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Octopath Traveler Wiki
Crestlands Emblem

Crestlands Emblem

Northeast Solistia is a land of mountain and hills.

Perched high atop one stony peak rises Aelfric Cathedral, the center of the Sacred Flame faith. Adherents of this religion's tenets have worshipped the Sacred Flame that the cathedral houses since time immemorial. Even through the bitterly cold winter a century previous, the flame continued to warm the hearts and souls of all who visited. In both name and spirit, the Sacred Flame and its church are the divine lords of this land.

At the base of the cathedral lies the small town of Flamechurch. Though its population is small, the townsfolk make a good living providing for the crowds of pilgrims who travel here to visit the cathedral.



Name Image Information Story
Merry Hills
Merry Hills Center
A sprawling city home to the arts, whose annual Grand Gala attracts performers from all over the world. Agnea's Chapter 5
Montwise Overview
A mountain city known for its enormous library and underground arena. Hikari's Chapter 2; Throné's Chapter 3 (Father's Route); Osvald's Chapter 4; Partitio and Osvald's Chapter 2 (Crossed Path)
Flamechurch Hill
An autumnal village, home to the Order of the Sacred Flame. Temenos's Chapter 1; Temenos and Throné's Chapter 1 (Crossed Path); The Journey for the Dawn


Name Image Information Story Danger Level Boss
Cathedral Cellars
Cathedral Cellars Statue
An underground passage beneath Flamechurch Cathedral. Temenos's Chapter 1 5 Felvarg (battled in Flamechurch: Cathedral)
Seat of the Water Sprite
Seat of the Water Sprite Finale
A ruins located behind a waterfall. N/A 26 None
Forsaken Graveyard
Forsaken Graveyard Glow
A gloomy cemetery beneath Montwise, decorated with gravestones and candles. N/A 40 Devourer of Dreams
Abandoned Church
Abandoned Church Pews
A decrepit church located east of Montwise. Throné's Chapter 3 (Father's Route) 31 Father
Underground Laboratory
Underground Laboratory Experiments
A secret laboratory owned by Harvey, infested with his biological experiments. Osvald's Chapter 4 36 Grieving Golem
Shrine of Ul'sterra & Stage of the Moon and Sun
Shrine of Ul'sterra
A shrine to the Lady of Grace, where the Festival of Grace is held annually. Agnea's Chapter 5 45 Dolcinaea Luciel

Side Stories[]

Name Client Path Action Client Location Reward(s) Prerequisites / Notes
The Traveler's Bag Al Battle Eastern Flamechurch Pass LeafLeaf 1,500
Slippery Nut x 1
Healing Grape x 3
Only present if Temenos is the starting traveler
Pilgrim Protection Elder Item
Path Action PurchasePath Action StealPath Action MugPath Action Entreat
Flamechurch LeafLeaf 5,000
Fortifying Nut x 1
Tough Nut x 1
Temenos's Chapter 1 story completed
Cathedral Window Repair Cleric Item
Path Action PurchasePath Action StealPath Action MugPath Action Entreat
Flamechurch: Cathedral LeafLeaf 8,000
Psychic Staff x 1
Temenos's Chapter 1 story completed
Will Research for Money Octopus Researcher Lead
Path Action GuidePath Action AllurePath Action BefriendPath Action Hire
Montwise Octopuff Pot x 1
Procuring Peculiar Tomes Unusual Tome Specialist Item
Path Action PurchasePath Action StealPath Action MugPath Action Entreat and
Path Action ChallengePath Action ProvokePath Action SoothePath Action Ambush
Montwise: Library LeafLeaf 6,500
Librarian's Amulet x1
Refreshing Jam x 1
Tourney Champion Worried Woman Unconscious   
Path Action ChallengePath Action ProvokePath Action SoothePath Action Ambush
Montwise LeafLeaf 2,000
Reinforcing Jam x 1
Hikari's Chapter 2 story completed
A Mysterious Box Woman in the Ruins Item
Path Action PurchasePath Action StealPath Action MugPath Action Entreat
Merry Hills LeafLeaf 6,666
Reaper's Sickle x 1
Ort's Next Chapter Ort Battle Flamechurch: Cathedral Entrance LeafLeaf 10,000
Sword of Oaths x 1
Temenos's Chapter 4 completed
Laila's Next Chapter Laila Unconscious   
Path Action ChallengePath Action ProvokePath Action SoothePath Action Ambush
Merry Hills LeafLeaf 10,000
Laila's Amulet x 1
Agnea's Chapter 5 completed
From the Far Reaches of Hell Al Information
Path Action InquirePath Action ScrutinizePath Action CoercePath Action Bribe
Montwise: Library LeafLeaf 4,500
Coat of Arms x 1
Procuring Peculiar Tomes completed


