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Octopath Traveler Wiki
Fiore EX

Fiore EX is a character in Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent.



Battle Skills[]

Skill SP Description
Type Fans Heavy Blow 18 Deal Phys. Fan damage to Single Foe (potency: 170).
Skill Buff (CotC) Dancer’s Prelude 22 Impart Self with Phys. Atk. Up 15% and raise Fan damage by 15% (turns: 3).
Type Fans Sunlit Strut 21 Deal Phys. Fan damage to Single Foe (potency: 140) and cause them to combust (turns: 2).
Skill Buff (CotC) Physical Counter Melody 85 During turn, grant Self the ability to completely block some physical attacks and counter with Fan damage (potency: 230) and combustion (turns: 2).
Skill Buff (CotC) Elemental Counter Melody 85 During turn, grant Self the ability to completely block some elemental attacks and counter with Fan damage (potency: 230) and combustion (turns: 2).
Type Fans Scorching Step 36 Deal Phys. Fan damage to Single Foe 3 time(s) (potency: 3x65). Attack count becomes 4 when a combusted enemy is present.
Type Fans Dance of Daybreak 48 Act faster during turn, deal Phys. Fan damage to Single Foe (potency: 170) and cause them to combust (turns: 2).
Type Fans Dance: Double Arching Blow 56 Deal Phys. Fan damage to All Foes 2 time(s) (potency: 95).
Type Fans Dance: Crumbling Cut 53 Deal Phys. Fan damage to Single Foe (potency: 230) and impart with Phys. Def. Down 20%. 20% more potent if target is combusted.

Passive Skills[]

Support Skills[]

Skill Description
Buff Phys. Atk. Up Phys. Atk./Fan Atk. Boost III Impart Self with Phys. Atk. Up 20% and raise Fan damage by 20% when a broken enemy is present.
Status Cover Sparing Spin When using Physical or Elemental Counter Melody, take damage for single-target attack in place of ally in the Front Row (turns: 1).

Resilience Skills[]

Skill Description
Buff Ice Res. Up Ice Resilience Raise own Ice Res. by 10%.
Buff Ice Res. Up Ice Resilience Raise own Ice Res. by 10%.
Buff Fire Res. Up Fire Resilience Raise own Fire Res. by 10%.


Skill Description
Type Fans Dance: Cave In Deal Phys. Fan damage to Single Foe (potency: 500→600). 20% more potent if the target is combusted.

Awakening Accessory[]

Item PhysAtk HP SP Description
Accessories Sunny Sandals 50 500 40 Survive an otherwise lethal attack with 1 HP remaining once per battle.
At full HP: Reduce own damage taken from some attacks by 25% (Does not stack with effects of the same type).


