Octopath Traveler Wiki

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Octopath Traveler Wiki

"The world is a cruel and irrational place. I wanted something to believe in. Something to hold fast to. I want to extend a hand to the weak and cleave the wickedness from this world. I wish to be that sword for the people." —Crick

Crick is a character in Octopath Traveler II.

A newly anointed Sanctum Knight, Crick meets Temenos after being tasked with guarding the cathedral, and together they investigate the strange incident within.



Crick is a young man with blue eyes and shaggy brown hair. He is always dressed head-to-toe in a standard issue Sanctum Knight uniform, complete with a full set of body armor and a knightsword.


Being newly anointed, Crick does his best to prove his worth as a Sanctum Knight. He is very cordial and is a stout believer of following rules, refusing to bend morality through lies or through undue use of force. Crick finds many of Temenos’s habits frustrating, particularly Temenos's tendencies to call him a lamb, wander off into thought, exchange hostilities with the Sacred Guard, or tamper with crime scenes. At some moments, Crick questions whether Temenos is truly the righteous Inquisitor that he claims to be.

After witnessing Temenos’s impressive investigative abilities firsthand, Crick begins to view him in a more positive light. He allows Temenos to badger him into some less orthodox activities, such as cutting through a door and investigating the Sacred Guard Headquarters for evidence. Before the two part ways for the last time, they have an honest conversation about their opposed values, with Crick opening up enough to tell Temenos how he came to faith.

Prior to Story[]

Crick came from a noble house, since fallen from grace. His parents taught him to steal and use others as stepping-stools to his own success, but he couldn't bring himself to believe that this was the purpose of life. A visit from the Inquisitor Roi changed his life when Roi told him, "A noble flame burns within you." After hearing these words, Crick joined the Order of the Sacred Flame to help the weak and punish the wicked.

Crick and his friend Ort trained to be members of the Sacred Guard so as to make a difference and have something to believe in. Both knights were anointed personally by Captain Kaldena after a final test, though Ort moved up the ranks faster as he followed Kaldena's orders without question.


Wooden Signboard
(I don't think this is where I should be going at the moment...)
The following section contains potential story spoilers!

Temenos's Chapter 1[]

Crick is first seen in Flamechurch where he defended a small group of townspeople from a band of heretics who shun the Sacred Flame's teachings. As he did so, a local cleric attempted to intervene, only for him to be taken hostage by the heretic leader. Before Crick could react further, the cleric knocked out his captor with a powerful blast of light. After introducing themselves, with the cleric being none other than the church's inquisitor Temenos, both made their way to the cathedral, where Temenos was due to meet Pontiff Jörg. However, they found the door locked and after a small argument, they found Vados, an architect that constructed an underground path to the cathedral, who gave them information after some coercion. Inside the cathedral, they found the pontiff dead and a Felvarg, the beast responsible for his death, who attacked them immediately. After killing it, they investigated the area and as they concluded that the pontiff's death was deliberate, Deputy Cubaryi of the Sacred Guard arrived and told the two men to leave and take nothing with them.

Several days after the attack and shortly after the pontiff's funeral, Temenos and Crick were confronted by Deputy Cubaryi again, who asked them about anything unusual from the scene, which the former denied before both left for the library, where they discovered a note in the book that Temenos took from the scene with the words "Soon, night shall fall". Shortly after leaving, Cubaryi approached them, telling Crick he had been reassigned and to pack up. After bidding Temenos farewell, he left Flamechurch.

Temenos's Chapter 2[]

Crick reappeared in Canalbrine, where he ran into Temenos again after seeing him being questioned by the local guards. There, both men made their way to the scholar Lucian's home, where they found him dead. After investigating the home and finding that the assailant was killing people of specific fields in an order to trigger an ancient dark curse, they went to the tavern, where the famous dancer Hermes was performing, and stopped the assailant, who was revealed to be Vados. After pursuing him to the Sacred Guard's ship, they confronted and defeated him in battle, where he was then subdued and taken into custody by members of the Sacred Guard led by Captain Kaldena. Later, Crick was ordered by Kaldena to return to the Sanctum Knight's headquarters in Stormhail as Vados' escort. Shortly after a brief reunion with his friend Ort, he found Temenos and said his farewells, but not before informing him that he managed to convince Captain Kaldena to allow Temenos to interrogate him when he arrived at Stormhail.

