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Eastern Cape Cold Snows is a field location in Octopath Traveler II, connecting Cape Cold and Winterbloom to the Crestlands.

Enemies: Danger Level 5[]

Name HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Leaf (Collect) EXP JP Item (Droprate %) Steal
Frost Mole I 208 1 Type DaggersType BowsType StavesType FireType Light LeafLeaf 24 (LeafLeaf 48) 7 3 Inspiriting Plum (7%) Inspiriting Plum
Frost Mole II 309 2 Type SwordsType BowsType StavesType FireType Light LeafLeaf 84 (LeafLeaf 168) 11 9 Healing Grape (10%) Healing Grape
Ash Raven 184 1 Type SwordsType StavesType LightningType Wind LeafLeaf 24 (LeafLeaf 48) 7 3 Inspiriting Plum (7%) Inspiriting Plum
Electric Panther 444 2 Type SwordsType DaggersType FireType Light LeafLeaf 120 (LeafLeaf 240) 13 13 Dual Leaf (15%) Dual Leaf
Ice Wisp 297 1 Type FireType LightningType LightType Dark LeafLeaf 60 (LeafLeaf 120) 11 7 Ice Soulstone (4%) Ice Soulstone
Snow Fox 200 1 Type SwordsType StavesType FireType Lightning LeafLeaf 48 (LeafLeaf 96) 7 5 Lily of the Light (20%) Lily of the Light
Snow Marmot 200 1 Type DaggersType BowsType IceType LightningType Light LeafLeaf 48 (LeafLeaf 96) 6 5 Lily of the Light (25%) Lily of the Light
Wolf 319 1 Type SwordsType FireType LightningType Light LeafLeaf 96 (LeafLeaf 192) 11 10 Olive of Life (6%) Olive of Life
Fossilized Fish 300 1 Type PolearmsType StavesType LightningType Dark LeafLeaf 48 (LeafLeaf 96) 10 5 Fumbling Flower (20%) Fumbling Flower

Encounters: Danger Level 5[]

Chance Time Environment Enemies Leaf EXP JP
TBA Day Land 1 × Frost Mole I 24 7 3
TBA Day Land 2 × Frost Mole I 48 14 6
TBA Day Land 1 × Frost Mole II 84 11 9
TBA Day Land 1 × Snow Fox
1 × Snow Marmot
96 13 10
TBA Day Land 2 × Ash Raven 48 14 6
TBA Day Land 1 × Electric Panther 120 13 13
TBA Night Land 2 × Frost Mole II 48 14 6
TBA Night Land 1 × Frost Mole I
1 × Ash Raven
48 14 6
TBA Night Land 1 × Frost Mole II 84 11 9
TBA Night Land 1 × Wolf 96 11 10
TBA Night Land 2 × Wolf 192 22 20
TBA N/A Water 1 × Fossilized Fish 48 10 5
TBA N/A Water 2 × Fossilized Fish 96 20 10
TBA N/A Water 1 × Ash Raven 24 7 3
TBA N/A Water 1 × Ice Wisp 60 11 7

Enemies: Danger Level 8[]

Name HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Leaf (Collect) EXP JP Item (Droprate %) Steal
Frost Mole I 208 1 Type DaggersType BowsType StavesType FireType Light LeafLeaf 24 (LeafLeaf 48) 7 3 Inspiriting Plum (7%) Inspiriting Plum
Frost Mole II 309 2 Type SwordsType BowsType StavesType FireType Light LeafLeaf 84 (LeafLeaf 168) 11 9 Healing Grape (10%) Healing Grape
Ash Raven 184 1 Type SwordsType StavesType LightningType Wind LeafLeaf 24 (LeafLeaf 48) 7 3 Inspiriting Plum (7%) Inspiriting Plum
Electric Panther 444 2 Type SwordsType DaggersType FireType Light LeafLeaf 120 (LeafLeaf 240) 13 13 Dual Leaf (15%) Dual Leaf
Frost Bear 1,197 4 Type SwordsType AxesType Lightning LeafLeaf 225 (LeafLeaf 450) 22 19 Lily of the Light (20%) Lily of the Light
Frost Fox 521 2 Type PolearmsType AxesType BowsType Lightning LeafLeaf 156 (LeafLeaf 312) 15 16 Lily of the Light (20%) Lily of the Light
High Wolf 525 2 Type SwordsType BowsType WindType Light LeafLeaf 156 (LeafLeaf 312) 15 16 Dual Flower (15%) Dual Flower
Ice Wisp 297 1 Type FireType LightningType LightType Dark LeafLeaf 60 (LeafLeaf 120) 11 7 Ice Soulstone (4%) Ice Soulstone
Snow Fox 200 1 Type SwordsType StavesType FireType Lightning LeafLeaf 48 (LeafLeaf 96) 7 5 Lily of the Light (20%) Lily of the Light
Snow Marmot 200 1 Type DaggersType BowsType IceType LightningType Light LeafLeaf 48 (LeafLeaf 96) 6 5 Lily of the Light (25%) Lily of the Light
Thunder Wisp 379 1 Type IceType WindType LightType Dark LeafLeaf 144 (LeafLeaf 288) 17 15 Thunder Soulstone (4%) Thunder Soulstone
Wolf 319 1 Type SwordsType FireType LightningType Light LeafLeaf 96 (LeafLeaf 192) 11 10 Olive of Life (6%) Olive of Life
Fossilized Fish 300 1 Type PolearmsType StavesType LightningType Dark LeafLeaf 48 (LeafLeaf 96) 10 5 Fumbling Flower (20%) Fumbling Flower

