely, moving immediately to the phase where three souls are summoned.
  • After defeating Galdera, the lines of dialogue displayed outside the Gate of Finis are similar to what is said in Project Octopath Traveler's first teaser trailer.
  • When all eight travelers are present in the scenes when confronting Galdera and after defeating him, the travelers stand in a loose circle that corresponds to their respective region of origin (e.g. Ophilia/Frostlands in between Cyrus/Flatlands to the East/right and H'aanit/Woodlands to the West/left). This orientation also spells out OCTOPATH with the first names of the travelers, starting from Ophilia and moving clockwise.
  • Galdera speaks in the plural, referring to himself as "we" and "us."
  • Experience-boosting accessories and support skills do not work on Galdera, with the notable exception of Bewildering Grace bonuses.
  • According to Yasunori Nishiki, both of his final battle themes in Octopath Traveler (The One They Call the Witch and Daughter of the Dark God) have female vocal lead to match the gender of the person who unsealed Galdera, Lyblac. Similarly, Vide's themes have male vocals to match the voice of Oboro in Octopath Traveler II.[1]
  • Octopath Traveler's boss designer, UCMM, didn't personally care for Galdera's design until partway through development. It seemed like no more than a huge black beast, but giving Galdera a human-like head offered the sense of an intelligent godlike being that surpasses man.[2]
  • Galdera and Lyblac were created at the very end of Octopath Traveler's production.[3]
  • Concept art reveals that at least some of the corpses incorporated into Galdera's body were originally going to be standing apart from his body, wearing tattered clothing. Although not recognizable as any specific characters, these corpses represent persons of various genders, ages, and physiques.[4]
  • According to concept art, Galdera's Wailing Soul is female, while the Screaming Soul and Raging Soul are male.[5]
  • At one point in development, Galdera's first phase was represented by a tentacled sprite with two large glowing eyes, one pink and the other blue.[6]
  • Hitomi Furuta made the structural draft for Galdera first, due to all of the special elements, like the two-stage composition, sectional construction, and so on. Finishing it was no mean feat, but the developers put their all into the illustrations, sprites, and animations, resulting in a boss for the ages.[7]
  • Galdera, the Fallen's battlefield is used as the background in the DLC stage for "Daughter of the Dark God" in Theathrhythm Final Bar Line.

Octopath Traveler II[]

  • When first encountered beyond the Gate of Finis, Galdera takes the form of a burning eye similar to Vide's.
  • Galdera's inclusion in Octopath Traveler II was not planned early in development; his boss battle was added late in the development process. Since the music production phase was already completed, the developers planned to reuse the music from the original Octopath Traveler, but when composer Yasunori Nishiki considered the importance of Galdera to the series and the fact that the battle would be so difficult that players would be using travelers they had spent a long time raising, he felt strongly that they couldn’t just reuse the existing music. He ended up asking producer Masashi Takahashi for one shot at creating a new track, and thus the theme "Underworldly Entity" was born.[8]
  • Given the lore about Galdera coming from another world, Nishiki wanted to create a theme that felt a little different from the original Galdera music. In "Underworldly Entity" he combined synth arpeggios, high-tempo loops, and Hollywood-style percussion to express the idea of an outsider from another dimension.[9]