Temenos's Chapter 3 - Stormhail Route[]

In Stormhail, Crick would run into Temenos yet again when the latter showed up to begin his interrogation. However, they discovered that there was no record of Vados being in the Sacred Guard's custody despite Crick personally escorting him to headquarters. Feeling something was off, both men investigated the area and found Vados's body outside near the graveyard, half-buried in snow. Later, both went their separate ways, with Crick checking the library for any information and eventually coming across a secret passage that led him to a chamber that contained forbidden tomes. After finding out what he needed, he left, but was discovered by members of the Sacred Guard loyal to Kaldena's true cause. He managed to fight many off, but he was confronted by Kaldena personally, who, using her shadow power, defeated and killed Crick, leaving his body outside the headquarters.

Crick's death was not in vain, as he left Temenos a clue and trail to follow, eventually leading Temenos to the same location.


During his brief time as a playable character in Temenos's Chapter 1, Crick possesses the following abilities.

Skill Name SP Type Description
Cover 3 Take damage for a single ally 1/2/3/4 times.
Godsblade's Shield 4 Raise your physical defense for 3/5/7/9 turns.
Sacred Slash 14 Type Swords Unleash a moderately powerful sword attack on all foes, and reduce their elemental defense for 3 turns.



"Crick" is a habitational name, derived from the Celtic term "creig" (meaning "rock" or "cliff") or the Old Norse "kriki" (referring to someone who lived by an inlet). Crick's name is likely taken from biochemist Francis Crick, who co-discovered the structure of DNA together with James Watson, thereby obliquely referring to his role as the reluctant and disbelieving sidekick (the Watson) to Temenos' irreverent detective (Sherlock).

Crick's surname, "Wellsley," is a variant of the Old English name "Wellesley," which is derived from "wella" (meaning "spring stream") and "lēah" (meaning "woodland clearing").


  • In a postcard sent by Team Asano to Japanese fans, Crick is stated to be 182 cm (6'0") and 22 years old.[1]


