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Octopath Traveler Wiki
Octopath Traveler Wiki

"Welcome to the eternally enchanting, endlessly entertaining Everhold!" —Townsperson

Everhold is a location in Octopath Traveler, where Primrose's final chapter takes place.

This mountainous city holds a great amphitheater, which once was the stronghold built by the aging King Beowulf in order to combat a red-eyed dragon.


Everhold is a lonely city atop a lofty mountain, filled with blindingly bright red-brown dust and an air of unsettling dramaturgy. Crows caw in the background, lending the city an ominous air, while purple banners decorate the city. Everhold's townpeople are obsessed with drama and acting, each one playing a role in his or her daily life.


Hundreds of years before the events of Octopath Traveler, Everhold was ruled the Ventus Dynasty. In 1492, 126 years before the events of Octopath Traveler, the dynasty fell into civil war because after the death of Ventus the Third. The younger son, Simeon (the son of the queen), battled for the throne against his illegitimate older half-brother (the son of the king's mistress). Simeon won the war, but went missing the same year, and the Ventus Dynasty collapsed into ruin.

In 1618, during the events of Octopath Traveler, Primrose’s Chapter 4 takes place in Everhold. Planning to kill Simeon as revenge for murdering her father 10 years before the events of Octopath Traveler, Primrose makes for the Everhold Amphitheatre. When she arrives, she finds Simeon presiding over a play mocking her life. Primrose makes for the balcony where Simeon is waiting, overcomes his manipulation, and kills him, thus concluding her mission.


Armorer Building Armorer[]

Type Name Price Description
Type Daggers Crimson Dagger Leaf 35,000 Phys. Atk. +172
Evasion +101
Attack: Occasionally decreases target's Phys. Atk.
Type Daggers Soul Knife Leaf 37,000 Phys. Atk. +98
Elem. Atk. +188
Type Daggers Legion Dagger[1] Leaf 55,000 Phys. Atk. +263
Evasion +129
Item Headgear Oasis Hat Leaf 18,000 Phys. Def. +103
Elem. Def. +112
Item Body Armor Silent Cape Leaf 19,200 Phys. Def. +102
Elem. Def. +114
Evasion +147
Item Accessories Enlightening Bracelet Leaf 5,800 Evasion +50

* - Inquire/Scrutinize: More Plentiful Provisions / New Weapons for Sale

Provisioner Building Provisioner[]

Type Name Price Description
Item Grapes Healing Grape (M) Leaf 260 Greatly restores HP to a single ally.
Item Grapes Healing Grape Bunch Leaf 720 Restores HP to all allies.
Item Plums Inspiriting Plum Leaf 240 Restores SP to a single ally.
Item Plums Inspiriting Plum (M) Leaf 900 Greatly restores SP to a single ally.
Item Olives Olive of Life (M) Leaf 3,000 Revives and greatly restores HP to a single fallen ally
Item Herbs Herb of Clarity Leaf 30 Cures a single ally of confusion.
Item Herbs Herb of Valor Leaf 30 Cures a single ally of terror.
Item Seeds Purifying Seed Leaf 2,600 Potent medicinal component of small volume.
Item Ruinous Seeds Ruinous Seed Leaf 2,600 Potent hazardous substance of small volume.
Item Ruinous Seeds Ruinous Dust Leaf 3,200 Potent hazardous substance of large volume.
Item Materials Noxroot Leaf 5 Component with poisonous effects.
Item Materials Essence of Grape Leaf 40 Component that restores health.


Edit Tab

Path Action InquireInquire/Path Action ScrutinizeScrutinize 
Name Path Action Inquire Path Action Scrutinize Info Gleaned
Usher 45 50% A Hidden Item (Olive of Life (M))
Noelle 40 60% -
Impresario 40 60% -
Townsperson 40 60% -
Old Man 45 50% A Hidden Item (Rare Stone)
Townsperson 40 60% Discount at the Inn
Stage Carpenter 40 60% -
Townsperson 50 40% New Weapons for Sale
Ardent Actor 40 60% -
Girl 45 50% A Hidden Item (Curious Antique)

Path Action GuideGuide/Path Action AllureAllure 
Name Path Action Guide Path Action Allure Str Skill Times
Usher 10 60% 6 Thrash Type Polearms 9
Noelle 1 100% 1 Improved Offense 9
Impresario 55 35% 7 Peerless Strike Type Polearms 6
Townsperson 45 15% 8 Improved Offense 6
Old Man - - - - -
Townsperson 10 60% 7 Poison Arrow Type Bows 6
Stage Carpenter 5 80% 2 Dagger Storm Type Daggers 9
Townsperson 5 80% 2 Fireball Type Fire 9
Ardent Actor 20 30% 5 Offense Down 7
Girl - - - - -