  1. https://note.com/yasunori_nishiki/n/naf48c8c7518a?magazine_key=mceb3c1ed9da8
  2. The Art of Octopath Traveler 2016-2020, page 126.
  3. The Art of Octopath Traveler 2016-2020, page 127.
  4. The Art of Octopath Traveler 2016-2020, page 129.
  5. The Art of Octopath Traveler 2016-2020, pages 128-129.
  6. The Art of Octopath Traveler 2016-2020, page 129.
  7. The Art of Octopath Traveler 2016-2020, pages 128-129.
  8. https://note.com/yasunori_nishiki/n/n16855406413f
  9. https://note.com/yasunori_nishiki/n/n16855406413f
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Octopath Traveler
Travelers: Ophilia  •  Cyrus  •  Tressa  •  Olberic  •  Primrose  •  Alfyn  •  Therion  •  H'aanit
Ophilia's Path: Lianna  •  Archbishop Josef  •  Mattias  •  Guardian of the First Flame  •  Bishop Bartolo  •  Emil  •  Derryl  •  Nate  •  Hróðvitnir  •  Daniel  •  Donovan  •  Lysa  •  Mystery Man and Shady Figure  •  Pontiff Julius
Cyrus's Path: Therese  •  Princess Mary  •  Mercedes  •  Yvon  •  Lucia  •  Russell  •  Odette  •  Gideon  •  Dominic
Tressa's Path: Olneo Colzione  •  Marina Colzione  •  Leon Bastralle  •  Mikk  •  Makk  •  Ali  •  Morlock  •  Omar  •  Baltazar  •  Venomtooth Tiger  •  Noa Wyndham  •  Astor Wyndham  •  Esmeralda  •  Man  •  Ing the Diarist
Olberic's Path: Erhardt  •  King Alfred  •  Philip  •  Gaston  •  Cecily  •  Ned  •  Victorino  •  Conrad  •  Wallace Wildsword  •  Bernhard  •  Grieg the Unbreakable  •  Joshua Frostblade  •  Archibold  •  Gustav  •  Bale  •  Reggie  •  The Man with the Red Hat  •  Harald  •  Werner
Primrose's Path: Geoffrey Azelhart  •  Yusufa  •  Helgenish  •  Helena  •  Arianna  •  Oren  •  Rufus  •  Eschard  •  Revello Forsythe  •  Simeon  •  Anna Forsythe  •  Albus  •  Jan Forsythe  •  Dahlia Azelhart
Alfyn's Path: Zeph  •  Nina  •  Lily  •  Blotted Viper  •  Ellen  •  Flynn  •  Marlene  •  Vanessa Hysel  •  Ogen  •  Miguel  •  Timothy  •  Graham Crossford  •  Ogre Eagle
Therion's Path: Darius  •  Heathcote  •  Cordelia Ravus  •  Barham  •  Orlick  •  Gareth
H'aanit's Path: Z'aanta  •  Linde  •  Hägen  •  Eliza Woodward  •  Ghisarma  •  Natalia  •  Nathan  •  Lord of the Forest  •  Alaic  •  Susanna Grotoff  •  Dragon  •  King Khalim  •  Captain Raaf  •  General Lenaar  •  Redeye
Side Stories: Miles  •  Theracio  •  Le Mann  •  Noelle  •  Ria  •  Meryl  •  Kaia  •  Ashlan  •  Mathilda  •  Tony  •  Professor Bastete  •  Mont d'Or  •  Estadas  •  Professor Paul  •  Maruf
Other: Kit  •  Graham Crossford  •  Alphas  •  Impresario  •  Lyblac
Frostlands: Flamesgrace  •  Cave of Origin  •  Hoarfrost Grotto  •  Stillsnow  •  Secret Path  •  Obsidian Parlor  •  The Whitewood  •  Shrine of the Flamebearer  •  Tomb of the Imperator  •  Northreach  •  Lorn Cathedral  •  Maw of the Ice Dragon
Flatlands: Atlasdam  •  Subterranean Study  •  The Whistlewood  •  Noblecourt  •  Orlick's Manse  •  Obsidian Manse  •  Shrine of the Sage  •  The Hollow Throne  •  Wispermill  •  Ebony Grotto  •  Forest of Purgation  •  Shrine of the Starseer
Coastlands: Rippletide  •  Caves of Maiya  •  Undertow Cove  •  Moonstruck Coast  •  Goldshore  •  Caves of Azure  •  Seaside Grotto  •  Shrine of the Trader  •  Captains' Bane  •  Grandport  •  Grandport Sewers  •  Loch of the Lost King
Highlands: Hornburg  •  Cobbleston  •  Brigands' Den  •  Untouched Sanctum  •  Stonegard  •  The Spectrewood  •  Yvon's Birthplace  •  Shrine of the Thunderblade  •  Tomb of Kings  •  Everhold  •  Amphitheatre  •  Everhold Tunnels  •  Shrine of the Runeblade  •  Ruins of Hornburg
Sunlands: Sunshade  •  Sunshade Catacombs  •  Whistling Cavern  •  Wellspring  •  Lizardmen's Den  •  Black Market  •  Shrine of the Lady of Grace  •  Quicksand Caves  •  Marsalim  •  Grimsand Ruins  •  Marsalim Catacombs
Riverlands: Clearbrook  •  Cave of Rhiyo  •  Twin Falls  •  Saintsbridge  •  The Murkwood  •  Rivira Woods  •  Farshore  •  Shrine of the Healer  •  Riverford  •  Hidden Path  •  Lord's Manse  •  Refuge Ruins  •  Shrine of the Warbringer
Cliftlands: Bolderfall  •  Ravus Manor  •  Carrion Caves  •  Quarrycrest  •  The Sewers  •  Morlock's Manse  •  Shrine of the Prince of Thieves  •  Derelict Mine  •  Orewell  •  Forest of Rubeh  •  Dragonsong Fane
Woodlands: S'warkii  •  The Whisperwood  •  Path of Beasts  •  Victors Hollow  •  The Forgotten Grotto  •  Forest of No Return  •  Shrine of the Huntress  •  Duskbarrow  •  Ruins of Eld  •  Moldering Ruins  •  Shrine of the Archmagus
Other: The Gate of Finis  •  Journey's End
Ophilia's Path: Guardian of the First Flame  •  Hróðvitnir  •  Mystery Man and Shady Figure  •  Mattias
Cyrus's Path: Russell  •  Gideon  •  Yvon  •  Lucia
Tressa's Path: Mikk and Makk  •  Omar  •  Venomtooth Tiger  •  Esmeralda
Olberic's Path: Gaston  •  Joshua Frostblade  •  Archibold  •  Gustav  •  Lizardman Chief  •  Erhardt  •  Werner
Primrose's Path: Helgenish  •  Rufus  •  Albus  •  Simeon
Alfyn's Path: Blotted Viper  •  Vanessa Hysel  •  Miguel  •  Ogre Eagle
Therion's Path: Heathcote  •  Orlick  •  Gareth  •  Darius
H'aanit's Path: Ghisarma  •  Lord of the Forest  •  Dragon  •  Redeye
Optional: Jötunn  •  Giant Python and Snake Charmer  •  Leviathan  •  Devourer of Men  •  Mánagarmr  •  Azure-eyed Tiger  •  Behemoth  •  Devourer of Dreams  •  Dreadwolf  •  Gigantes  •  Lord of the Sands  •  Manymaws  •  Monarch  •  Throne Guardian  •  Tyrannodrake
Gods of Orsterra: Winnehild  •  Steorra  •  Balogar  •  Dreisang  •  Galdera
Game Mechanics
General: Achievements  •  Side Stories  •  Travel Banter
Battle: Experience  •  Skills  •  Status Effects  •  Support Skills
Path Actions: Guide/Allure  •  Scrutinize/Inquire  •  Purchase/Steal  •  Provoke/Challenge
Inventory: Items  •  Weapons  •  Shields  •  Headgear  •  Body Armor  •  Materials
Jobs: Cleric  •  Scholar  •  Merchant  •  Warrior  •  Dancer  •  Apothecary  •  Thief  •  Hunter
Advanced Jobs: Starseer  •  Runelord  •  Warmaster  •  Sorcerer