[v · e · ?]
Octopath Traveler II
Travelers: Ochette  •  Castti  •  Throné  •  Osvald  •  Partitio  •  Agnea  •  Temenos  •  Hikari
Ochette's Path: Akalā  •  Mahina  •  Juvah  •  Cohazeh  •  Dark Entity  •  Alpione  •  Cateracta  •  Acta  •  Tera  •  Pom  •  Glacis  •  Heig  •  Darkling of the Sorrowful Moon
Castti's Path: Malaya  •  Sesque  •  Senah  •  Veron and Doron  •  Mao  •  Edmund  •  Griff  •  Rosa  •  Melia  •  Lily  •  Greg  •  Plukk  •  Mikk  •  Makk  •  Trousseau  •  Elma  •  Andy  •  Randy  •  Sally  •  Temm
Throné's Path: Pirro  •  Scaracci  •  Donnie  •  Diamante  •  Father  •  Mother  •  Masked Boy  •  The Slaver  •  Bergomi  •  Elderly Guard  •  Mira  •  Morozov  •  Marietta  •  Guide  •  Claude
Osvald's Path: Warden Davids  •  Emerald  •  Bale  •  Harvey  •  Rita  •  Elena  •  Lady Clarissa  •  Stenvar  •  Grieving Golem
Partitio's Path: Papp  •  Roque  •  Ned  •  Joe  •  Harry  •  Nikki  •  Giff  •  Will  •  Ori  •  Floyd  •  Thurston  •  Garnet  •  Terry  •  Audley  •  Masoud  •  Masoud's Daughter  •  Alrond  •  Misha
Agnea's Path: Gus  •  Pala  •  Garud  •  Cuani  •  Dolcinaea  •  Gil  •  La'mani  •  Veronica  •  Giselle  •  Rico  •  Coda  •  Tanzy  •  Laila  •  Platt
Temenos's Path: Mindt  •  Pontiff Jörg  •  Lucian  •  Crick  •  Felvarg  •  Cubaryi  •  Kaldena  •  Ort  •  Hermes  •  Vados  •  Roi  •  Reiza  •  Kaldena's Father  •  Shirlutto
Hikari's Path: Ritsu  •  Kazan  •  Mugen  •  Rai Mei  •  Southern General  •  Jigo Ku  •  Tsuki  •  Benkei  •  Bandelam  •  Borneau  •  Zeto  •  "Hikari"  •  Mikka  •  Azuma  •  General Rou  •  King of Sa  •  Ageha  •  Kunzo  •  Jin Mei  •  Kura  •  Bandit Chief
Side Stories: Al  •  Arkar  •  Eugis  •  Porta  •  Tiffany  •  Margello  •  Meylan  •  Nero  •  Judge Astell  •  Ruby  •  Yurinas  •  Karma  •  Georges Lazuli
Other: Regulus  •  Wooly-Ooly  •  Yomi  •  Alpates  •  Arcanette  •  Petrichor  •  Oboro  •  D'arqest
Hinoeuma: Ku  •  Ku: Castle Town  •  Sai  •  Ryu  •  Castle Ku  •  Tranquil Grotto  •  Dragonridge  •  Sand Lion's Den  •  Five-Tiered Tower
Wildlands: Oresrush  •  Crackridge  •  Gravell  •  Fellsun Ruins  •  Duskruin Shrine  •  Bed of the Titan  •  Giff's Manse
Leaflands: Timberain  •  Wellgrove  •  Cropdale  •  Timberain Castle  •  Veil of Trees  •  Animal Trail  •  Mother's Garden  •  Secret Forest  •  House Wellows Manor
Harborlands: Canalbrine  •  Conning Creek  •  Roque Island  •  Cavern of the Sea God  •  Cavern of the Moon and Sun  •  Sacred Guard Ship
Toto'haha: Beasting Village  •  Tropu'hopu  •  Nameless Village  •  Wandering Wood  •  Tombs of the Wardenbeasts
Brightlands: New Delsta  •  Clockbank  •  Lostseed  •  Underground Waterway  •  Diamante's Estate  •  New Delsta: Theater
Crestlands: Flamechurch  •  Flamechurch: Cathedral  •  Montwise  •  Merry Hills  •  Abandoned Church  •  Underground Laboratory  •  Shrine of Ul'sterra
Winterlands: Stormhail  •  Winterbloom  •  Cape Cold  •  Frigit Isle  •  Sacred Peak Altahe  •  Castle Mei  •  Snowhares' Den  •  Infernal Castle
Sundering Sea: Lighthouse Island  •  Curious Nest  •  Shipwreck of the Empress  •  Nameless Isle  •  The Lost Isle  •  Vidania  •  Gate of Finis
Ochette's Path: King Iguana  •  Dark Entity  •  Alpione  •  Tera  •  Glacis  •  Darkling of the Sorrowful Moon
Castti's Path: Veron and Doron  •  Sand Lion  •  Mikk  •  Makk  •  Plukk  •  Trousseau
Throné's Path: Pirro  •  Bergomi  •  Mother  •  Father  •  Claude
Osvald's Path: Warden Davids  •  Lady Clarissa  •  Captain Stenvar  •  Grieving Golem  •  Professor Harvey
Partitio's Path: Giff  •  Garnet  •  Neo Steam Engine  •  Thurston  •  Steam Tank Obsidian
Agnea's Path: Duorduor  •  La'mani  •  Veronica  •  Dolcinaea
Temenos's Path: Felvarg  •  Vados the Architect  •  Deputy Cubaryi  •  Captain Kaldena
Hikari's Path: Ritsu Mishuyo  •  Bandelam the Reaper  •  General Rou  •  Rai Mei  •  King Mugen
The Final Chapter: Grotesque Monster  •  Arcanette  •  Vide
Optional: Behemoth  •  Deep One  •  Dreadwolf  •  Battle-Worn Shark  •  Scourge of the Sea  •  Karma  •  Gken  •  Ichchadhari the Snake Charmer  •  Tyran the Seeker  •  Auðnvarg  •  Priestess Hinoekagura  •  Galdera
Game Mechanics
General: Achievements  •  Side Stories  •  Travel Banter
Battle: Experience  •  Skills  •  Status Effects  •  Support Skills
Path Actions: Guide/Allure  •  Scrutinize/Inquire  •  Purchase/Steal  •  Provoke/Challenge
Inventory: Items  •  Weapons  •  Shields  •  Headgear  •  Body Armor  •  Materials
Jobs: Cleric  •  Scholar  •  Merchant  •  Warrior  •  Dancer  •  Apothecary  •  Thief  •  Hunter
Advanced Jobs: Arcanist  •  Inventor  •  Armsmaster  •  Conjurer

Crick is a traveler in Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent.



