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Octopath Traveler Wiki

This page is about the battle against Dark Priestess Signa. For the main character page, see Dark Priestess.

Dark Priestess Signa is an enemy in Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent. She fights alongside Sazantos in the boss battle in Bestower of All Chapter VI.


  • I shall protect you, Sir Sazantos!: Start of battle. Imparts on Sazantos permanent CotC Buff Rehabilitate Rehabilitate (Grants immunity to most of status ailments).
  • Ward of the Black Flame: Imparts Buff Phys. Def. Up Phys. Def. Up  and Buff Elem. Def. Up Elem. Def. Up  to all her allies for 5 turns.
  • Accurst Flame: Deal Type Dark damage to single target.
  • Blinding Wave: Deal Type Dark damage to Front. Inflict CotC Status Blindness Blindness (The target has a certain chance to miss physical attacks) for 3 turns.
  • Paralyzing Wave: Deal Type Dark damage to Front. Inflict Status Paralysis Paralysis (The target has a certain chance of being unable to act) for 3 turns.
  • Counter Weapon: Can be used at the end of a turn. Imparts self with Buff Repel Phys. Repel Phys. (The target will counter physical damage) for 2 turns. Counters with Flood of Curse.
  • Counter Magic: Can be used at the end of a turn. Imparts self with Buff Repel Elem. Repel Elem. (The target will counter elemental damage) for 2 turns. Counters with Flood of Curse.
  • Flood of Curse: Deal Type Dark damage to single target. Inflict Status SP Sap SP Sap (The traveler will take SP damage at the end of their turn) and Status Can't Switch Can't Switch (The traveler will be unable to be switched) for 2 turns.
  • Demolishing Black Flame: Deals Type Dark damage to Front. Inflict Status Can't Switch Can't Switch (The traveler will be unable to be switched) for 2 turns.
  • Darkshield: When recovering from a break at 35% HP or less. Sets her shield points to 9 and imparts self with permanent Buff Steadfast Defense Steadfast Defense (The target's shield point will stand several hits from the same attacker). Effect is removed upon break.
  • The end is nigh...: At 25% HP or less. Dark Priestess Signa enters boost mode. Uses Cursed Obliterating Flame if not broken before her next action.
    • Cursed Obliterating Flame: Deal Type Dark damage to Front.