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Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent
Cleric: Agnès  •  Brigitte  •  Cedric  •  Emil  •  Gloria  •  Hikari EX  •  Jose  •  Lianna  •  Madelaine  •  Menno  •  Millard  •  Molrusso  •  Mydia  •  S. Odio  •  Ophilia  •  Pearl  •  Promme  •  Ramona  •  Relisha  •  Rinyuu  •  Stead  •  Telly  •  Temenos  •  Yan Long  •  Yukes
Apothecary: Alfyn  •  Castti  •  Ceraphina  •  Cornelia  •  Gertrude  •  Hayes  •  Jane  •  Jorge  •  Lumis  •  Merrit  •  Nephti  •  Ogen  •  Penny  •  Primrose EX  •  Rinyuu EX  •  Rita  •  Rodion  •  Saria  •  Shana  •  Shelby  •  Sofia EX  •  Soleil  •  Sowan  •  Theo  •  Zenia
Dancer: Agnea  •  Bargello EX  •  Dark Priestess  •  Dolcinaea  •  Eleonora  •  Evelyn  •  Fabio  •  Fiore EX  •  Glossom  •  H'aanit EX  •  Harley  •  Harry  •  Hasumi  •  Iris  •  Lemaire  •  Lynette  •  Mabel  •  Manuel  •  Meena  •  Molrusso EX  •  Neha  •  Paula  •  Primrose  •  Signa  •  Tatloch  •  Tithi
Merchant: 9S  •  Alrond  •  Barrad  •  Cardona  •  Carroll  •  Cecily  •  Cerna  •  Conny  •  Devin  •  Dorothea  •  Gilderoy  •  Helga  •  Juan  •  Krauser  •  Largo  •  Leon  •  Millard EX  •  Nier  •  Nona  •  Ori  •  Oskha  •  Partitio  •  Pia  •  Rai Mei  •  Roland  •  Sigrid EX  •  Sazantos EX  •  Tressa  •  W'ludai
Scholar: Alaune  •  Cyrus  •  Ditraina  •  Dorrie  •  Elvis  •  Eunice  •  Frederica  •  Hammy  •  Heinz  •  Julio  •  Kenneth  •  Laura  •  Levan  •  Levina  •  Molu  •  Nina-Lanna  •  Nivelle  •  Noelle  •  Odette  •  Ophilia EX  •  Osvald  •  Pardis III  •  Peredir  •  Sofia  •  Solon  •  Streibough  •  Therese  •  Varkyn  •  Viola EX
Thief: A2  •  Adelle  •  Aslyte  •  Auguste  •  Bargello  •  Billy  •  Canary  •  Cless  •  Diego  •  Durand  •  Elrica EX  •  Falco  •  Felline  •  Heathcote  •  Kagemune  •  Kaine  •  Kurtz  •  Nicola  •  Pirro  •  Ri'tu  •  Sarisa  •  Sonia  •  Tatloch EX  •  Therion  •  Throné  •  Tiziano  •  Viola  •  Wingate
Warrior: 2B  •  Aedelgard  •  Cecil  •  Crick  •  Dark Knight  •  Edea  •  Eliza  •  Elrica  •  Eltrix  •  Fiore  •  Hikari  •  Jorn  •  Joshua  •  Kouren  •  Lionel  •  Menny  •  Miles  •  Nanna  •  Oersted  •  Olberic  •  O. Odio  •  Richard  •  Ringabel  •  Rondo  •  Saul  •  Sazantos  •  Serenoa  •  Sigrid  •  Tahir  •  Tikilen  •  Trish  •  Tytos  •  Lars  •  Yugo
Hunter: Agnea EX  •  Ashlan  •  Bertrand  •  Camilla  •  Chloe  •  Cyrus EX  •  Ditraina EX  •  Guti  •  H'aanit  •  Herminia  •  Hujheb  •  Jillmeila  •  Kersjes  •  Kilns  •  Lolo  •  Lucetta  •  Lumis EX  •  Narr  •  Ochette  •  Scarecrow  •  Sertet  •  Sunny  •  Tressa EX  •  Vivian  •  Yunnie  •  Z'aanta
Master of Wealth: Herminia  •  Bargello  •  Tiziano  •  Pierro Della  •  Fra  •  Rosso  •  Taviani  •  Sonia
Master of Power: Tytos  •  Velnorte  •  Rinyuu  •  Phina  •  Dmitri  •  Jurgen
Master of Fame: Auguste  •  Schwartz  •  Mikhail  •  Francesca
Master of All: Pardis III  •  Elrica  •  Alaune  •  Lebrandt  •  Mahrez  •  Mesara  •  Richard  •  Gimel  •  Solon  •  Mendoza  •  Cerro  •  Gonzalez  •  Krauser
Bestower of Wealth: Oskha  •  Levina  •  Leopaldi  •  Delvecchio  •  Scarabe  •  Judah
Bestower of Power: Tatloch  •  Marianne  •  Dudek  •  Eltrix
Bestower of Fame: Ceraphina  •  Sazantos  •  Rondo  •  Taigan  •  Timov  •  Josef  •  Hugo  •  Monaris  •  Miza
Bestower of All: Or'sazantos  •  Finis  •  Dark Knight  •  Dark Priestess  •  Ataraxia
Nameless Town: Nephti  •  Isla  •  Feintz  •  Rique  •  Glayne  •  Kota  •  Pecolo  •  Parua  •  Atsumo Rihiko  •  Nan Masano
Emberflame Story: Aviete  •  Mellow  •  Stollenwurm  •  Lykaon  •  Simurgh  •  Yuetu  •  Svaðilfari  •  Lutīyā
Woodlands: Valore  •  Herminia's Manse  •  Forest Ruins  •  Auguste's Villa  •  Victors Hollow  •  Subterranean Arena  •  Great Tree's Tears
Frostlands: Emberglow  •  Emberglow Laboratory  •  Emberglow Slopes  •  Hunter's House  •  Ceremonial Square  •  Cathedral of Tytos  •  Snowbloom Ruins  •  Snowshard Grotto  •  Emberglow Laboratory: Inner Chambers  •  Flamesgrace  •  Cave of Laments  •  Cave of Origin
Flatlands: Theatropolis  •  Amphitheatre  •  Serpent's Burrow  •  Knights Ardante Garrison  •  Nameless Town  •  Tower of Remembrance  •  Atlasdam  •  Fort Wold Ruins