Battle Skills[]

Skill SP Description
Type Swords 32
Skill Buff (CotC) 40
Skill Buff (CotC) 23
Type Staves 55
Skill Buff (CotC) 70
Type Swords 88→70
Skill Buff (CotC) 45→36
Type Swords 74→59
Type Swords 51→41

Passive Skills[]

Support Skills[]

Skill Description

Resilience Skills[]

Skill Description
Buff Dark Res. Up Dark Resilience Raise own Dark Res. by 10%.
Buff Dark Res. Up Dark Resilience Raise own Dark Res. by 10%.
Buff Light Res. Up Light Resilience Raise own Light Res. by 10%.


Skill Description
Type Swords

Awakening Accessory[]

Item PhysAtk HP SP Description
Accessories 50 500 40


[v · t · e · ?]
Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent
Cleric: Agnès  •  Brigitte  •  Cedric  •  Emil  •  Gloria  •  Hikari EX  •  Jose  •  Lianna  •  Madelaine  •  Menno  •  Millard  •  Molrusso  •  Mydia  •  S. Odio  •  Ophilia  •  Pearl  •  Promme  •  Ramona  •  Relisha  •  Rinyuu  •  Stead  •  Telly  •  Temenos  •  Yan Long  •  Yukes
Apothecary: Alfyn  •  Castti  •  Ceraphina  •  Cornelia  •  Gertrude  •  Hayes  •  Jane  •  Jorge  •  Lumis  •  Merrit  •  Nephti  •  Ogen  •  Penny  •  Primrose EX  •  Rinyuu EX  •  Rita  •  Rodion  •  Saria  •  Shana  •  Shelby  •  Sofia EX  •  Soleil  •  Sowan  •  Theo  •  Zenia
Dancer: Agnea  •  Bargello EX  •  Dark Priestess  •  Dolcinaea  •  Eleonora  •  Evelyn  •  Fabio  •  Fiore EX  •  Glossom  •  H'aanit EX  •  Harley  •  Harry  •  Hasumi  •  Iris  •  Lemaire  •  Lynette  •  Mabel  •  Manuel  •  Meena  •  Molrusso EX  •  Neha  •  Paula  •  Primrose  •  Signa  •  Tatloch  •  Tithi
Merchant: 9S  •  Alrond  •  Barrad  •  Cardona  •  Carroll  •  Cecily  •  Cerna  •  Conny  •  Devin  •  Dorothea  •  Gilderoy  •  Helga  •  Juan  •  Krauser  •  Largo  •  Leon  •  Millard EX  •  Nier  •  Nona  •  Ori  •  Oskha  •  Partitio  •  Pia  •  Rai Mei  •  Roland  •  Sigrid EX  •  Sazantos EX  •  Tressa  •  W'ludai
Scholar: Alaune  •  Cyrus  •  Ditraina  •  Dorrie  •  Elvis  •  Eunice  •  Frederica  •  Hammy  •  Heinz  •  Julio  •  Kenneth  •  Laura  •  Levan  •  Levina  •  Molu  •  Nina-Lanna  •  Nivelle  •  Noelle  •  Odette  •  Ophilia EX  •  Osvald  •  Pardis III  •  Peredir  •  Sofia  •  Solon  •  Streibough  •  Therese  •  Varkyn  •  Viola EX
Thief: A2  •  Adelle  •  Aslyte  •  Auguste  •  Bargello  •  Billy  •  Canary  •  Cless  •  Diego  •  Durand  •  Elrica EX  •  Falco  •  Felline  •  Heathcote  •  Kagemune  •  Kaine  •  Kurtz  •  Nicola  •  Pirro  •  Ri'tu  •  Sarisa  •  Sonia  •  Tatloch EX  •  Therion  •  Throné  •  Tiziano  •  Viola  •  Wingate
Warrior: 2B  •  Aedelgard  •  Cecil  •  Crick  •  Dark Knight  •  Edea  •  Eliza  •  Elrica  •  Eltrix  •  Fiore  •  Hikari  •  Jorn  •  Joshua  •  Kouren  •  Lionel  •  Menny  •  Miles  •  Nanna  •  Oersted  •  Olberic  •  O. Odio  •  Richard  •  Ringabel  •  Rondo  •  Saul  •  Sazantos  •  Serenoa  •  Sigrid  •  Tahir  •  Tikilen  •  Trish  •  Tytos  •  Lars  •  Yugo