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Battle Overview[]

This battle proceeds in two phases and each phase is fought through by a different four-player team. You will be asked to define the teams before entering the battle, so choose them wisely.

In phase 1, you will be fighting the Omniscient Eye, an enemy that constantly spawns protective Souls that have to be defeated (sometimes simultaneously) in order to make the Eye vulnerable. Attacks are more often elemental than physical. The Eye can be easily broken but has a lot of HP.

The phase 2 enemy is Galdera, the Fallen. Galdera, too, is protected by underlings, which in this case form parts of his body. The parts are present from the beginning but do not respawn. Galdera himself takes very long to be broken but has much less HP than the Eye. Galdera also sports higher offensive stats in return for significantly lower defensive stats.

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The Omniscient Eye summons souls in a set order. First one Raging Soul, then both a Screaming Soul and Wailing Soul, then all three souls at once for every set thereafter. Once it begins summoning three souls at a time, it will wait a turn in between soul spawns. If all three souls do not all die within one turn of each other, they will respawn with full health on the Omniscient Eye's next action.

When all three souls are summoned they will replace their normal vulnerabilities with vulnerability to a single type of magic (excluding dark), each soul with a different vulnerability. These vulnerabilities will rotate each time the souls take damage.

After the Omniscient Eye receives enough damage, a new version of the souls will spawn. Each will have new abilities and one additional shield point. The Omniscient Eye will use Curse of the Afterworld immediately after summoning these souls, but will no longer be immune to damage while they are active.

