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Octopath Traveler Wiki

"I... am the Bestower of All. Peace. Happiness... Even desire... I provide them all." —Before confronting the Ringbearer Chosen

The Bestower of All is an enemy in Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent. It is a fusion of Sazantos and his sword Fisteralda (imbued with Finis' ashes) with Orsa and the divine rings, serving as the final boss of Bestower of All path and the Champions of the Continent storyline.


After Or'sazantos' defeat, the latter expressed he wasn't ready to die yet. His now demonic sword Fisteralda, granting his dying wish, absorbed him alongside Orsa and the seven rings, merging into a new, otherworldly form.[1] It points out Sazantos' hypocrisy of wanting to create a greedless world while he was drowning in greed. Naming itself "Bestower of All", it claims it will grant mankind's boundless wishes before battling the Ringbearer Chosen.


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  • Predation - Deal physical damage to single target. Inflict Status Bleeding Bleeding (The target will take physical damage at the end of their turn) for 3 turns. Absorb 2000% of damage dealt as HP.
  • Radiant Arrow - Deal Type Bows damage to single target.
  • Shiny Stone - Deal Type Light damage to random target 3 time(s).
  • Spill of Moonlight - Deal Type Light damage to random target 4 time(s).
  • Thousand Scythes - Deal Type Fans damage to Front.
  • Ring of the Huntress glows brightly...: Prepares itself to use Temptation of the Night if not broken before the Ring of the Huntress's next action.
    • Temptation of the Night - Inflict CotC Status Sleep Sleep (The target will be unable to act until a turn has passed or they take damage) to Front for 2 turns.

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  • Castigate - Deal Type Swords damage to single target. Forcibly switch the Front traveler for the Back one. Traveler acting after being hit by the attack will slip and fall, missing its turn.
  • Thundering Gale - Deal Type Lightning to random target 6 time(s).
  • Suppression - Deal physical attack to Front. Inflict CotC Status Terror Terror (The target will not gain BP at the start of their turn and cannot boost) for 3 turns. Reduces 10% of Ultimate gauge.
  • Expunge - Deal physical attack to Front. Reduces 20% of Ultimate gauge.
  • Stormwind - Deal Type Lightning damage to Front. Inflict CotC Status Terror Terror (The target will not gain BP at the start of their turn and cannot boost) for 4 turns.
  • The Ring of the Thunderblade glows brightly...: Prepares itself to use Thundersquall if not broken before the Ring of the Thunderblade's next action.
    • Thundersquall - Deal Type Lightning damage to Front 2 time(s). Inflict CotC Status Terror Terror (The target will not gain BP at the start of their turn and cannot boost) for 4 turns.

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  • Rhythm Unto Quietus - Deal physical damage to random target 3 time(s). Inflicts CotC Status Poison Poison (The target will take elemental damage at the end of their turn), Status Paralysis Paralysis (The target has a certain chance of being unable to act) and CotC Status Sleep Sleep (The target will be unable to act until a turn has passed or they take damage) with every attack for 3 turns.
  • Widespread Fury - Deal Type Dark damage to Front.
  • Muzzling Meter - Deal physical damage to Front. Inflict CotC Status Silence Silence (The target will be not able to use one skill) to Front for 2 turns.
  • Physical Shackling Meter - Deal Type Dark damage to Front. Inflict Status Phys. Atk. Lock Phys. Atk. Lock (The traveler will be not able to use one physical skill) for 2 turns.
  • Elemental Shackling Meter - Deal Type Dark damage to Front. Inflict Status Elem. Atk. Lock Elem. Atk. Lock (The traveler will be not able to use one elemental skill) for 2 turns.
  • Ring of the Prince of the Thieves glows brightly...: Prepares itself to use Mass Fatal Sentence if not broken before the Ring of the Prince of the Thieves's next action.
    • Mass Fatal Sentence - Inflict Status Fatal Sentence Fatal Sentence (The traveler will be not able to fight at the end of the effect turn) to Front for 3 turns. Effect is removed upon break.