Hunter: Agnea EX  •  Ashlan  •  Bertrand  •  Camilla  •  Chloe  •  Cyrus EX  •  Ditraina EX  •  Guti  •  H'aanit  •  Herminia  •  Hujheb  •  Jillmeila  •  Kersjes  •  Kilns  •  Lolo  •  Lucetta  •  Lumis EX  •  Narr  •  Ochette  •  Scarecrow  •  Sertet  •  Sunny  •  Tressa EX  •  Vivian  •  Yunnie  •  Z'aanta
Master of Wealth: Herminia  •  Bargello  •  Tiziano  •  Pierro Della  •  Fra  •  Rosso  •  Taviani  •  Sonia
Master of Power: Tytos  •  Velnorte  •  Rinyuu  •  Phina  •  Dmitri  •  Jurgen
Master of Fame: Auguste  •  Schwartz  •  Mikhail  •  Francesca
Master of All: Pardis III  •  Elrica  •  Alaune  •  Lebrandt  •  Mahrez  •  Mesara  •  Richard  •  Gimel  •  Solon  •  Mendoza  •  Cerro  •  Gonzalez  •  Krauser
Bestower of Wealth: Oskha  •  Levina  •  Leopaldi  •  Delvecchio  •  Scarabe  •  Judah
Bestower of Power: Tatloch  •  Marianne  •  Dudek  •  Eltrix
Bestower of Fame: Ceraphina  •  Sazantos  •  Rondo  •  Taigan  •  Timov  •  Josef  •  Hugo  •  Monaris  •  Miza
Bestower of All: Or'sazantos  •  Finis  •  Dark Knight  •  Dark Priestess  •  Ataraxia
Nameless Town: Nephti  •  Isla  •  Feintz  •  Rique  •  Glayne  •  Kota  •  Pecolo  •  Parua  •  Atsumo Rihiko  •  Nan Masano
Emberflame Story: Aviete  •  Mellow  •  Stollenwurm  •  Lykaon  •  Simurgh  •  Yuetu  •  Svaðilfari  •  Lutīyā
Woodlands: Valore  •  Herminia's Manse  •  Forest Ruins  •  Auguste's Villa  •  Victors Hollow  •  Subterranean Arena  •  Great Tree's Tears
Frostlands: Emberglow  •  Emberglow Laboratory  •  Emberglow Slopes  •  Hunter's House  •  Ceremonial Square  •  Cathedral of Tytos  •  Snowbloom Ruins  •  Snowshard Grotto  •  Emberglow Laboratory: Inner Chambers  •  Flamesgrace  •  Cave of Laments  •  Cave of Origin
Flatlands: Theatropolis  •  Amphitheatre  •  Serpent's Burrow  •  Knights Ardante Garrison  •  Nameless Town  •  Tower of Remembrance  •  Atlasdam  •  Fort Wold Ruins
Coastlands: Rippletide  •  Isle of Orsa  •  Radiant Reefs  •  Grandport  •  Grandport Sewers  •  Sea Cavern  •  Middlesea
Cliftlands: Cragspear  •  Gray Grotto  •  Geist Canyon  •  Abandoned Mines  •  Castle Edoras  •  I'cirlo  •  Spiny Grotto
Riverlands: Clearbrook  •  Waterpool Caves  •  Shadowflow Grotto  •  Castle Riven  •  Donescu  •  Cyphlo Banks  •  Misty Falls
Sunlands: Sunshade  •  Finesand Ruins  •  Sufrataljah  •  Sufrataljah: Palace  •  Whitesand Cave  •  Golden Palace
Highlands: Shepherds Rock  •  Valley of Death  •  Cavern of Mists  •  Berecain  •  Forbidden Temple  •  Sweltering Cave
The Skew: Hall of Heroes (1st Floor  •  2nd Floor  •  3rd Floor)  •  Icegrove Clearing (Forest Ruins  •  Snowshard Grotto  •  Serpent's Burrow  •  Cavern of Mists  •  Gate of Finis)
Hell: Cliftlands: Cragspear  •  Geist Canyon  •  Castle Edoras
Hell: Woodlands: Valore  •  White Grape Hill Path  •  Netherflame Chamber
Hell: Highlands: Hornburg  •  Hornburg Castle
The Gate of Finis: Corridors of Contrition  •  The Bridge Beyond  •  Crimson River Traverse  •  Ridge of the Imprisoned God
Domain of the Gods: Agapea  •  Flamebearer's Shrine: Sanctum (Trial of Faith  •  Trial of Rebirth  •  Trial of Rebirth  •  Trial of Valor)