  • Electrocute: Heavy elemental damage, Type Lightning. Targets entire party.
  • Searing Orb: Elemental damage, Type Fire, single target.
  • Galdera's Temptation: Buff. Applies the Buff Aelfric's Auspices Aelfric's Auspices buff to a Soul.
  • Elemental Veil: Buff. Buff Increased Elemental Defense Increased Elemental Defense for all foes for 5 turns.
  • The Unholy Eye Shudders Ominously: Removes all status augmentations from party.
  • A Shadowy Mist Envelopes The Battlefield: Aura. -50% Accuracy to all party members and foes, lasts until another aura is applied. Uses Shared Vision the next action after applying the aura.
  • Noxious Fumes Envelope The Battlefield: Aura. Replaces Status Poison Poison on all allies with Status Peerless Poison Peerless Poison, lasts until another aura is applied.
  • The Power of The Elements Surges in The Air: Aura. Doubles all damage from both sides, lasts until another aura is applied. Uses Elemental Drain the next action after applying the aura.
  • Curse of the Afterworld: Used below 50% health. Puts three colored death timers on the party, removed on death of matching color souls.
  • Consume Soul: Used below 25% health. The following effects occur:

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  • Rend Flesh: Heavy physical damage to party.
  • Rake: Heavy physical damage to a single party member.
  • Strike of the Dead: Physical damage to a party member, lowers speed.
  • Heart Gouge: Physical damage to a single party member, drains SP.
  • Rage: Counters physical attacks for triple damage.
  • Drag Into Darkness: Used below 25% health. Drags a party member into darkness, causing them to be unable to act or be acted upon until the soul is broken.
  • Merciless Rend: Heavy physical damage, single target. 4 consecutive hits.

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  • Delayed Incantation: Different effects depending on active aura. Elements causes pillars of ice to hit random party members for very heavy damage at the start of the next turn. Contagion poisons the whole party at the start of the next turn, or causes an explosion of fire and brimstone that does party wide damage. Darkness will drain the party of SP, or instantly kill a single party member.
  • Shatter Mind: Physical damage to a single party member, drains SP.
  • Tainted Touch: Heavy physical damage to a party member, lowers elemental defense.
  • Eternal Rancor: Heavy dark damage to a party member.
  • Screams of the Dead: Used below 25% health. Three hits of Dark damage to the entire party.
  • The Sorcerous Energies Within The Screaming Soul Are About to Burst!: Uses Self-Immolation next action if not broken.
    • Self-Immolation: Deals massive physical damage to all party members (~6000 damage on 800 physical defense). Destroys the soul.

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  • Contaminate: Inflicts poison, sleep, blindness, confusion and unconsciousness to one party member with a given probability.
  • Debilitation: Inflicts poison to the entire party with a given probability.
  • Accurst Flame: Heavy dark damage to a party member.
  • Decay: Used below 25% health. Inflicts unconsciousness to the entire party with a given probability.
  • The Sorcerous Energies Within The Wailing Soul Are About to Burst!: Uses Self-Immolation next action if not broken.
    • Self-Immolation: Deals massive physical damage to all party members (~6000 damage on 800 physical defense). Destroys the soul.

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Randomly immune to two weaknesses each break cycle.

Immune to damage while the Abyssal Maw, Lyblac or the Blade of the Fallen are alive. Has three actions per turn once the three parts are slain.

  • Veil of Darkness: Used immediately upon battle starting. Galdera cannot be damaged, broken, debuffed, or afflicted with status conditions as long as any extremities survive.
  • Shadowy Aura: Emotes "Galdera is eyeing you forbiddingly." Next turn either all status debuffs are removed from Galdera, or all status augmentations are removed from the party, alternating.
  • Augmentation: Increases speed by 50% and physical attack by 50%. Targets the Blade of the Fallen, or Galdera, the Fallen once all three parts are slain.
  • The veil of darkness expands!: Used each time when the Blade, Lyblac, or Maw are slain. Adds two shield points to the remaining extremities for each extremity slain. When only one extremity remains, its vulnerabilities are changed to its second set.

Abilities below are only used once the Blade, Lyblac and Maw are slain.