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  • Flood of Despair - Deal Type Dark damage to single target. Inflict Status SP Sap SP Sap (The traveler will take SP damage at the end of their turn) and Status Can't Switch Can't Switch (The traveler will be unable to be switched) for 3 turns.
  • Unyielding Blade of Ruin - Deal Type Swords damage to single target 2 time(s). Inflict Status Dread Dread (The traveler will not gain BP at the start of their turn and cannot boost) and Status Bleeding Bleeding (The target will take physical damage at the end of their turn) for 4 turns.
  • Wild Infernal Blade - Deal Type Fire damage to random target 3 time(s).
  • Unyielding Blade of the Absolute - Deal Type Swords damage to Front.
  • Blade of the God of War - Deal Type Swords damage to Front. Inflict Status Dread Dread (The traveler will not gain BP at the start of their turn and cannot boost), Status Can't Switch Can't Switch (The traveler will be unable to be switched), Status Bleeding Bleeding (The target will take physical damage at the end of their turn) and Status SP Sap SP Sap (The traveler will take SP damage at the end of their turn) for 4 turns.
  • Ring of the Scholarking emits a mysterious light!: After recovering from a break. The Ring of the Scholarking changes weaknesses sets in the order shown below:
    • Type SwordsType DaggersType AxesType IceType Light
    • Type PolearmsType BowsType FansType LightningType Light
    • Type AxesType TomesType IceType WindType Light
    • Type StavesType FansType FireType LightningType Light
  • Ring of the Scholarking glows brightly...: Prepares itself to use Scorn of the Scholarking if not broken before the Ring of the Scholarking's next action.
    • Scorn of the Scholarking - Deal Type Swords damage to Front 2 time(s) and deal Type Dark damage to Front.

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  • Divine Great Axe - Deal Type Axes damage to single target.
  • Snowy Slumber - Deal Type Ice damage to random target 2 time(s). Inflict Status Comatose Comatose (The traveler will be unable to act until a turn has passed) with every attack for 2 turns.
  • Accurst Flame - Deal Type Dark damage to random target 3 time(s).
  • Luminous Wings - Deal Type Light damage to Front. Inflict Status Comatose Comatose (The traveler will be unable to act until a turn has passed) and Inflict CotC Status Silence Silence (The target will be not able to use one skill) for 2 turns.
  • Ebony Wings - Deal Type Dark damage to Front. Inflict Status Comatose Comatose (The traveler will be unable to act until a turn has passed) and Inflict CotC Status Blindness Blindness (The target has a certain chance to miss physical attacks) for 2 turns.
  • Ring of the Charitable glows brightly...: Prepares itself to use Mercy of the Charitable if not broken before the Ring of the Charitable's next action.
    • Mercy of the Charitable - Deal Type Light damage to Front.
  • Cursed Barrier - When the Ring of the Lady of Grace and Ring of the Trader are defeated. Can permanent inflict and stack CotC Status Poison Poison (The target will take elemental damage at the end of their turn)/Status Bleeding Bleeding (The target will take physical damage at the end of their turn)/CotC Status Silence Silence (The target will be not able to use one skill)/CotC Status Sleep Sleep (The target will be unable to act until a turn has passed or they take damage)/Status Paralysis Paralysis (The target has a certain chance of being unable to act)/CotC Status Terror Terror (The target will not gain BP at the start of their turn and cannot boost)/Status Weakness Weakness (The target will consume more SP)/CotC Status Blindness Blindness (The target has a certain chance to miss physical attacks) to Front for 2 turns. Effect is removed upon break.

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  • Corrosion - Deal physical damage to single target. Reduces 10% of the target's current SP. Absorb 400% of damage dealt as HP
  • Submission - Inflict Status Charm Charm (The traveler has a certain chance of using the selected skill against the allies) to random target 2 time(s) for 3 turns.
  • Dark Frenzy - Deal Type Dark damage to random target 3 time(s).
  • Toxic Tentacles - Deal physical damage to random target 3 time(s). Inflict CotC Status Poison Poison (The target will take elemental damage at the end of their turn) for 3 turns.
  • Call to the Abyss - Deal Type Dark damage to Front. Inflict Debuff Speed Down Speed Down  for 3 turns.
  • Ring of the Lady of Grace glows brightly...: Prepares itself to use The Lady of Grace's Delight if not broken before the Ring of the Lady of Grace's next action.
    • The Lady of Grace's Delight - Deal physical damage to random target 8 time(s). Inflict CotC Status Poison Poison (The target will take elemental damage at the end of their turn) for 1 turn.
  • Absorption Barrier - When the Ring of the Charitable and Ring of the Trader are defeated. Inflict permanent Status Life Absorption Barrier Life Absorption Barrier (The traveler will take HP and SP damage at the end of their turn) to Front and impart self with permanent Buff Life Absorption Barrier Life Absorption Barrier (The target will gain some HP and SP at the end of their turn). Effect is removed upon break.

