Classification for the enemies appearing in the living world of Orsterra.
Soul Weapons such as Fortune and Cosmic Weapons deal extra damage to living enemies.
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All items (351)
- Abnormal Ruffian
- Abysmal One
- Abyssal One
- Accursed Armor
- Accursed Halo's Servant
- Admiral
- Adon
- Alpha Dreadwolf
- Altered Gold Remnant
- Altered Ivory Remnant
- Animated Armor
- Argente
- Aristolo
- Ashen Remnant
- Auguste the Playwright
- Auguste the Prince of Thieves
- Calvary (Bow)
- Calvary (Polearm)
- Captain Na'gu
- Captain Tristan
- Carmine Eagle
- Celebrant
- Ceraphina the Charitable
- Cerro the Emissary
- Cerveza
- Cleaving Armor
- Cliff Birdking IV
- Commander Tytos
- Corbot
- Crested Portly Penguin
- Dark Beast
- Dark One
- David
- DeBecks
- Deep One (Champions of the Continent)
- Delvecchio
- Delvecchio's Lackey (Axe)
- Delvecchio's Lackey (Bow)
- Delvecchio's Lackey (Dagger)
- Demon Deer
- Deptus
- Desert Worm
- Destroyer of Dreams
- Devourer of Dreams (Champions of the Continent)
- Divine Beast Kulshedra
- Divine Beast Lykaon
- Divine Beast Simurgh
- Divine Beast Yuetu
- Dolburg
- Dolburg's Minion
- Dorglay
- Dorglay's Minion
- Dread Behemoth
- Dread Gigantes
- Dreadwing
- Dusty's Father
- G'roha Commander
- G'roha Soldier
- G'roha Soldier (Circle Blade)
- G'roha Soldier (Polearm)
- G'roha Soldier (Staff)
- Gaffney
- Galewing
- Garcio
- Garret
- Geltner
- General Krauser
- Giacomo
- Giant Eagle
- Giant Wyrm
- Gold Flame Guardian
- Gold Revenant
- Gonska the Clown
- Gonzalez the Ironarm
- Great Ghisarma
- Great Gigantes
- Greater Dreadwolf
- Grosvenor
- Guardian Mk.II
- Guardian of the Tainted Flame
- Guido