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Octopath Traveler Wiki

"Welcome to my manor, Partitio. I am none other than Alrond himself. Don't think ill of me, Partitio. I had my reasons to disguise myself as the everyman. As one of the wealthiest people on the continent, I find that most put on a false mask when speaking to me. It's much easier to judge someone's true character by how they treat you when they think you're nothing special." —Alrond, revealing his true identity

Lord Alrond Rondwell is a character in Octopath Traveler II. As the lord that presides over Wellgrove, he is considered one of the richest nobles in Solistia and the richest individual on the western continent.



Alrond wears a large, regal red coat adorned with jewelry, and has silver hair in a combover drooping over one side of his face.

While disguised in town, he wears an unimpressive merchant's outfit as well as a cheap hat.


Alrond is a lively and amiable young man with a good eye for judging character. Despite his vast wealth, he is quite generous and open to the demands of the commonfolk, and is willing to invest in Partitio due to his unfailing honesty and drive to help others. He also has a penchant for theatrics, as shown by his dramatic entrance at Roque Island. He is a self-proclaimed connoisseur of the arts, though he lacks skill in practical matters such as laundering his own clothing.

Because many seek to make a good impression in order to win Alrond's wealth, he has taken to disguising himself and mingling with the commoners to see how people treat him without financial motives. He enjoys "treasure hunting," and Misha claims that he's always picking strange things up off the street.


During Alrond's early life, he witnessed the growing economics of Wellgrove, where it was once considered one of the most prosperous trading towns in Solistia. However, one day the market began to crash and in an attempt to solve the problem, Alrond's father gave the townsfolk a good deal of money, but it only made the problem worse as with enough coin, the townspeople either moved away or simply did not care about working anymore. Eventually, the town's commerce was reduced to a few demotivated or shady merchants. At some point after his parents' passing, Alrond became the new lord, inheriting the manor and riches.

One night, while strolling through town under the guise of a normal townsperson which he uses to judge certain characters, Alrond met Misha, who was picking up trash around town to support his family. After hearing his story and ideals, he revealed his identity to the young man and offered him a job in his manor as his butler.

One day, in his disguise, he came across a merchant in town who tried to coerce him into buying a pure Oresrush silver statue, but was suddenly interrupted by a visiting traveler named Partitio, who debunked the product's quality and showed what real silver looked like, forcing the merchant to retreat from the area. As thanks, he treated Partitio to some spirits before the young merchant revealed that he was looking for Alrond himself, in which he agreed to introduce him after Partitio revealed his accomplishments in the world of commerce. Alrond then left the tavern and went back to his manor to await Partitio there.

After Partitio arrived in his study, Alrond revealed his true identity to him, stunning the young merchant. He then listened to Partitio's proposal on buying the rights to the steam engine as well as the eighty billion price tag before he agreed to the proposal, but only after putting Partitio through one last test of character: returning Wellgrove to its glory days by revitalizing the markets.

Alrond checked up on Partitio while the latter was renovating an old building and was impressed with his idea of creating a "department store". However, while Partitio was out for supplies to stock the shelves with, Alrond was suddenly attacked and taken hostage by Thurston, a disgruntled ex-employee of Roque's who wanted to stop Partitio's goals as revenge for his dismissal. Fortunately, Partitio managed to defeat Thurston and break his steam engine before bringing Alrond to the newly-opened department store, where he was happy to see his town's commerce and its people finally revived. As he promised, he gave Partitio a promissory note for eighty billion leaves as well as a warning not to trust Roque.

Believing Roque would not hand over the steam engine willingly, Alrond packed the funds onto a ship and made his way to Roque Island, where he arrived in the nick of time before Roque had Partitio cornered with lack of currency. He then witnessed Roque attempting to cancel the transaction in violation of his own contract, which caused the scriveners present to turn on him as well as his last attempt to fight Partitio with Steam Tank Obsidian before its destruction.

Alrond then proceeded to resume his previous patterns, sneaking out in disguise to help pick up trash in Wellgrove.


