Bloody Bull is an enemy in Octopath Traveler, Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent and Octopath Traveler II.
- Attack - Standard physical attack. Hits single target once.
- Silencing Strike -
- Body Bash - Physical attack. Hits single target once.
- Stampede - Heavy physical damage. Hits entire party once.Physical attack. Hits all targets once
- Extreme Charge -
- Attack - Deal standard physical damage to single target.
- Extreme Charge - Deal physical damage to single target.
- Stampede - Deal physical damage to Front.
- Menacing Bloody Bull stands ready!: Menacing Bloody Bull enters boost mode. Uses Double Horn if not broken before its next action.
- Double Horn - Deal physical damage to Front 2 time(s). Deal physical damage to Front 2 time(s).