Path Action ChallengeChallenge/Path Action ProvokeProvoke 
Name Path Action Challenge Str HP
Icon Shield
Weak Item (Droprate %)
Usher 5 6 14,205 4 Type SwordsType AxesType Ice Fire Soulstone (L) (60%)
Noelle 1 1 280 1 Type PolearmsType StavesType Lightning Soothing Dust (30%)
Impresario 20 7 24,320 4 Type SwordsType DaggersType Light Inspiriting Plum (M) (80%)
Townsperson 25 8 29,677 5 Type PolearmsType AxesType Dark Light Soulstone (L) (80%)
Old Man 55 8 26,116 5 Type SwordsType AxesType Light Shadow Soulstone (L) (80%)
Townsperson 5 7 22,374 4 Type PolearmsType AxesType Wind Master's Longbow (8%)
Stage Carpenter 3 2 605 2 Type SwordsType StavesType Fire Inspiriting Plum Basket (20%)
Townsperson 3 2 605 2 Type PolearmsType DaggersType Dark Inspiriting Plum (M) (20%)
Ardent Actor 10 5 7,823 4 Type SwordsType DaggersType Wind Thunder Soulstone (L) (50%)
Girl - - -

Path Action PurchasePurchase/Path Action StealSteal 
Name Possessions Path Action Purchase Path Action Steal
Usher Fire Soulstone (M)
Fire Soulstone (M)
Fire Soulstone (L)
LeafLeaf 1,615
LeafLeaf 1,615
LeafLeaf 5,985
Noelle Sprightly Necklace
Stimulating Ring
Empowering Earring
Herb of Clarity
Inspiriting Plum (M)
LeafLeaf 15,200
LeafLeaf 2,850
LeafLeaf 342
LeafLeaf 29
LeafLeaf 855
Impresario Sharp Nut (L)
Slippery Nut (L)
Critical Nut (L)
LeafLeaf 5,472
LeafLeaf 5,472
LeafLeaf 5,472
Townsperson Deathly Blade
LeafLeaf 45,600
Old Man Primeval Robe
Trinity Sword
LeafLeaf 18,240
LeafLeaf 43,700
Townsperson Purifying Seed
Purifying Seed
Rune Bow
LeafLeaf 2,470
LeafLeaf 2,470
LeafLeaf 48,450
Stage Carpenter Timeworn Tapestry
LeafLeaf 7,315
Townsperson Shadow Soulstone (L)
Wisdom Staff
Sorcerer's Robe
LeafLeaf 5,985
LeafLeaf 38,000
LeafLeaf 38,760
Ardent Actor Angel Saber
Silent Cape
Grand Helm
LeafLeaf 30,400
LeafLeaf 18,240
LeafLeaf 9,120
Girl Stuffed Toy
LeafLeaf 95
LeafLeaf 10


Major NPCs[]

Minor NPCs[]

VulnerableUnknown                      Townsperson
VulnerableUnknown                      Girl
VulnerableUnknown                      Ardent Actor
VulnerableUnknown                      Townsperson
VulnerableUnknown                      Old Man
VulnerableUnknown                      Impresario
VulnerableUnknown                      Usher

Side Stories[]


Sub Areas[]




  • The price to restore reputation in Everhold is 1,000 leaves.
  • The Wandering Minstrel in Stonegard Valleys mentions an ancient ballad called "The Castle of Everhold," which revolves around the story of "death-dealing dragons and the desperate battle of a hero king." When the minstrel plays the song for the party, the track Battle II, from the Octopath Traveler Original Soundtrack, plays.
  • Everhold's theater may be an homage to the famous Opera House in Final Fantasy VI.
  • Everhold is one of two cities that harbor crows in the background, the other being Orewell. However, Orewell's crows are silent, whereas Everhold's caw continually, symbolizing Simeon's reign over the city.
  • When was the stronghold built? Beowulf is described as “the aging king[1]” when he built it. Assuming that Beowulf was an adult at the time of his marriage to Hildegard in 1401, i.e. around 18 years old , the construction of Everhold would take place somewhere between the 1430’s (50 years of age) and 1470’s (90 years). This is curious, considering that the Ventus dynasty ruled Everhold for three generations before the civil war of 1492.