  • The Crestlands is the equivalent of the Highlands from the first game.
  • The Crestlands's music is one of Yasunori Nishiki's favorite pieces.
  • When composing the music for the Crestlands, Nishiki sought to convey a clear sense of the gently enveloping warmth of the sun and the crimson of the leaves, along with a sadness to evoke the coming winter foreshadowed by the sunset and autumn leaves.[1]


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Octopath Traveler II
Travelers: Ochette  •  Castti  •  Throné  •  Osvald  •  Partitio  •  Agnea  •  Temenos  •  Hikari
Ochette's Path: Juvah  •  Akalā  •  Mahina  •  Cohazeh  •  Dark Entity  •  Alpione  •  Cateracta  •  Tera  •  Glacis  •  Acta  •  Pom  •  Heig  •  Darkling of the Sorrowful Moon
Castti's Path: Veron and Doron  •  Mao  •  Edmund  •  Commander Griff  •  Rosa  •  Melia  •  Lily  •  Greg  •  Plukk  •  Mikk  •  Makk  •  Sally  •  Temm  •  Malaya  •  Elma  •  Andy  •  Randy  •  Trousseau
Throné's Path: Pirro  •  Scaracci  •  Donnie  •  Diamante  •  Father  •  Mother  •  Bergomi  •  The Slaver  •  Morozov  •  Mira  •  Claude  •  Marietta
Osvald's Path: Elena  •  Rita  •  Harvey  •  Warden Davids  •  Lady Clarissa  •  Grieving Golem  •  Emerald  •  Stenvar  •  Bale
Partitio's Path: Papp  •  Roque  •  Ned  •  Joe  •  Harry  •  Nikki  •  Giff  •  Will  •  Ori  •  Floyd  •  Thurston  •  Garnet  •  Terry  •  Audley  •  Masoud  •  Alrond  •  Misha
Agnea's Path: Pala  •  Garud  •  Cuani  •  Gus  •  Gil  •  La'mani  •  Dolcinaea  •  Veronica  •  Platt  •  Laila  •  Giselle  •  Rico  •  Coda  •  Tanzy  •  Hermes
Temenos's Path: Pontiff Jörg  •  Crick  •  Felvarg  •  Cubaryi  •  Kaldena  •  Mindt  •  Ort  •  Vados  •  Hermes  •  Lucian  •  Reiza  •  Roi  •  Shirlutto
Hikari's Path: Jigo Ku  •  Mugen  •  "Hikari"  •  Benkei  •  Ritsu  •  Rai Mei  •  Jin Mei  •  Kazan  •  Borneau  •  Zeto  •  Bandelam  •  Azuma  •  General Rou  •  Mikka  •  Ageha  •  Tsuki  •  Kura
Side Stories: Eugis  •  Nero  •  Shirlutto  •  Judge Astell  •  Tiffany  •  Margello  •  Meylan  •  Porta  •  Arkar  •  Yomi  •  Wooly-Ooly  •  Regulus  •  Alpates  •  Georges Lazuli  •  Al
Other: Petrichor  •  Arcanette  •  D'arqest  •  Oboro
Hinoeuma: Ku  •  Ku: Castle Town  •  Sai  •  Ryu  •  Castle Ku  •  Tranquil Grotto  •  Dragonridge  •  Sand Lion's Den  •  Five-Tiered Tower
Wildlands: Oresrush  •  Crackridge  •  Gravell  •  Fellsun Ruins  •  Duskruin Shrine  •  Bed of the Titan  •  Giff's Manse