Coastlands: Rippletide  •  Isle of Orsa  •  Radiant Reefs  •  Grandport  •  Grandport Sewers  •  Sea Cavern  •  Middlesea
Cliftlands: Cragspear  •  Gray Grotto  •  Geist Canyon  •  Abandoned Mines  •  Castle Edoras  •  I'cirlo  •  Spiny Grotto
Riverlands: Clearbrook  •  Waterpool Caves  •  Shadowflow Grotto  •  Castle Riven  •  Donescu  •  Cyphlo Banks  •  Misty Falls
Sunlands: Sunshade  •  Finesand Ruins  •  Sufrataljah  •  Sufrataljah: Palace  •  Whitesand Cave  •  Golden Palace
Highlands: Shepherds Rock  •  Valley of Death  •  Cavern of Mists  •  Berecain  •  Forbidden Temple  •  Sweltering Cave
The Skew: Hall of Heroes (1st Floor  •  2nd Floor  •  3rd Floor)  •  Icegrove Clearing (Forest Ruins  •  Snowshard Grotto  •  Serpent's Burrow  •  Cavern of Mists  •  Gate of Finis)
Hell: Cliftlands: Cragspear  •  Geist Canyon  •  Castle Edoras
Hell: Woodlands: Valore  •  White Grape Hill Path  •  Netherflame Chamber
Hell: Highlands: Hornburg  •  Hornburg Castle
The Gate of Finis: Corridors of Contrition  •  The Bridge Beyond  •  Crimson River Traverse  •  Ridge of the Imprisoned God
Domain of the Gods: Agapea  •  Flamebearer's Shrine: Sanctum (Trial of Faith  •  Trial of Rebirth  •  Trial of Rebirth  •  Trial of Valor)
The Heavens: Garden of Sin (Sands of Rapacity  •  Seas of Servility  •  Skies of Vanity  •  Altar of Heavenly Peals)
???: Sacred Springs  •  Labyrinthine Woods
Brightlands: New Delsta (Ouma)  •  Underground Waterway  •  New Delsta: Theater
Toto'haha: Beasting Village  •  Beasting Bay: Anchorage
Harborlands: Canalbrine  •  Lair of the Usurper
Winterlands: Cape Cold
Hinoeuma: Ryu
Leaflands: Cropdale  •  Animal Trail
Crestlands: Flamechurch
Wildlands: Crackridge
Master of Wealth: Burly Blackrobe  •  Captain Tristan  •  Sonia  •  Lady Herminia
Master of Power: Abnormal Ruffian  •  Al the Servant  •  Jurgen  •  Commander Tytos
Master of Fame: Aides  •  Francesca the Actress  •  Auguste the Playwright
Master of All: Ring-sealed Beast  •  Mesara the Thief  •  M'suhi the Viper  •  Edoras Infantryman  •  Gimel the Brigand Leader  •  Cerro the Emissary  •  Gonzalez the Ironarm  •  General Krauser  •  Mysterious Assassin  •  Edoras Soldier/Edoras Defenders  •  Gonska the Clown  •  King Pardis III
Bestower of Wealth: Blackrobes  •  Delvecchio  •  Mandarino and Remone  •  Lookouts  •  Judah the Believer  •  Oskha the Have-not
Bestower of Power: Foreign Emissaries  •  Captain Na'gu  •  G'roha Commander  •  Pelagia the Conjurer (Ruin)  •  Empress Tatloch
Bestower of Fame: Black Scarlets  •  Villains  •  Monaris the Villainous  •  Elite Black Scarlet  •  Villain (Black Scarlet)  •  Guardian of the Tainted Flame  •  Towering Idol  •  Ceraphina the Charitable
Bestower of All: Souls  •  Fallen Mahrez  •  Fallen Sonia  •  Fallen Elrica  •  Fallen Lebrandt  •  Sonzon the Flameguard  •  Cursed Commander Tytos  •  Fallen Lady-in-waiting  •  Cursed Lady Herminia  •  Fallen Francesca  •  Cursed Master Auguste  •  Sazantos  •  Aelfric the Flamebringer  •  Saint Sazantos  •  Bestower of All
Side Solistia: Dokabro  •  Sly Leader Lloris  •  Ignazio  •  Gafaud  •  Avar the Conqueror  •  Lucian  •  Noma
Emberflame Story: Accursed Halo's Servant  •  Black-Clad Shadow  •  Divine Beast Lykaon  •  Divine Beast Simurgh  •  Divine Beast Kulshedra  •  Divine Beast Lutīyā
Side Story: Siva and Zash  •  Mu'shimume the Serpent  •  S. Odio, Lord of Dark
Traveler Story: Lord Morbidus  •  Scott  •  Aristolo  •  Geltner  •  Forest Tyrant  •  Jude  •  Macaed of Darkness  •  Fake Medicine Man  •  Wily Gigantes  •  Malcolm  •  Giacomo  •  Rare Crab  •  One-eyed Wolf  •  Grosvenor  •  Ryan  •  Faust  •  King Chomper  •  Pirlika of Darkness  •  Udo  •  Hans and Elma  •  Milos  •  Lord Deptus  •  Devourer of Dreams  •  Ronan  •  Edmonds  •  Peacock the Thief  •  Strahd  •  Scarface  •  Wakeman  •  Airy  •  Argente  •  Hogni  •  Sangre  •  Ratkin Charmer  •  Cerveza  •  Gaffney  •  Paynes  •  Zakias the Knight  •  Father David  •  Prince Navilio  •  Ogland  •  Boss  •  Fontan  •  Thorndike
Game Mechanics
General: Influences  •  Items  •  Limit Break  •  Awakening  •  Path Actions  •  Traveler Stories  •  Side Stories  •  Memoirs
Battle: Experience  •  Skills  •  Ally Skills  •  Keepers  •  Status Effects
Inventory: Weapons  •  Soul Weapons  •  Headgear  •  Body Armor  •  Accessories