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Octopath Traveler Wiki

This page is about the battle against Fallen Francesca. For the main character page, see Francesca.

Fallen Francesca is an enemy in Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent. She is a mid-boss guarding the way to the Fame's Dominion in Bestower of All Chapter VI.


  • I won't let anyone get in his way!: First action. Deal Type Wind damage to random target 5 times.
  • Song of a Broken Soul: Deal Type Dark damage to single target. Reduces 50% of the target's current SP.
  • You are part of this whether you like it or not!: Deal Type Dark damage to single target and takes up 100% of damage dealt to self.
  • AHAHAHA!: Deal Type Dark damage to single target.
  • I'll chop you to pieces!: Deal Type Wind damage to single target 2 times.
  • I'll kill all of you!: Deal Type Wind damage to random target 3 times.
  • Dance of Ruin: Deal Type Dark damage to Front. Impart Debuff Phys. Atk. Down Phys. Atk. Down  for 3 turn(s).
  • You'll be burdened by ability no longer.: At 25% HP or less. Francesca the Actress enters boost mode and will reduce 90% of Front's current SP. Uses I won't let anyone get in his way! if not broken before her next action.
  • Fallen Francesca wails in grief!: After recovering from a break. Imparts self with Status Reckless Rage Reckless Rage (Buff Phys. Atk. Up Phys. Atk. Up and Debuff Phys. Def. Down Phys. Def. Down) for 3 turns.