"Welcome, honored guest! Please, take your ease!" —In Wellgrove: Alrond's Estate (day)
"The liveliness of the town by day is a fine thing, but I also enjoy the quiet stillness of its nights." —At Wellgrove: Alrond's Estate (night)
"You want me to join you on your journey? Well... that sounds fun!" —When recruited
"I had a wonderful time! I would be happy to join you again someday!" —Parting Ways
"Please mind your manners." —Path Action failure



The name "Alrond" may be inspired by the character of Elrond from J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. Elrond is an elf lord who rules the city of Rivendell, known for his skill in healing and lore; his name means "star-dome" or "vault of heaven." Alrond's name may therefore parallel Elrond's status as an esteemed lord, symbolizing his esteem and wealth.

Alrond's surname, "Rondwell," is likely a variant of the English habitational name "Rodwell," which denoted someone who lived by a spring near the road. Given his lordship over the verdant city of Wellgrove, Alrond's surname reflects his ties to the town.


  • After completing Misha's Next Chapter, Alrond can be recruited by your characters to use as a battle summon, where he acts as a non-risky Bewildering Grace for EXP and JP. However, he is considered one of the hardest and most expensive to recruit with high level requirements and hefty price tags.
  • Alrond requires 3 Octopath Bowls to be Befriended.
  • Alrond cannot be Challenged or Provoked.
  • Alrond's Dance Session skill is Improvisation
[v · e · ?]
Octopath Traveler II
Travelers: Ochette  •  Castti  •  Throné  •  Osvald  •  Partitio  •  Agnea  •  Temenos  •  Hikari
Ochette's Path: Akalā  •  Mahina  •  Juvah  •  Cohazeh  •  Dark Entity  •  Alpione  •  Cateracta  •  Acta  •  Tera  •  Pom  •  Glacis  •  Heig  •  Darkling of the Sorrowful Moon
Castti's Path: Malaya  •  Sesque  •  Senah  •  Veron and Doron  •  Mao  •  Edmund  •  Griff  •  Rosa  •  Melia  •  Lily  •  Greg  •  Plukk  •  Mikk  •  Makk  •  Trousseau  •  Elma  •  Andy  •  Randy  •  Sally  •  Temm
Throné's Path: Pirro  •  Scaracci  •  Donnie  •  Diamante  •  Father  •  Mother  •  Masked Boy  •  The Slaver  •  Bergomi  •  Elderly Guard  •  Mira  •  Morozov  •  Marietta  •  Guide  •  Claude
Osvald's Path: Warden Davids  •  Emerald  •  Bale  •  Harvey  •  Rita  •  Elena  •  Lady Clarissa  •  Stenvar  •  Grieving Golem
Partitio's Path: Papp  •  Roque  •  Ned  •  Joe  •  Harry  •  Nikki  •  Giff  •  Will  •  Ori  •  Floyd  •  Thurston  •  Garnet  •  Terry  •  Audley  •  Masoud  •  Masoud's Daughter  •  Alrond  •  Misha
Agnea's Path: Gus  •  Pala  •  Garud  •  Cuani  •  Dolcinaea  •  Gil  •  La'mani  •  Veronica  •  Giselle  •  Rico  •  Coda  •  Tanzy  •  Laila  •  Platt
Temenos's Path: Mindt  •  Pontiff Jörg  •  Lucian  •  Crick  •  Felvarg  •  Cubaryi  •  Kaldena  •  Ort  •  Hermes  •  Vados  •  Roi  •  Reiza  •  Kaldena's Father  •  Shirlutto
Hikari's Path: Ritsu  •  Kazan  •  Mugen  •  Rai Mei  •  Southern General  •  Jigo Ku  •  Tsuki  •  Benkei  •  Bandelam  •  Borneau  •  Zeto  •  "Hikari"  •  Mikka  •  Azuma  •  General Rou  •  King of Sa  •  Ageha  •  Kunzo  •  Jin Mei  •  Kura  •  Bandit Chief
Side Stories: Al  •  Arkar  •  Eugis  •  Porta  •  Tiffany  •  Margello  •  Meylan  •  Nero  •  Judge Astell  •  Ruby  •  Yurinas  •  Karma  •  Georges Lazuli
