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Octopath Traveler Wiki

Frigit Isle: Prison is a part of the town of Frigit Isle in Octopath Traveler II.



Osvald's Path Actions
Name Mug Scrutinize
Age Strength Possesion Items Obtained Level Chance of Sucess (%) Information Gleaned Details
Prisoner ? 1 Osvald's Notebook Healing Grape
44 2 100 None Crimes: Instigating foreign agression , insurrection
39 2 100 None Notes: Prisioner was found defacing a public building with anti-estabilishment writings. Claims to be an artist.
43 2 100 None A high-ranking member of an evil organization.
33 2 100 Labor Report Whereabouts
35 2 100 None Crimes: Forcible incitement of a duel, murder

Notes: Prisioner's violent tendencies are exacerbated by the consumption of alcohol.

28 2 100 None Kidnapping of promising 6-year-old aristocratic child.
46 2 100 None Convicted of Embezzlement, he maintains his innocence.
33 2 100 None Convicted of Fraud, he called himself the messenger of the gods.
30 2 100 None
50 2 100 None
27 2 100 None
25 2 100 None
Guard 32 2 100 None
40 2 100 None
33 2 100 None


  • Gray Chest Bottle of Blinding Dust
  • Gray Chest Inspiriting Plum



  • According to Osvald, the prison is manned by one warden and 34 guards, and contains a total of 292 prisoners (counting Osvald and Emerald).