Leaflands: Timberain  •  Wellgrove  •  Cropdale  •  Timberain Castle  •  Veil of Trees  •  Animal Trail  •  Mother's Garden  •  Secret Forest  •  House Wellows Manor
Harborlands: Canalbrine  •  Conning Creek  •  Roque Island  •  Cavern of the Sea God  •  Cavern of the Moon and Sun  •  Sacred Guard Ship
Toto'haha: Beasting Village  •  Tropu'hopu  •  Nameless Village  •  Wandering Wood  •  Tombs of the Wardenbeasts
Brightlands: New Delsta  •  Clockbank  •  Lostseed  •  Underground Waterway  •  Diamante's Estate  •  New Delsta: Theater
Crestlands: Flamechurch  •  Flamechurch: Cathedral  •  Montwise  •  Merry Hills  •  Abandoned Church  •  Underground Laboratory  •  Shrine of Ul'sterra
Winterlands: Stormhail  •  Winterbloom  •  Cape Cold  •  Frigit Isle  •  Sacred Peak Altahe  •  Castle Mei  •  Snowhares' Den  •  Infernal Castle
Sundering Sea: Lighthouse Island  •  Curious Nest  •  Shipwreck of the Empress  •  Nameless Isle  •  The Lost Isle  •  Vidania  •  Gate of Finis
Ochette's Path: King Iguana  •  Dark Entity  •  Alpione  •  Tera  •  Glacis  •  Darkling of the Sorrowful Moon
Castti's Path: Veron and Doron  •  Sand Lion  •  Mikk  •  Makk  •  Plukk  •  Trousseau
Throné's Path: Pirro  •  Bergomi  •  Mother  •  Father  •  Claude
Osvald's Path: Warden Davids  •  Lady Clarissa  •  Captain Stenvar  •  Grieving Golem  •  Professor Harvey
Partitio's Path: Giff  •  Garnet  •  Neo Steam Engine  •  Thurston  •  Steam Tank Obsidian
Agnea's Path: Duorduor  •  La'mani  •  Veronica  •  Dolcinaea
Temenos's Path: Felvarg  •  Vados the Architect  •  Deputy Cubaryi  •  Captain Kaldena
Hikari's Path: Ritsu Mishuyo  •  Bandelam the Reaper  •  General Rou  •  Rai Mei  •  King Mugen
The Final Chapter: Grotesque Monster  •  Arcanette  •  Vide
Optional: Behemoth  •  Deep One  •  Dreadwolf  •  Battle-Worn Shark  •  Scourge of the Sea  •  Karma  •  Gken  •  Ichchadhari the Snake Charmer  •  Tyran the Seeker  •  Auðnvarg  •  Priestess Hinoekagura  •  Galdera
Game Mechanics
General: Achievements  •  Side Stories  •  Travel Banter
Battle: Experience  •  Skills  •  Status Effects  •  Support Skills
Path Actions: Guide/Allure  •  Scrutinize/Inquire  •  Purchase/Steal  •  Provoke/Challenge
Inventory: Items  •  Weapons  •  Shields  •  Headgear  •  Body Armor  •  Materials
Jobs: Cleric  •  Scholar  •  Merchant  •  Warrior  •  Dancer  •  Apothecary  •  Thief  •  Hunter
Advanced Jobs: Arcanist  •  Inventor  •  Armsmaster  •  Conjurer