  • The veil of darkness surrounding Galdera has lifted!: Used on Galdera's next turn after all extremities are slain. Removes Galdera's invincibility, sets his shield to 9, exposes his weaknesses to daggers, ice, and light, and allows him to move three times per turn. Always followed by The Souls of The Dead Writhe Ominously before you.
  • The Souls of The Dead Writhe Ominously before you: Unlocks all of Galdera's weaknesses. Uses Banish Soul the next action after emoting if not broken.
    • Banish Soul: Reduce all party members' HP to 1, and BP to 0. Uses Create Soul the next action.
      • Create Soul: Increases Galdera's break shields in proportion with the amount of BP drained by Banish Soul.
    • The Souls Trapped by Galdera Are Set Free!: Emoted by Galdera if broken before using Banish Soul. Grants full BP to all party members.
  • Eternal Void: One hit of very heavy dark damage to all party members.
  • Exterminate: Two hits of extreme physical damage to random party members.
  • Meteor Storm: Eight hits of heavy fire damage to random party members.
  • Crushing Death: Three hits of heavy physical damage to all party members.
  • Impending Doom: Instantly kills one party member after a 1 turn countdown that can't be removed.

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  • Hell's Thunder/Frozen Hell/Hellwind: Three hits of heavy elemental damage to all party members.
  • Nightmare: Very heavy dark damage to all party members. Inflicts Elemental Attack down and Physical Attack down.
  • Consume Aether: Drains 25% of maximum SP from all party members, rounded down.
  • Shadow Eye: Inflicts Physical Defense down to all Party members.
  • Elemental Dominance: Permanently increases the damage of the Maw's elemental abilities. Used when Lyblac or the Blade of The Fallen are slain.
  • Dark Flame's Curse: Prevents use of any magic abilities until the Maw is broken.
  • Temptation of the Fallen: Used when the Abyssal Maw or Blade of the Fallen is slain. Causes Lyblac's Deceleration to target all party members.
  • Toxic Rainbow: Maximum HP reduction for the entire party at the end of every turn. If a party member has above maximum HP at the end of the turn, current HP will be reduced to match the new maximum value. Used when the Blade of the Fallen and Lyblac are slain. Destroy Abyssal Maw to disperse Toxic Rainbow. Entire party will keep reduced maximum HP for the rest of the battle.

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  • Protection: Grants physical defense augmentation to all enemies for 4 turns.
  • Enchantment: Darkness: Causes the Blade of the Fallen to inflict Blindness on its next attack.
  • Enchantment: Fear: Causes the Blade of the Fallen to inflict Terror on its next attack.
  • Elemental Augmentation: Increases the elemental damage of the Abyssal Maw by 50%.
  • Soul Healing: Restores three break shield points on the lowest of the three parts. (Is also used on the lowest HP extremity when broken, does not show any healing, needs clarification.)
  • Auspices of the Fallen: Permanently applies elemental attack up, elemental defense up, physical attack up, physical defense up, evasion up, speed up and accuracy up to Lyblac. Used when Lyblac is the only remaining extremity.
  • Deceleration: Deals dark damage and drains up to 2 BP. Targets physical defense, and can be dodged with Sidestep.
  • Sanguine/Stygian Sorcery: Three hits of heavy fire/dark elemental damage to all party members.
  • Weakness: Inflicts elemental defense down, elemental attack down, physical defense down, physical attack down, speed down, evasion down and critical down to a single party member for 5 turns.

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  • Mistcutter: Used after Lyblac casts Enchantment: Darkness. One hit of heavy physical damage to all party members, inflicts blindness.
  • Shrieking Blade: Used after Lyblac casts Enchantment: Fear. One hit of heavy physical damage on all party members, inflicts terror.
  • Sweep/Mighty Sweep/Almighty Sweep: Physical damage to all party members. Mighty Sweep is used when Lyblac or the Abyssal Maw are slain, and Almighty Sweep when both are slain.
  • Overpowering Slash: Extreme physical damage to one party member, may inflict unconsciousness. Increased damage when Lyblac or the Abyssal Maw are slain.
  • Vorpal Strike: Reduces one party member to 1 HP.
  • Wanton Bloodshed: Four hits of physical damage to random party members. Used when the Abyssal Maw and Lyblac are slain.
  • The blade's movements become more intense!: Allows the Blade to move two times per turn. Used when the Abyssal Maw and Lyblac are slain.

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Player Strategies[]

Below are some player strategies for defeating Galdera.