Other: Regulus  •  Wooly-Ooly  •  Yomi  •  Alpates  •  Arcanette  •  Petrichor  •  Oboro  •  D'arqest
Hinoeuma: Ku  •  Ku: Castle Town  •  Sai  •  Ryu  •  Castle Ku  •  Tranquil Grotto  •  Dragonridge  •  Sand Lion's Den  •  Five-Tiered Tower
Wildlands: Oresrush  •  Crackridge  •  Gravell  •  Fellsun Ruins  •  Duskruin Shrine  •  Bed of the Titan  •  Giff's Manse
Leaflands: Timberain  •  Wellgrove  •  Cropdale  •  Timberain Castle  •  Veil of Trees  •  Animal Trail  •  Mother's Garden  •  Secret Forest  •  House Wellows Manor
Harborlands: Canalbrine  •  Conning Creek  •  Roque Island  •  Cavern of the Sea God  •  Cavern of the Moon and Sun  •  Sacred Guard Ship
Toto'haha: Beasting Village  •  Tropu'hopu  •  Nameless Village  •  Wandering Wood  •  Tombs of the Wardenbeasts
Brightlands: New Delsta  •  Clockbank  •  Lostseed  •  Underground Waterway  •  Diamante's Estate  •  New Delsta: Theater
Crestlands: Flamechurch  •  Flamechurch: Cathedral  •  Montwise  •  Merry Hills  •  Abandoned Church  •  Underground Laboratory  •  Shrine of Ul'sterra
Winterlands: Stormhail  •  Winterbloom  •  Cape Cold  •  Frigit Isle  •  Sacred Peak Altahe  •  Castle Mei  •  Snowhares' Den  •  Infernal Castle
Sundering Sea: Lighthouse Island  •  Curious Nest  •  Shipwreck of the Empress  •  Nameless Isle  •  The Lost Isle  •  Vidania  •  Gate of Finis
Ochette's Path: King Iguana  •  Dark Entity  •  Alpione  •  Tera  •  Glacis  •  Darkling of the Sorrowful Moon
Castti's Path: Veron and Doron  •  Sand Lion  •  Mikk  •  Makk  •  Plukk  •  Trousseau
Throné's Path: Pirro  •  Bergomi  •  Mother  •  Father  •  Claude
Osvald's Path: Warden Davids  •  Lady Clarissa  •  Captain Stenvar  •  Grieving Golem  •  Professor Harvey
Partitio's Path: Giff  •  Garnet  •  Neo Steam Engine  •  Thurston  •  Steam Tank Obsidian
Agnea's Path: Duorduor  •  La'mani  •  Veronica  •  Dolcinaea
Temenos's Path: Felvarg  •  Vados the Architect  •  Deputy Cubaryi  •  Captain Kaldena
Hikari's Path: Ritsu Mishuyo  •  Bandelam the Reaper  •  General Rou  •  Rai Mei  •  King Mugen
The Final Chapter: Grotesque Monster  •  Arcanette  •  Vide
Optional: Behemoth  •  Deep One  •  Dreadwolf  •  Battle-Worn Shark  •  Scourge of the Sea  •  Karma  •  Gken  •  Ichchadhari the Snake Charmer  •  Tyran the Seeker  •  Auðnvarg  •  Priestess Hinoekagura  •  Galdera
Game Mechanics
General: Achievements  •  Side Stories  •  Travel Banter
Battle: Experience  •  Skills  •  Status Effects  •  Support Skills
Path Actions: Guide/Allure  •  Scrutinize/Inquire  •  Purchase/Steal  •  Provoke/Challenge
Inventory: Items  •  Weapons  •  Shields  •  Headgear  •  Body Armor  •  Materials
Jobs: Cleric  •  Scholar  •  Merchant  •  Warrior  •  Dancer  •  Apothecary  •  Thief  •  Hunter
Advanced Jobs: Arcanist  •  Inventor  •  Armsmaster  •  Conjurer

Alrond is a traveler in Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent.



Battle Skills[]

Skill SP Description
Type Polearms 22
Skill Recovery (CotC) 43
Type Polearms 40
Skill Recovery (CotC) 50
Type Fans 77
Skill Buff (CotC)
Skill Recovery (CotC) 84→67
Type Swords 96→77
Type Staves 96

Passive Skills[]

Support Skills[]

Skill Description

Resilience Skills[]

Skill Description
Buff Dark Res. Up Dark Resilience Raise own Dark Res. by 10%.
Buff Dark Res. Up Dark Resilience Raise own Dark Res. by 10%.
Buff Light Res. Up Light Resilience Raise own Light Res. by 10%.