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  • Disarray - Deal physical damage to single target. Inflict CotC Status Sleep Sleep (The target will be unable to act until a turn has passed or they take damage) for 3 turns and forcibly switch the Front traveler for the Row one. Traveler acting after the movement will slip and fall, missing their turn.
  • Skyfire - Deal Type Fire damage to single target.
  • Hands of Isolation - Deal physical damage to Front. Inflict Status Can't Switch Can't Switch (The traveler will be unable to be switched) for 3 turns.
  • Twin Flash - Deal Type Swords damage to Front 2 time(s).
  • Twin Flash: Blaze - Deal Type Fire damage to Front 2 time(s).
  • Ring of the Trader glows brightly...: Prepares itself to use Wrath of the Trader if not broken before the Ring of the Trader's next action.
    • Wrath of the Trader - Deal Type Fire damage to Front. Inflict Status Can't Switch Can't Switch (The traveler will be unable to be switched) for 3 turns.
  • Stillness Barrier - When the Ring of the Charitable and Ring of the Lady of Grace are defeated. Inflict Status Stillness Stillness (The traveler will be not able to use one skill) to Front. Effect is removed upon break.

  • Transcendence - First action and next action after the effect wears off. Impart self with Buff Phys. Atk. Up Phys. Atk. Up , Buff Elem. Atk. Up Elem. Atk. Up , Buff Phys. Def. Up Phys. Def. Up  and Buff Elem. Def. Up Elem. Def. Up  for 5 turns. Won't be used after The End of Beyond.
  • Judgement - Deal physical damage to single target.
  • Divine Pierce - Deal Type Polearms damage to random target 3 time(s).
  • Divine Cursed Flame - Deal Type Fire damage to random target 5 time(s).
  • Flash of Divinity - Deal Type Swords damage to Front.
  • Engraving - Deal Type Light damage to Front.
  • Oblivion - Deal Type Dark damage to Front.
  • Elimination - End of turn. Cures enfeebling effects on Self.
  • True Creator's Order - End of turn at:
    • 75% HP or less: Permanently increases their action per turn to 2.
    • 50% or less: Permanently increases their action per turn to 3. Uses The End of Beyond in the next turn.
      • The End of Beyond - Impart self with permanent Buff Phys. Atk. Up Phys. Atk. Up , Buff Elem. Atk. Up Elem. Atk. Up , Buff Phys. Def. Up Phys. Def. Up  and Buff Elem. Def. Up Elem. Def. Up .
  • Divine Eye - Impart self with Buff Repel Phys. Elem. Repel Phys. Elem. (The target will counter physical and elemental damage) for 2 turns. Counters with Ignorance.
    • Ignorance - Deal Type Fire damage to Front.
  • Alteration - When recovering from a break. Switch between the following weaknesses.
    • Type SwordsType AxesType FireType Light
    • Type BowsType FansType IceType Dark
    • Type PolearmsType TomesType LightningType Light
    • Type DaggersType StavesType WindType Dark
  • Re-creation - At full BP. Deal 9999 to Front.
  • The time has come... - At 30% or less. Sets their shield points up to 99. Permanently increases their action per turn to 8. Uses Divine Abyss and The Void until the end of the phase. This event is scripted, so it can't be avoided.
    • Divine Abyss - Deal 99999 to Front.
    • The Void - Deal 99999 to Front.

An scripted event will trigger and all incapacitated party members will be revived, all party members will be restored by 9999 HP, 999 SP and 5 BP. All Allies will have their Phys. Atk., Elem. Atk.,Phys. Def., Elem. Def., Spd. and Crit. permanently raised and granted by permanent automatic HP, SP and BP recovery.

  • The Bestower of All's shield crumbles.: Start of battle. Bestower of All will have their shield points cap reduced to 24.
  • Divine Abyss - Deal physical damage to Front.
  • The Void - Deal non-elemental damage to Front.


