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Octopath Traveler Wiki

Debuff Decreased Elemental Attack Decreased Elemental Attack is a Debuff in Octopath Traveler.


For the duration of the effect, Elemental Attack Skills used by this character will inflict -33% (x⅔) damage. Additional applications of the same buff on the same target additively stack the remaining duration, up to a maximum of 9 turns.


No Skills or concoctions inflict Debuff Decreased Elemental Attack Decreased Elemental Attack, however, some weapons and enemies do.


Weapon Type PhysAtk ElemAtk Other Acquisition
Arcane Bow Bows +38 +52 Inquire/Scrutinize: Villager - Cobbleston
Purchase/Steal: Industrious Husband - Bolderfall
Purchase/Steal: Village Headman - S'warkii
Purchase/Steal: Hunter - Stonegard Heights
Staff of Wonders Staves +56 +92 Armorer: Saintsbridge
Armorer: Quarrycrest Mines
Steal/Purchase: Bishop Bartolo - Saintsbridge Cathedral (post-Ophilia Chp.4)
Mattias's Scepter Staves +116 +268 Drop: Mattias - Ebony Grotto (100%)


Debuff Decreased Elemental Attack Decreased Elemental Attack is cured and removed by Buff Increased Elemental Attack Increased Elemental Attack, such as from Peacock Strut. It can be prevented with Buff Celestial Intervention Celestial Intervention, and the associated skill Celestial Intervention also removes debuffs.