Skill Description
Skill Recovery (CotC)

Awakening Accessory[]

Item PhysAtk SP Description
Accessories 60 80


[v · t · e · ?]
Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent
Cleric: Agnès  •  Brigitte  •  Cedric  •  Emil  •  Gloria  •  Hikari EX  •  Jose  •  Lianna  •  Madelaine  •  Menno  •  Millard  •  Molrusso  •  Mydia  •  S. Odio  •  Ophilia  •  Pearl  •  Promme  •  Ramona  •  Relisha  •  Rinyuu  •  Stead  •  Telly  •  Temenos  •  Yan Long  •  Yukes
Apothecary: Alfyn  •  Castti  •  Ceraphina  •  Cornelia  •  Gertrude  •  Hayes  •  Jane  •  Jorge  •  Lumis  •  Merrit  •  Nephti  •  Ogen  •  Penny  •  Primrose EX  •  Rinyuu EX  •  Rita  •  Rodion  •  Saria  •  Shana  •  Shelby  •  Sofia EX  •  Soleil  •  Sowan  •  Theo  •  Zenia
Dancer: Agnea  •  Bargello EX  •  Dark Priestess  •  Dolcinaea  •  Eleonora  •  Evelyn  •  Fabio  •  Fiore EX  •  Glossom  •  H'aanit EX  •  Harley  •  Harry  •  Hasumi  •  Iris  •  Lemaire  •  Lynette  •  Mabel  •  Manuel  •  Meena  •  Molrusso EX  •  Neha  •  Paula  •  Primrose  •  Signa  •  Tatloch  •  Tithi
Merchant: 9S  •  Alrond  •  Barrad  •  Cardona  •  Carroll  •  Cecily  •  Cerna  •  Conny  •  Devin  •  Dorothea  •  Gilderoy  •  Helga  •  Juan  •  Krauser  •  Largo  •  Leon  •  Millard EX  •  Nier  •  Nona  •  Ori  •  Oskha  •  Partitio  •  Pia  •  Rai Mei  •  Roland  •  Sigrid EX  •  Sazantos EX  •  Tressa  •  W'ludai
Scholar: Alaune  •  Cyrus  •  Ditraina  •  Dorrie  •  Elvis  •  Eunice  •  Frederica  •  Hammy  •  Heinz  •  Julio  •  Kenneth  •  Laura  •  Levan  •  Levina  •  Molu  •  Nina-Lanna  •  Nivelle  •  Noelle  •  Odette  •  Ophilia EX  •  Osvald  •  Pardis III  •  Peredir  •  Sofia  •  Solon  •  Streibough  •  Therese  •  Varkyn  •  Viola EX
Thief: A2  •  Adelle  •  Aslyte  •  Auguste  •  Bargello  •  Billy  •  Canary  •  Cless  •  Diego  •  Durand  •  Elrica EX  •  Falco  •  Felline  •  Heathcote  •  Kagemune  •  Kaine  •  Kurtz  •  Nicola  •  Pirro  •  Ri'tu  •  Sarisa  •  Sonia  •  Tatloch EX  •  Therion  •  Throné  •  Tiziano  •  Viola  •  Wingate
Warrior: 2B  •  Aedelgard  •  Cecil  •  Crick  •  Dark Knight  •  Edea  •  Eliza  •  Elrica  •  Eltrix  •  Fiore  •  Hikari  •  Jorn  •  Joshua  •  Kouren  •  Lionel  •  Menny  •  Miles  •  Nanna  •  Oersted  •  Olberic  •  O. Odio  •  Richard  •  Ringabel  •  Rondo  •  Saul  •  Sazantos  •  Serenoa  •  Sigrid  •  Tahir  •  Tikilen  •  Trish  •  Tytos  •  Lars  •  Yugo
Hunter: Agnea EX  •  Ashlan  •  Bertrand  •  Camilla  •  Chloe  •  Cyrus EX  •  Ditraina EX  •  Guti  •  H'aanit  •  Herminia  •  Hujheb  •  Jillmeila  •  Kersjes  •  Kilns  •  Lolo  •  Lucetta  •  Lumis EX  •  Narr  •  Ochette  •  Scarecrow  •  Sertet  •  Sunny  •  Tressa EX  •  Vivian  •  Yunnie  •  Z'aanta
Master of Wealth: Herminia  •  Bargello  •  Tiziano  •  Pierro Della  •  Fra  •  Rosso  •  Taviani  •  Sonia