As the final boss of the COTC storyline, the Bestower is not meant to be taken lightly. Of course, as a gacha game boss, this guide may become wildly outdated as powercrept is introduced.

This page assumes that you have the following units: Rinyuu, H'aanit EX, and Ophelia/Alaune EX. Be prepared- you may need to roll the gacha to obtain units to help you beat this. (And maybe spend some money, of course.)

In Round 1, the Ring of the Thunderblade is by far the biggest issue- as it forcibly swaps travelers, cancelling Gracious Prayer. The Prince of Thieves is also annoying, but its statuses aren't the biggest issue- especially if you have a cleanser on hand. The Huntress ring may hit hard, but because Gracious Prayer gives Sleep immunity, it's fine as long as you have a decent tank (and by now, a H'aanit EX or Gildroy should have fallen into your lap.) Make sure not to spend ANY revive skills here- the real battle is yet to come.

Round 2 bring everyone favorite evil Santa Claus back. It's here to annoy the hell out of you with SP drain. Make ABSOLUTE sure you have both its attack debuffed and your defenses buffed- this is why Ophelia and H'annit are highly recommended. Ophelia also bring a massive 6 revives at U10 (4 single target, 2 all target), and H'aanit works as a tank.

Break it quick and wipe it out- Terror is a problem, especially when your SP is quickly running out. The standard nukes work well, especially with its weakness shifting. Bargello, Cyrus, Sanzatos, Elrica, Leon, Roland... the works.

Round 3 is a breather. Once you kill the Dancer's ring (which should be done quickly- I'm not responsible if your Sanzatos nukes you because he got charmed). The Ring of the Trader will swap allies, but unlike the Warrior, this is single-target. Make sure Rinyuu is not behind your tank, and you'll be just fine. The Charitable will spread status, so knock it out, and watch as the Trader... just inflicts silence and fails to do anything of note. Not switching is annoying, but you'll manage.

Round 4 is the big one. Hopefully Ophelia has both charges of her Ult and most of her Preservation casts. You're going to need it. Hell, bring a second reviver if you can find the space. Boasting almost 2 million HP, shifting weaknesses with zero overlap, and 38 sheilds, you'll be here for a bit. Grab a drink or something.

Of course, you have already beaten Creator Or'Sanzatos, and this is kinda just that round 2 (just with less party switching...). First and foremost, defense buffs are mandatory. Like the aforementioned Creator, Bestower can and will clear its own debuffs- and if you remember from both Creator and the BOA 6 Sanzatos, this includes Provoke. Put the frail units in the back. Besides for that, there is a bit of good news- he can't inflict any status! It also takes him until below 75% HP to gain two actions, so if you're tricked out enough, you could probably skip most of this fight by killing him before that point. However, the biggest issue is if you take 5 turns without breaking him.

He kills your whole front row. As you may surmise, this is bad. Put Ophelia, Alaune EX, or both in the back, click their Ult, and PRAY it doesn't just kill them right after being revived. Alternatively, use Alaune's Ult turn 1 to gain the auto-revive. Any sort of Ult refresh is massively useful here- no matter what kind. Spamming Tomorrow's Hope and Aelfric's Affection will probably be your strategy if you can't kill him before he starts taking his late-game Octopath government mandated 3 actions.

Once he hits 30%, congrats! Watch some hype cutscenes and listen to Chosen By The Light at full volume- you deserve this.

If you don't have Rinyuu, a decent tank, or Ophelia/Alaune EX- just don't try. Dunno how you'd get this far without Rinyuu, to be honest. Wait, roll that gacha, and come back once you've spent your mortgage on this game.


"Sazantos... dearly wished for his ideal world. In the end, he too... was a slave to his desires." —Pointing Sazantos's contradictions
"Do not resist me. I will guide you." —Starting the fourth phase
"Accept my gifts. I will bestow all." —End of the fourth phase



  • The Bestower of All is the second entity who self proclaims as it, with Finis being the first one using it on himself.
  • Its battle background is an endless void, which fits with the main theme of the game: mankind's greed being a bottomless abyss.
    • In the first four phases, the "wind" in the background is moving towards the Chosen One, which can be interpreted as the odds being against them. This changes in the last phase, where the wind comes from the traveler's side instead.
  • This enemy and Or'sazantos have unique defeat animations in the Octopath series, with the former exploding in several rays of light before turning the screen white.
  • Hirohito Suzuki about Bestower of All: "The power of the rings and the thoughts of Sazantos. The result of the fusion of the demon blade Fisteralda and Orsa. Fisteralda is a demon blade refined with the ashes of Finis, so it's depicted as an extraordinaire being who combines both the Mother of All and the All Father's existences.".[2]


