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This page is about the first phase of the final battle against Ceraphina the Charitable. For the main character page, see Ceraphina. For the second phase of the final battle of Bestower of Fame, see Lyblac (Champions of the Continent).

Ceraphina the Charitable is an enemy in Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent. Feeling close to her goal of becoming a god, Ceraphina summons the Apothecary's Ring power to reveal an angelic form. She is the first phase of the final boss battle of Bestower of Fame's Chapter III.


  • No one shall stop me...!: Start of battle. Permanently increases her actions per turn to two.
  • Dark Hex: First action and after recovering from a break. Can permanent inflict and stack CotC Status Poison Poison (The target will take elemental damage at the end of their turn)/Status Bleeding Bleeding (The target will take physical damage at the end of their turn)/CotC Status Silence Silence (The target will be not able to use one skill)/CotC Status Sleep Sleep (The target will be unable to act until a turn has passed or they take damage)/Status Paralysis Paralysis (The target has a certain chance of being unable to act)/CotC Status Terror Terror (The target will not gain BP at the start of their turn and cannot boost)/Status Weakness Weakness (The target will consume more SP)/CotC Status Blindness Blindness (The target has a certain chance to miss physical attacks) to Front for 2 turns. Effect is removed upon break.
  • Prostrate: Deal physical damage to single target.
  • Divine Great Axe: Deal Type Axes damage to single target.
  • Snowy Slumber: Deal Type Ice damage to random target 2 time(s). Inflict Status Comatose Comatose (The traveler will be unable to act until a turn has passed) with every attack for 2 turns.
  • Accurst Flame: Deal Type Dark damage to random target 3 time(s).
  • You'll burn to ash!: Deal Type Light damage to Front.
  • Luminous Wings: Deal Type Light damage to Front. Inflict Status Comatose Comatose (The traveler will be unable to act until a turn has passed) and CotC Status Silence Silence (The target will be not able to use one skill) for 2 turns.
  • Ebony Wings: Deal Type Dark damage to Front. Inflict Status Comatose Comatose (The traveler will be unable to act until a turn has passed) and CotC Status Blindness Blindness (The target has a certain chance to miss physical attacks) for 2 turns.
  • The heavens await...!: Reduces HP of single target to 1.
  • The divine power coarses through me...!: Can be used at the end of the turn. Imparts self with Buff Phys. Atk. Up Phys. Atk. Up  and Buff Elem. Atk. Up Elem. Atk. Up  for 5 turns.
  • Heathen...!: Impart Debuff Phys. Atk. Down Phys. Atk. Down , Debuff Phys. Def. Down Phys. Def. Down , Debuff Elem. Atk. Down Elem. Atk. Down , Debuff Elem. Def. Down Elem. Def. Down , Debuff Spd. Down Spd. Down  and Debuff Crit. Down Crit. Down  to Front for 2 turns. Removes enfeebling effects of self.
  • Now...are you prepared?: At 70% HP or less. Ceraphina the Charitable enters boost mode. Uses The Time of the End if not broken before her next action.
    • The Time of the End: Deal non-elemental damage to random target 3 time(s). Inflict a random status (CotC Status Poison Poison (The target will take elemental damage at the end of their turn)/Status Bleeding Bleeding (The target will take physical damage at the end of their turn)/CotC Status Silence Silence (The target will be not able to use one skill)/CotC Status Sleep Sleep (The target will be unable to act until a turn has passed or they take damage)/Status Paralysis Paralysis (The target has a certain chance of being unable to act)/CotC Status Terror Terror (The target will not gain BP at the start of their turn and cannot boost)/Status Weakness Weakness (The target will consume more SP)/CotC Status Blindness Blindness (The target has a certain chance to miss physical attacks)) for 2 turns.
  • Tremble in fear...: At 40% HP or less. Ceraphina the Charitable enters boost mode. Uses The Time of Demise if not broken before her next action.
    • The Time of Demise: Deal non-elemental damage to Front. Inflict a random status (CotC Status Poison Poison (The target will take elemental damage at the end of their turn)/Status Bleeding Bleeding (The target will take physical damage at the end of their turn)/CotC Status Silence Silence (The target will be not able to use one skill)/CotC Status Sleep Sleep (The target will be unable to act until a turn has passed or they take damage)/Status Paralysis Paralysis (The target has a certain chance of being unable to act)/CotC Status Terror Terror (The target will not gain BP at the start of their turn and cannot boost)/Status Weakness Weakness (The target will consume more SP)/CotC Status Blindness Blindness (The target has a certain chance to miss physical attacks)) for 2 turns.