Recommended level: 55+ on all eight travelers.

Low Level (~55) Strategy:[]

  • Powerful damage that affects all targets will be needed for the first phase. A Warmaster using Winnehild's Battle Cry is ideal for this, especially fed BP by a merchant or items. The Triple souls are not vulnerable to physical and thus will be damaged evenly and die together. H'aanit, whose Take Aim ability can counter aura of darkness, makes an ideal Warmaster.
  • A Dancer's Divine Skill passed to a Cleric can allow reflective veil to be cast on the whole party, greatly ameliorating the damage of the Omniscient Eye, but beware of it being dispelled. Conserve BP to recast it. You can also use this skill to apply Rehabilitate to the entire party, causing you to become immune to the many debilitating status effects the Wailing Soul inflicts.
  • Soulstones are helpful to break souls before they explode or reflect.
  • Powerful single target damage to take the Blade of the Fallen or Abyssal Maw out of the fight quickly eases the second phase greatly. Most party wipes occur in the first few turns. The combination of Elemental Break from a Sorcerer and Balogar's Blade from a Runelord on the Blade of the Fallen is ideal for this. Tressa who can transfer Sidestep to the party makes an ideal Runelord.
  • An Apothecary's Divine Skill with Revitalizing Jam can cover healing requirements and give BP to go on the offensive.
  • A Starseer's Celestial Intervention can remove Augmentation from the Blade or Maw to prevent your party from dying in one attack.
  • A Cleric's Divine Skill used on a Sorcerer is an ideal way to quickly break the main body.

Elemental defense of 750+ on the party is recommended for this phase. HP should be above 3,000. Elemental Edge, Physical Prowess and Saving Grace are powerful defensive support skills to help with this.

Sample Viable Composition:[]

Group A[]
First Wave Second Wave
Class Traveler Class Traveler
Warmaster H'aanit Sorcerer Primrose
Dancer Therion Starseer Ophilia
Cleric Alfyn Apothecary Olberic
Merchant Cyrus Runelord Tressa

At very high level an alternate strategy is to use your Warmaster in the second phase with BP Eater/Surpassing Power/Fortitude/Physical Prowess and simply destroy the three extremities with one use of Winnhild's Battle Cry and Galdera, the Fallen with a second use.

This lengthy video of a low level challenge kill showcases most of the encounter's abilities.[1]

Recommended level: 60+ on Olberic, 55+ for the rest.

Fast Kill Boss Strategy:[]

Credits to Exentryk from GameFAQ.

First Phase[]

In the first phase, your party should be optimized for Elem Atk.

Consider attaching Surpassing Power, Elemental Aid, Second Serving, and Patience for each of your units to make the battle quicker. This phase is all about maximizing your damage using the Runelord's Transfer Rune and Light Rune combo and breaking the Omniscient Eye's shield using two Double Tomahawks.

The ideal initial turn order is Alfyn, Tressa, Ophilia, and H'annit.

  • Alfyn, as a Scholar, focuses on using Concoct to use Pomegranate Panacea (Purifying Dust and Essence of Pomegranate) to boost the party's BP and Grapewood Panacea (Purifying Dust and Essence of Grape) to heal the party 3000HP whenever the party is low on health.
    • Use Pomegranate Panacea on the first turn and then Grapewood Panacea the second.
      • Whenever the Omniscient Eye is unprotected, use your basic attack (boosted) with your Double Tomahawk to aid breaking its shield. Focus on saving BP to attack eight times.
  • Tressa, as a Runelord, focuses on using Transfer Rune and Light Rune to make the party have light-based basic attacks that do thousands of damage each. Consider getting the Tradewinds Spear.
    • Use Transfer Rune unboosted on the first turn, then use Light Rune using all of your BP. Then, poke the Omniscient Eye with basic (and unboosted) spear attacks until it is defeated.
  • Ophilia, as a Hunter, summons the NPC Eliza, which gives the passive Hearty Encouragement. This is mainly to boost your Elem Atk/Def even further. You can also use Leghold Trap on the Omniscient Eye when it is unprotected if the turn order is unfavorable.
    • Like Alfyn, whenever the Omniscient Eye is unprotected, use your basic attack (boosted) with a Double Tomahawk to aid breaking its shield. Focus on saving BP to attack eight times.
    • Eliza should spawn in Wispermill after talking to Lianna in Flamesgrace.
  • H'annit, as a Sorcerer, uses Elemental Break in the first turn of combat on the Soul. Then, she uses Beast Lore to summon the Devourer of Dreams at max BP to one-shot the Soul.
    • H'annit will focus on getting rid of the Wailing, Screaming, and Raging Souls whenever they appear. The Devourer of Dreams, which can be found in the Everhold Tunnels, will always one-shot the Souls if used at max BP.
      • The Devourer of Dreams will become a random encounter in the Everhold Tunnels after beating its boss fight. How many times you can summon one after capturing it is randomized, so it is recommended to capture around one or two for safety.
    • With the Omniscient Eye unprotected, use either Elemental Break to debuff it or your basic attack with your staff to deal massive light damage to the eye, but conserve your BP to use them to summon the Devourer of Dreams every time the Souls reappear.