  1. The Final Journal
  2. The Art of Octopath Traveler 2020-2023, page 149.
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Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent
Cleric: Agnès  •  Brigitte  •  Cedric  •  Emil  •  Gloria  •  Hikari EX  •  Jose  •  Lianna  •  Madelaine  •  Menno  •  Millard  •  Molrusso  •  Mydia  •  S. Odio  •  Ophilia  •  Pearl  •  Promme  •  Ramona  •  Relisha  •  Rinyuu  •  Stead  •  Telly  •  Temenos  •  Yan Long  •  Yukes
Apothecary: Alfyn  •  Castti  •  Ceraphina  •  Cornelia  •  Gertrude  •  Hayes  •  Jane  •  Jorge  •  Lumis  •  Merrit  •  Nephti  •  Ogen  •  Penny  •  Primrose EX  •  Rinyuu EX  •  Rita  •  Rodion  •  Saria  •  Shana  •  Shelby  •  Sofia EX  •  Soleil  •  Sowan  •  Theo  •  Zenia
Dancer: Agnea  •  Bargello EX  •  Dark Priestess  •  Dolcinaea  •  Eleonora  •  Evelyn  •  Fabio  •  Fiore EX  •  Glossom  •  H'aanit EX  •  Harley  •  Harry  •  Hasumi  •  Iris  •  Lemaire  •  Lynette  •  Mabel  •  Manuel  •  Meena  •  Molrusso EX  •  Neha  •  Paula  •  Primrose  •  Signa  •  Tatloch  •  Tithi
Merchant: 9S  •  Alrond  •  Barrad  •  Cardona  •  Carroll  •  Cecily  •  Cerna  •  Conny  •  Devin  •  Dorothea  •  Gilderoy  •  Helga  •  Juan  •  Krauser  •  Largo  •  Leon  •  Millard EX  •  Nier  •  Nona  •  Ori  •  Oskha  •  Partitio  •  Pia  •  Rai Mei  •  Roland  •  Sigrid EX  •  Sazantos EX  •  Tressa  •  W'ludai
Scholar: Alaune  •  Cyrus  •  Ditraina  •  Dorrie  •  Elvis  •  Eunice  •  Frederica  •  Hammy  •  Heinz  •  Julio  •  Kenneth  •  Laura  •  Levan  •  Levina  •  Molu  •  Nina-Lanna  •  Nivelle  •  Noelle  •  Odette  •  Ophilia EX  •  Osvald  •  Pardis III  •  Peredir  •  Sofia  •  Solon  •  Streibough  •  Therese  •  Varkyn  •  Viola EX
Thief: A2  •  Adelle  •  Aslyte  •  Auguste  •  Bargello  •  Billy  •  Canary  •  Cless  •  Diego  •  Durand  •  Elrica EX  •  Falco  •  Felline  •  Heathcote  •  Kagemune  •  Kaine  •  Kurtz  •  Nicola  •  Pirro  •  Ri'tu  •  Sarisa  •  Sonia  •  Tatloch EX  •  Therion  •  Throné  •  Tiziano  •  Viola  •  Wingate
Warrior: 2B  •  Aedelgard  •  Cecil  •  Crick  •  Dark Knight  •  Edea  •  Eliza  •  Elrica  •  Eltrix  •  Fiore  •  Hikari  •  Jorn  •  Joshua  •  Kouren  •  Lionel  •  Menny  •  Miles  •  Nanna  •  Oersted  •  Olberic  •  O. Odio  •  Richard  •  Ringabel  •  Rondo  •  Saul  •  Sazantos  •  Serenoa  •  Sigrid  •  Tahir  •  Tikilen  •  Trish  •  Tytos  •  Lars  •  Yugo
Hunter: Agnea EX  •  Ashlan  •  Bertrand  •  Camilla  •  Chloe  •  Cyrus EX  •  Ditraina EX  •  Guti  •  H'aanit  •  Herminia  •  Hujheb  •  Jillmeila  •  Kersjes  •  Kilns  •  Lolo  •  Lucetta  •  Lumis EX  •  Narr  •  Ochette  •  Scarecrow  •  Sertet  •  Sunny  •  Tressa EX  •  Vivian  •  Yunnie  •  Z'aanta
Master of Wealth: Herminia  •  Bargello  •  Tiziano  •  Pierro Della  •  Fra  •  Rosso  •  Taviani  •  Sonia