Encounters: Danger Level 8[]

Chance Time Environment Enemies Leaf EXP JP
TBA Day Land 1 × Frost Mole I
2 × Frost Mole II
192 29 21
TBA Day Land 1 × Frost Mole II
2 × Ash Raven
132 25 15
TBA Day Land 1 × Frost Mole I
1 × Ice Wisp
144 22 16
TBA Day Land 4 × Snow Marmot 192 24 20
TBA Day Land 1 × Snow Fox
1 × Frost Fox
204 22 21
TBA Day Land 2 × Electric Panther 240 26 26
TBA Day Land 1 × Frost Bear 225 22 19
TBA Night Land 2 × Frost Mole I
1 × Frost Mole II
132 25 15
TBA Night Land 1 × Frost Mole II
2 × Ash Raven
132 25 15
TBA Night Land 1 × Frost Mole II
1 × Thunder Wisp
228 28 24
TBA Night Land 4 × Wolf 384 44 40
TBA Night Land 1 × Wolf
1 × High Wolf
252 26 26
TBA Night Land 1 × Frost Bear 225 22 19
TBA N/A Water 3 × Fossilized Fish 144 30 15
TBA N/A Water 1 × Fossilized Fish
1 × Ash Raven
72 17 8
TBA N/A Water 3 × Ash Raven 72 21 9
TBA N/A Water 2 × Ice Wisp 120 22 14

Enemies: Danger Level 11[]

Name HP
Icon Shield
Weak                                                     Leaf (Collect) EXP JP Item (Droprate %) Steal
Frost Mole II 309 2 Type SwordsType BowsType StavesType FireType Light LeafLeaf 84 (LeafLeaf 168) 11 9 Healing Grape (10%) Healing Grape
Frost Mole III 617 2 Type SwordsType DaggersType WindType Light LeafLeaf 156 (LeafLeaf 312) 15 16 Plum Leaf (20%) Plum Leaf
Ash Raven 184 1 Type SwordsType StavesType LightningType Wind LeafLeaf 24 (LeafLeaf 48) 7 3 Inspiriting Plum (7%) Inspiriting Plum
Electric Panther 444 2 Type SwordsType DaggersType FireType Light LeafLeaf 120 (LeafLeaf 240) 13 13 Dual Leaf (15%) Dual Leaf
Frost Bear 1,197 4 Type SwordsType AxesType Lightning LeafLeaf 225 (LeafLeaf 450) 22 19 Lily of the Light (20%) Lily of the Light
Frost Fox 521 2 Type PolearmsType AxesType BowsType Lightning LeafLeaf 156 (LeafLeaf 312) 15 16 Lily of the Light (20%) Lily of the Light
High Wolf 525 2 Type SwordsType BowsType WindType Light LeafLeaf 156 (LeafLeaf 312) 15 16 Dual Flower (15%) Dual Flower
Ice Wisp 297 1 Type FireType LightningType LightType Dark LeafLeaf 60 (LeafLeaf 120) 11 7 Ice Soulstone (4%) Ice Soulstone
Snow Fox 200 1 Type SwordsType StavesType FireType Lightning LeafLeaf 48 (LeafLeaf 96) 7 5 Lily of the Light (20%) Lily of the Light
Thunder Wisp 379 1 Type IceType WindType LightType Dark LeafLeaf 144 (LeafLeaf 288) 17 15 Thunder Soulstone (4%) Thunder Soulstone
Wolf 319 1 Type SwordsType FireType LightningType Light LeafLeaf 96 (LeafLeaf 192) 11 10 Olive of Life (6%) Olive of Life
Fossilized Fish 300 1 Type PolearmsType StavesType LightningType Dark LeafLeaf 48 (LeafLeaf 96) 10 5 Fumbling Flower (20%) Fumbling Flower

Encounters: Danger Level 11[]

Chance Time Environment Enemies Leaf EXP JP
TBA Day Land 2 × Frost Mole II
1 × Frost Mole III
324 37 34
TBA Day Land 2 × Frost Mole II
2 × Ice Wisp
288 44 32
TBA Day Land 1 × Frost Mole III
3 × Ash Raven
228 36 25
TBA Day Land 2 × Snow Fox
1 × Frost Fox
252 29 26
TBA Day Land 2 × Frost Fox 312 30 32
TBA Day Land 1 × Frost Fox
1 × Frost Bear
381 37 35
TBA Day Land 3 × Electric Panther 360 39 39
TBA Night Land 2 × Frost Mole II
2 × Thunder Wisp
456 56 48
TBA Night Land 1 × Frost Mole II
1 × Frost Bear
309 33 28
TBA Night Land 2 × Frost Mole III 312 30 32
TBA Night Land 1 × Frost Mole III
3 × Ash Raven
228 36 25
TBA Night Land 1 × High Wolf
2 × Ash Raven
204 29 22
TBA Night Land 2 × High Wolf 312 30 32
TBA Night Land 1 × High Wolf
3 × Wolf
444 48 46
TBA N/A Water 4 × Fossilized Fish 192 40 20
TBA N/A Water 2 × Fossilized Fish
1 × Ash Raven
120 27 13
TBA N/A Water 2 × Ice Wisp
1 × Thunder Wisp
264 39 29
TBA N/A Water 1 × Frost Bear 225 22 19

Side Stories[]




  • Players can enter the Ruffians' Hideout by one of two ways: either by knocking out the bandit blocking the road, or by sailing east along the river.