Second Phase[]

In the second phase, your team should be optimized for Elem Def. Survive the first turn at all costs.

Your goal is to set up a 1HP Olberic for him to use Winnehild's Battle Cry twice. Attach the Surpassing Power, Fortitude, Physical Prowess, and BP Eater passive skills on him and make sure everyone is faster than Olberic so he attacks last. Consider attaching Fleetfoot, Boost-Start, and Cover on everyone else.

The ideal initial turn order is Cyrus, Primrose, Therion, and Olberic.

  • Cyrus, as a Merchant, will use Donate BP to give Olberic one or two BP to Olberic.
    • If Cyrus dies before using this skill, make Therion use a BP-boosting item on Olberic (Energizing Pomegranate M or L) in his place.
  • Primrose, as a Starseer, will use Divination on Olberic to make his attacks always be a critical hit.
    • On the second turn, use Energizing Pomegranate (L) on Olberic so the latter can finish off the battle using his Divine Skill.
    • If you worry that Primrose will die the first turn, make sure to use all your Critical Nuts on Olberic before the fight begins. While this will not guarantee crits like a skill like Divination would, it will boost his chances landing critical hits considerably.
  • Therion, as a Cleric, will use Armor Corrosive on the Blade of the Fallen if Olberic still lives.
    • If Olberic died, use Revive on him. Make sure it is unboosted so Olberic remains with 1HP.
    • On the second turn, use Armor Corrosive on Galdera to make it easier for Olberic to finish him.
  • Olberic, as a Warmaster, will use Winnehild's Battle Cry. This will one-shot Lyblac, the Abyssal Maw, and the Blade of the Fallen on the first turn and Galdera on the second.
    • Beforehand, equip Olberic with the Battle-tested weapons (Sword, Spear, Dagger, and Bow), the Giant's Club, and the Death Cleaver to maximize his damage output.
      • Purchasing the Battle-tested weapons from NPCs is recommended unless you want to grind for them. No other party member needs them as much as Olberic.
    • Make sure Olberic has 1HP before the fight starts. This can be achieved by letting him die beforehand and using Revive on him with either Therion or Ophilia.
      • The skill Fortitude increases your damage the lower your HP is. Combined with Physical Prowess and BP Eater, Olberic should be doing 20,000 damage or more with each hit from Winnehild's Battle Cry.
    • As a bonus, if you have any Fortifying Nuts, use them on Olberic for safety.

Galdera is available in Octopath Traveler 2 as an optional superboss on the ??? Isle after completing the From the Far Reaches of Hell sidequests. Galdera needs to be defeated to complete A Gate Between Worlds sidequest.

Be warned he is much stronger this time although the fight is quite similar to before.

Phase 1[]

Omniscient Eye: HP up to 600,000. Replaces old auras with Flames of Anguish (drains party HP) and Chilling Prison (drains party SP). Now has four actions after consuming souls but no longer gains stat buffs from Consume Souls. Consume Souls now gives the Eye 16 shields.

Souls: HP up to 60,000. Begins with all three souls. Souls now counterattack for high damage when hit by abilities they are not weak to. 100%-75% eye HP normal souls. 75% to 50% eye HP shifting weakness souls. 50%-25% eye HP Curse of the Afterworld souls. 25% or less eye HP consume souls.

Sample Successful Team[]

Phase 1 - Weaker team here. Hang tough support skill used to avoid one shots on low defence.

Level 65 Hikari Armsmaster: Main damage dealer, Battle-Tested Blade. Carries the phase.