Master of Power: Tytos  •  Velnorte  •  Rinyuu  •  Phina  •  Dmitri  •  Jurgen
Master of Fame: Auguste  •  Schwartz  •  Mikhail  •  Francesca
Master of All: Pardis III  •  Elrica  •  Alaune  •  Lebrandt  •  Mahrez  •  Mesara  •  Richard  •  Gimel  •  Solon  •  Mendoza  •  Cerro  •  Gonzalez  •  Krauser
Bestower of Wealth: Oskha  •  Levina  •  Leopaldi  •  Delvecchio  •  Scarabe  •  Judah
Bestower of Power: Tatloch  •  Marianne  •  Dudek  •  Eltrix
Bestower of Fame: Ceraphina  •  Sazantos  •  Rondo  •  Taigan  •  Timov  •  Josef  •  Hugo  •  Monaris  •  Miza
Bestower of All: Or'sazantos  •  Finis  •  Dark Knight  •  Dark Priestess  •  Ataraxia
Nameless Town: Nephti  •  Isla  •  Feintz  •  Rique  •  Glayne  •  Kota  •  Pecolo  •  Parua  •  Atsumo Rihiko  •  Nan Masano
Emberflame Story: Aviete  •  Mellow  •  Stollenwurm  •  Lykaon  •  Simurgh  •  Yuetu  •  Svaðilfari  •  Lutīyā
Woodlands: Valore  •  Herminia's Manse  •  Forest Ruins  •  Auguste's Villa  •  Victors Hollow  •  Subterranean Arena  •  Great Tree's Tears
Frostlands: Emberglow  •  Emberglow Laboratory  •  Emberglow Slopes  •  Hunter's House  •  Ceremonial Square  •  Cathedral of Tytos  •  Snowbloom Ruins  •  Snowshard Grotto  •  Emberglow Laboratory: Inner Chambers  •  Flamesgrace  •  Cave of Laments  •  Cave of Origin
Flatlands: Theatropolis  •  Amphitheatre  •  Serpent's Burrow  •  Knights Ardante Garrison  •  Nameless Town  •  Tower of Remembrance  •  Atlasdam  •  Fort Wold Ruins
Coastlands: Rippletide  •  Isle of Orsa  •  Radiant Reefs  •  Grandport  •  Grandport Sewers  •  Sea Cavern  •  Middlesea
Cliftlands: Cragspear  •  Gray Grotto  •  Geist Canyon  •  Abandoned Mines  •  Castle Edoras  •  I'cirlo  •  Spiny Grotto
Riverlands: Clearbrook  •  Waterpool Caves  •  Shadowflow Grotto  •  Castle Riven  •  Donescu  •  Cyphlo Banks  •  Misty Falls
Sunlands: Sunshade  •  Finesand Ruins  •  Sufrataljah  •  Sufrataljah: Palace  •  Whitesand Cave  •  Golden Palace
Highlands: Shepherds Rock  •  Valley of Death  •  Cavern of Mists  •  Berecain  •  Forbidden Temple  •  Sweltering Cave
The Skew: Hall of Heroes (1st Floor  •  2nd Floor  •  3rd Floor)  •  Icegrove Clearing (Forest Ruins  •  Snowshard Grotto  •  Serpent's Burrow  •  Cavern of Mists  •  Gate of Finis)
Hell: Cliftlands: Cragspear  •  Geist Canyon  •  Castle Edoras
Hell: Woodlands: Valore  •  White Grape Hill Path  •  Netherflame Chamber
Hell: Highlands: Hornburg  •  Hornburg Castle
The Gate of Finis: Corridors of Contrition  •  The Bridge Beyond  •  Crimson River Traverse  •  Ridge of the Imprisoned God
Domain of the Gods: Agapea  •  Flamebearer's Shrine: Sanctum (Trial of Faith  •  Trial of Rebirth  •  Trial of Rebirth  •  Trial of Valor)
The Heavens: Garden of Sin (Sands of Rapacity  •  Seas of Servility  •  Skies of Vanity  •  Altar of Heavenly Peals)
???: Sacred Springs  •  Labyrinthine Woods
Brightlands: New Delsta (Ouma)  •  Underground Waterway  •  New Delsta: Theater
