Cateracta, also revered as the Sea God, is one of the three Creatures of Legend who stopped the Night of the Scarlet Moon 400 years ago.
400 years ago, Cateracta, along with the other Creatures of Legend, prevented the Night of the Scarlet Moon from overtaking Toto'haha. Afterwards, they go their separate ways, with Cateracta heading to Conning Creek.
Some time later, a giant wave threatens Conning Creek. Although Cateracta manages to halt the wave with a mighty blow, she ends up weakened and vulnerable. Shortly after, she comes under attack by Petrichor, known as the Dark Hunter. She brings an end to Cateracta's life, despite Alpione and her group's best efforts to protect the deity.
Before her death however, Cateracta laid a single egg in a nearby cave so her child could carry on her duty. This egg is watched over by Alpione herself, the last surviving member of the group that attempted to protect Cateracta, until Ochette visits the cave and helps hatch the egg. Ochette names the baby Acta and takes it along on her quest to save Toto'haha, allowing Alpione to lay her burden to rest.
Cateracta's bones lie forgotten on an island in Conning Creek: Harbor, creating a sound reminiscent of a mournful cry when the wind blows through them. Human looters have long since stripped her bones of valuable scales, whiskers, and claws, all for the sake of money.
"Cateracta" is derived from the Latin word "cataracta," meaning "waterfall," and from the Ancient Greek καταρράκτης (meaning "down-rushing"). Her name evokes a clear association with water, befitting of a beast known as the Sea God.
- The Sea God's Spear may be named after Cateracta.