Level 65 Throné Merchant: Evasion focused, can hit souls and dodge the counter. Provides debuffs and backup damage with hired help. Sea God's Spear for double hits.

Level 65 Osvald Dancer: Provides e.atk buff and Sealctige's Grace. Secondary damage dealer. Stone of Truth for permanent magic augment.

Level 65 Castti Cleric: Healer, double tomahawk for double hits. Provides support with concoct.

Phase 2[]

Extremities now have 9 shields.

Blade of the Fallen: HP up to 150,000. Can now use shrieking blade without being buffed. Gains two actions and almighty sweep when below 50% HP instead of when the other extremities die. Now has Misfortunate Slash which reduces party max HP by 500 and pierces sidestep, stacks. Will use infernal curse when the only remaining extremity.

Abyssal Maw: HP up to 140,000. No longer uses nightmare, now has consume soul which absorbs BP to increase Galdera's shields and consume life which absorbs 25% of party HP to heal the Maw. Will use toxic rainbow when the only remaining extremity. Now uses elemental dominance when below 50% HP instead of when the other extremities die.

Sundering Arm: Replaces Lyblac. 130,000 HP. Has Waves of Darkness (blind, 1 hit aoe dark damage), Seal Magic, Seal Healing, Seal Physical, Arcane Sphere (high fire damage single target) and below 50% HP uses Dark Binding (target character cannot take any actions until the Arm is broken.) Switches weaknesses when the only remaining extremity.

Galdera, The Fallen: HP up to 250,000, shields up to 20. Will emote "A ghastly grin spreads across Galdera's face..." 1-2 turns before casting Wave of Nothingness which dispels all positive effects on the party. Now uses Auspices of the Fallen which removes all negative effects from an extremity or Galdera and makes them immune to negative effects for 1 turn. Now uses Reflective Shield on an extremity or Galdera which reflects spells until removed with a Hunter's ablating orb.

Once the extremities die Galdera will use Create Soul which lets him regenerate 2 shields per turn. Banish Soul no longer reduces the party to 1 HP but does regular dark damage. Breaking Galdera before Banish Soul will no longer fill the party's BP. Banish Soul now increases the amount of shields gained from create soul on that turn. Galdera now has four actions during the final burn down and will regularly use Waves of Nothingness and Auspices of the Fallen, along with his normal Impending Doom, Crushing Death, Meteor Storm, Exterminate, Eternal Void and Banish Soul. Galdera now switches between three sets of weaknesses every time the Souls of the Dead Writhe Ominously Before You.

Sample Successful Team[]

Phase 2 - Phase 2 is much harder than phase 1, use your best defensive gear here. Equip Fruits of Labor and Improved Accessories support skills to maximize defences. You can use the A Step Ahead support skill to give yourself time to set up when phase 2 starts. High elemental damage dealer Agnea used to eliminate the blade of the fallen quickly to avoid misfortunate slash stacks.

Level 70 Agnea Inventor: Main damage dealer, e.atk focus, uses dagger hits with Mooneater to proc pursuit hits from Conjurer buff. Gives Partitio and Temenos Sealctige's Grace to spread Reflective Shield and Prayer for Plenty. Can spread inventor buffs with latent power. Allure Dolcinaea from New Delstra City to summon.

Level 70 Partitio Arcanist: Defensive support spreading sidestep, rest and reflective shield. Support damage with hired help. Hire Bandelam the Reaper from Crackridge Harbour to summon for damage.

Level 70 Ochette Warrior: Crucial support, use SP saver and use Provoke Beasts to get a huge arsenal of buffs and debuffs almost every turn. Sample stable: Devourer of Dreams (sidestep+reflect), Ocean Lizardking III (2 dagger hits + speed to all allies), Ancient Ratking III (spear+E.Def up to all allies), Ancient Lizardking III (sword+P.Def up to all allies), Peek-A-Boo (staff+e.def/p.def down to all enemies), Black Panther (lightning+e.atk down/p.atk down to all enemies). Befriend Tough Warrior from Southern Ku Sands for damage summon.

Level 70 Temenos Conjurer: Healer/dmg buffer. The Show Must Go On support skill. Gives Agnea elemental pursuit buffs. Hands out Aeflric's Blessing for extra turns. Guide Sanctum Knight for Inhibit Offense to debuff Galdera with summon.

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