Toto'haha: Beasting Village  •  Beasting Bay: Anchorage
Harborlands: Canalbrine  •  Lair of the Usurper
Winterlands: Cape Cold
Hinoeuma: Ryu
Leaflands: Cropdale  •  Animal Trail
Crestlands: Flamechurch
Wildlands: Crackridge
Master of Wealth: Burly Blackrobe  •  Captain Tristan  •  Sonia  •  Lady Herminia
Master of Power: Abnormal Ruffian  •  Al the Servant  •  Jurgen  •  Commander Tytos
Master of Fame: Aides  •  Francesca the Actress  •  Auguste the Playwright
Master of All: Ring-sealed Beast  •  Mesara the Thief  •  M'suhi the Viper  •  Edoras Infantryman  •  Gimel the Brigand Leader  •  Cerro the Emissary  •  Gonzalez the Ironarm  •  General Krauser  •  Mysterious Assassin  •  Edoras Soldier/Edoras Defenders  •  Gonska the Clown  •  King Pardis III
Bestower of Wealth: Blackrobes  •  Delvecchio  •  Mandarino and Remone  •  Lookouts  •  Judah the Believer  •  Oskha the Have-not
Bestower of Power: Foreign Emissaries  •  Captain Na'gu  •  G'roha Commander  •  Pelagia the Conjurer (Ruin)  •  Empress Tatloch
Bestower of Fame: Black Scarlets  •  Villains  •  Monaris the Villainous  •  Elite Black Scarlet  •  Villain (Black Scarlet)  •  Guardian of the Tainted Flame  •  Towering Idol  •  Ceraphina the Charitable
Bestower of All: Souls  •  Fallen Mahrez  •  Fallen Sonia  •  Fallen Elrica  •  Fallen Lebrandt  •  Sonzon the Flameguard  •  Cursed Commander Tytos  •  Fallen Lady-in-waiting  •  Cursed Lady Herminia  •  Fallen Francesca  •  Cursed Master Auguste  •  Sazantos  •  Aelfric the Flamebringer  •  Saint Sazantos  •  Bestower of All
Side Solistia: Dokabro  •  Sly Leader Lloris  •  Ignazio  •  Gafaud  •  Avar the Conqueror  •  Lucian  •  Noma
Emberflame Story: Accursed Halo's Servant  •  Black-Clad Shadow  •  Divine Beast Lykaon  •  Divine Beast Simurgh  •  Divine Beast Kulshedra  •  Divine Beast Lutīyā
Side Story: Siva and Zash  •  Mu'shimume the Serpent  •  S. Odio, Lord of Dark
Traveler Story: Lord Morbidus  •  Scott  •  Aristolo  •  Geltner  •  Forest Tyrant  •  Jude  •  Macaed of Darkness  •  Fake Medicine Man  •  Wily Gigantes  •  Malcolm  •  Giacomo  •  Rare Crab  •  One-eyed Wolf  •  Grosvenor  •  Ryan  •  Faust  •  King Chomper  •  Pirlika of Darkness  •  Udo  •  Hans and Elma  •  Milos  •  Lord Deptus  •  Devourer of Dreams  •  Ronan  •  Edmonds  •  Peacock the Thief  •  Strahd  •  Scarface  •  Wakeman  •  Airy  •  Argente  •  Hogni  •  Sangre  •  Ratkin Charmer  •  Cerveza  •  Gaffney  •  Paynes  •  Zakias the Knight  •  Father David  •  Prince Navilio  •  Ogland  •  Boss  •  Fontan  •  Thorndike
Game Mechanics
General: Influences  •  Items  •  Limit Break  •  Awakening  •  Path Actions  •  Traveler Stories  •  Side Stories  •  Memoirs
Battle: Experience  •  Skills  •  Ally Skills  •  Keepers  •  Status Effects
Inventory: Weapons  •  Soul Weapons  •  Headgear  •  Body Armor  •  Accessories