The Edoras Defenders are a group of enemies in Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent appearing in Master of All storyline. They are soldiers serving as King Pardis III elite guardians.
Chapter VI[]
The Edoras Defenderss can be fought in the boss fight of Master of All Chapter 6. The battle is scripted and will end at the fifth turn, so even if is possible to defeat them, the story will continue regardless the outcome of the battle.
- Attack - Deal standard physical damage to single target.
- Lacerating Thrust: Deal medium physical damage to Front. Inflict
Bleeding (The target will take physical damage at the end of their turn) for 3 turns.
- Lancer of Loyalty: Impart self with
Crit. Up for 3 turns.
- Numbing Thrust: Deal medium physical damage to single target. Inflict
Paralysis (The target has a certain chance of being unable to act) for 3 turns.
Chapter VIII (Elite Enemies)[]
The Edoras Defenderss can be found and fought as separate elite enemies in Castle Edoras.
- Attack - Deal standard physical damage to single target.
- Thrust: Deal physical damage to single target.
- Lacerating Thrust: Deal medium physical damage to Front. Inflict
Bleeding (The target will take physical damage at the end of their turn) for 3 turns.
- Lancer of Loyalty: Impart self with
Crit. Up for 3 turns.
- Numbing Thrust: Deal medium physical damage to single target. Inflict
Paralysis (The target has a certain chance of being unable to act) for 3 turns.
Chapter VIII (Summoned)[]
All undefeated Edoras Defenders(s) will be summoned by King Pardis III in the first turn if it wasn't defeated as an elite enemy. If one or more Edoras Defenders(s) were not defeated as an elite enemy and Pardis was broken before his first action, Pardis instead will not summon them during his fight. However, all undefeated Edoras Defenders(s) will have magical power absorbed from them by Pardis the Scholarking before the start of the Pardis the Scholarking fight, granting powerful buffs to the latter.
- Attack - Deal standard physical damage to single target.
- Explosive Hit: Deal
damage to Front.
- Bombardement: Deal
damage to Front.
- Focus: Impart self with
Elem. Atk. Up and
Elem. Def. Up for 3 turns.
- Luminescence (All) II - Deal
damage to Front.
- Edoras Defenders stands ready!: Edoras Defenders enters boost mode. Uses Luminescence (All) III if not broken before its next action.
- Attack - Deal standard physical damage to single target.
- Thrust - Deal
damage to single target.
- Numbing Thrust - Deal
damage to single target. Inflict
Paralysis (The target has a certain chance of being unable to act) for 3 turns.
- Lacerating Thrust - Deal
damage to single target. Inflict
Bleeding (The target will take physical damage at the end of their turn) for 3 turns.
- Lancer of Loyalty: Impart self with
Crit. Up for 3 turns.
- Edoras Defender of Power protected King Pardis III!: Impart self with
Cover (The target will take damage in place of ally) for 3 turns.
- Edoras Defender of Power stands ready!: Edoras Defender of Power enters boost mode. Uses Vigorous Assault if not broken before its next action.
- Attack - Deal standard physical damage to single target.
- Amputation - Deal
damage to single target.
- Sweep - Deal
damage to Front. Reduces target BP by 3.
- Spirited Bisection: Deal
damage to single target. Reduces 25% of target SP.
- Protective Shield: Add 3 shield points to King Pardis III.
- Edoras Defender of Fame stands ready!: Edoras Defender of Fame enters boost mode. Uses Full Swing if not broken before its next action.