The Heavens: Garden of Sin (Sands of Rapacity  •  Seas of Servility  •  Skies of Vanity  •  Altar of Heavenly Peals)
???: Sacred Springs  •  Labyrinthine Woods
Brightlands: New Delsta (Ouma)  •  Underground Waterway  •  New Delsta: Theater
Toto'haha: Beasting Village  •  Beasting Bay: Anchorage
Harborlands: Canalbrine  •  Lair of the Usurper
Winterlands: Cape Cold
Hinoeuma: Ryu
Leaflands: Cropdale  •  Animal Trail
Crestlands: Flamechurch
Wildlands: Crackridge
Master of Wealth: Burly Blackrobe  •  Captain Tristan  •  Sonia  •  Lady Herminia
Master of Power: Abnormal Ruffian  •  Al the Servant  •  Jurgen  •  Commander Tytos
Master of Fame: Aides  •  Francesca the Actress  •  Auguste the Playwright
Master of All: Ring-sealed Beast  •  Mesara the Thief  •  M'suhi the Viper  •  Edoras Infantryman  •  Gimel the Brigand Leader  •  Cerro the Emissary  •  Gonzalez the Ironarm  •  General Krauser  •  Mysterious Assassin  •  Edoras Soldier/Edoras Defenders  •  Gonska the Clown  •  King Pardis III
Bestower of Wealth: Blackrobes  •  Delvecchio  •  Mandarino and Remone  •  Lookouts  •  Judah the Believer  •  Oskha the Have-not
Bestower of Power: Foreign Emissaries  •  Captain Na'gu  •  G'roha Commander  •  Pelagia the Conjurer (Ruin)  •  Empress Tatloch
Bestower of Fame: Black Scarlets  •  Villains  •  Monaris the Villainous  •  Elite Black Scarlet  •  Villain (Black Scarlet)  •  Guardian of the Tainted Flame  •  Towering Idol  •  Ceraphina the Charitable
Bestower of All: Souls  •  Fallen Mahrez  •  Fallen Sonia  •  Fallen Elrica  •  Fallen Lebrandt  •  Sonzon the Flameguard  •  Cursed Commander Tytos  •  Fallen Lady-in-waiting  •  Cursed Lady Herminia  •  Fallen Francesca  •  Cursed Master Auguste  •  Sazantos  •  Aelfric the Flamebringer  •  Saint Sazantos  •  Bestower of All
Side Solistia: Dokabro  •  Sly Leader Lloris  •  Ignazio  •  Gafaud  •  Avar the Conqueror  •  Lucian  •  Noma
Emberflame Story: Accursed Halo's Servant  •  Black-Clad Shadow  •  Divine Beast Lykaon  •  Divine Beast Simurgh  •  Divine Beast Kulshedra  •  Divine Beast Lutīyā
Side Story: Siva and Zash  •  Mu'shimume the Serpent  •  S. Odio, Lord of Dark
Traveler Story: Lord Morbidus  •  Scott  •  Aristolo  •  Geltner  •  Forest Tyrant  •  Jude  •  Macaed of Darkness  •  Fake Medicine Man  •  Wily Gigantes  •  Malcolm  •  Giacomo  •  Rare Crab  •  One-eyed Wolf  •  Grosvenor  •  Ryan  •  Faust  •  King Chomper  •  Pirlika of Darkness  •  Udo  •  Hans and Elma  •  Milos  •  Lord Deptus  •  Devourer of Dreams  •  Ronan  •  Edmonds  •  Peacock the Thief  •  Strahd  •  Scarface  •  Wakeman  •  Airy  •  Argente  •  Hogni  •  Sangre  •  Ratkin Charmer  •  Cerveza  •  Gaffney  •  Paynes  •  Zakias the Knight  •  Father David  •  Prince Navilio  •  Ogland  •  Boss  •  Fontan  •  Thorndike
Game Mechanics
General: Influences  •  Items  •  Limit Break  •  Awakening  •  Path Actions  •  Traveler Stories  •  Side Stories  •  Memoirs
Battle: Experience  •  Skills  •  Ally Skills  •  Keepers  •  Status Effects
Inventory: Weapons  •  Soul Weapons  •  Headgear  •  Body Armor  •  Accessories
