Dreadwolf is an enemy in Octopath Traveler II. It appears as a optional boss that can be fought in the deepest reach of the Infernal Castle. Players must defeat it to get the second license for Cleric job, High Priest's Book of Scripture.
After defeating the Dreadwolf inside the Infernal Castle, the player has a 5% chance of fighting a Dreadwolf (and two War Wolves) as a random encounter there, where it can be captured.
- Attack: Physical attack, single target.
- Howl: Used at the start of battle as well as around 50% health. Summons two War Wolf enemies. Locks all weaknesses except until the War Wolves are defeated.
- Crunch: Physical attack, single target. Inflicts Decreased Physical Defense and Decreased Elemental Defense for some turns.
- Vengeful Fang: Effect. Grants Dreadwolf the ability to counter physical damage non-skill if attacked under Heightened Senses. Removed on a break.
- Heightened Senses: Grants Dreadwolf the ability to evade and counter boosted attacks and Latent Powers. Removed on a break.
- Frigid Flurry : Elemental damage, . Targets entire party.
- Observe : Used at roughly 75% health. Increases Shield Points up to 11.
- Pressure: Effect. Target entire party. Inflicts Decreased Physical Attack and Decreased Elemental Attack for 3 turns.
- Vorpal Fang: Physical attack, single target. Hits twice.
- The beast is filled with rage!: Dreadwolf enters boost mode for 1 turn. Uses Mortal Fang if not broken before Dreadwolf's next action.
- Mortal Fang: Physical attack, target entire party. Hits thrice. Chance Inflicts Decreased Physical Defense.
- Lightning Speed: Effect. Used at roughly 25% health. Grants Dreadwolf the ability to act three times per turn cycle.
Both Dreadwolf and the War Wolves are vulnerable with Bow and Fire, once the War Wolves are summoned all Dreadwolf's weakness except fire is locked until all War Wolf gets defeated. So it's important to bring at least one Hunter and/or Scholar for their bow attack and multi-target fire element. Having Hikari learn Frenzied Fire is also effective.
Fortunately, most of Dreadwolf's attacks are physical, so using Sidestep will negate most of Dreadwolf’s attacks. The problem is Dreadwolf's Vengeful Fang and Heightened Senses. Both are counter ability that can sap away Sidestep status with ease and flip the battle to disadvantage if the player is not careful. Vengeful Fang is the most dangerous one as it can deal 4000+ counter damages. Avoid hitting Dreadwolf without skills/boosts lest you take heavy damage from its counters.
Dreadwolf can be captured as a summon monster after defeating it in its initial encounter it once by randomly encountering it again in Infernal Castle with a 5% chance of appearing. Dreadwolf only can be summoned once per battle and with max boost. It will use True Mortal Fang, which deals 4x damage and inflict Decreased Physical Defense and Decreased Speed to all enemies for 3 turns.
- The Dreadwolf has the highest HP out of all optional dungeon bosses.