- "Yes, I remember now. Far to the west of the Cyphlo River… there is a powerful nation that brought the continent under its rule." —King Solon - Bestower of Power, Prologue
G'roha is an empire to the west of Orsterra, mentioned to have conquered the entire continent on which it is located. It is a powerful and warlike nation that is ruled by Empress Tatloch. Their fleet's square sails are adorned with a large eye, the symbol of their country.
In 1616, Tatloch chose to invade Orsterra by way of the Cyphlo River in search for the Divine Rings. The first known battle was fought between the G'rohan forces and the united armies of Donescu, Edoras, Riven and Altinia. The attacking G'roha won, and made their way into the Middlesea.
Military Force[]
- Violent Commander (Empress' Elite Guard)
- Forceful Commander (Empress' Elite Guard)
- Frightening Commander (Empress' Elite Guard)
- G'roha Commander
- G'roha Soldier (Circle Blade)
- G'roha Soldier (Polearm)
- G'roha Soldier (Staff)
- Calvary (Bow)
- Calvary (Polearm)
The flagship of the G'rohan Fleet, commanded by Empress Tatloch.
- The G'roha seemingly values black panthers greatly, as they serve as mounts in their army, and the Empress herself has one as a companion, name of Maa'fa.
- A G'roha Crystal Skull found itself in the hands of the Adventurous Magnate, met in the Nameless Town.
- In battle, the male soldiers (excluding the elite guards) share
weaknesses while the female soldiers share