Master of Power: Tytos  •  Velnorte  •  Rinyuu  •  Phina  •  Dmitri  •  Jurgen
Master of Fame: Auguste  •  Schwartz  •  Mikhail  •  Francesca
Master of All: Pardis III  •  Elrica  •  Alaune  •  Lebrandt  •  Mahrez  •  Mesara  •  Richard  •  Gimel  •  Solon  •  Mendoza  •  Cerro  •  Gonzalez  •  Krauser
Bestower of Wealth: Oskha  •  Levina  •  Leopaldi  •  Delvecchio  •  Scarabe  •  Judah
Bestower of Power: Tatloch  •  Marianne  •  Dudek  •  Eltrix
Bestower of Fame: Ceraphina  •  Sazantos  •  Rondo  •  Taigan  •  Timov  •  Josef  •  Hugo  •  Monaris  •  Miza
Bestower of All: Or'sazantos  •  Finis  •  Dark Knight  •  Dark Priestess  •  Ataraxia
Nameless Town: Nephti  •  Isla  •  Feintz  •  Rique  •  Glayne  •  Kota  •  Pecolo  •  Parua  •  Atsumo Rihiko  •  Nan Masano
Emberflame Story: Aviete  •  Mellow  •  Stollenwurm  •  Lykaon  •  Simurgh  •  Yuetu  •  Svaðilfari  •  Lutīyā
Woodlands: Valore  •  Herminia's Manse  •  Forest Ruins  •  Auguste's Villa  •  Victors Hollow  •  Subterranean Arena  •  Great Tree's Tears
Frostlands: Emberglow  •  Emberglow Laboratory  •  Emberglow Slopes  •  Hunter's House  •  Ceremonial Square  •  Cathedral of Tytos  •  Snowbloom Ruins  •  Snowshard Grotto  •  Emberglow Laboratory: Inner Chambers  •  Flamesgrace  •  Cave of Laments  •  Cave of Origin
Flatlands: Theatropolis  •  Amphitheatre  •  Serpent's Burrow  •  Knights Ardante Garrison  •  Nameless Town  •  Tower of Remembrance  •  Atlasdam  •  Fort Wold Ruins
Coastlands: Rippletide  •  Isle of Orsa  •  Radiant Reefs  •  Grandport  •  Grandport Sewers  •  Sea Cavern  •  Middlesea
Cliftlands: Cragspear  •  Gray Grotto  •  Geist Canyon  •  Abandoned Mines  •  Castle Edoras  •  I'cirlo  •  Spiny Grotto
Riverlands: Clearbrook  •  Waterpool Caves  •  Shadowflow Grotto  •  Castle Riven  •  Donescu  •  Cyphlo Banks  •  Misty Falls
Sunlands: Sunshade  •  Finesand Ruins  •  Sufrataljah  •  Sufrataljah: Palace  •  Whitesand Cave  •  Golden Palace
Highlands: Shepherds Rock  •  Valley of Death  •  Cavern of Mists  •  Berecain  •  Forbidden Temple  •  Sweltering Cave
The Skew: Hall of Heroes (1st Floor  •  2nd Floor  •  3rd Floor)  •  Icegrove Clearing (Forest Ruins  •  Snowshard Grotto  •  Serpent's Burrow  •  Cavern of Mists  •  Gate of Finis)
Hell: Cliftlands: Cragspear  •  Geist Canyon  •  Castle Edoras
Hell: Woodlands: Valore  •  White Grape Hill Path  •  Netherflame Chamber
Hell: Highlands: Hornburg  •  Hornburg Castle
The Gate of Finis: Corridors of Contrition  •  The Bridge Beyond  •  Crimson River Traverse  •  Ridge of the Imprisoned God
Domain of the Gods: Agapea  •  Flamebearer's Shrine: Sanctum (Trial of Faith  •  Trial of Rebirth  •  Trial of Rebirth  •  Trial of Valor)
The Heavens: Garden of Sin (Sands of Rapacity  •  Seas of Servility  •  Skies of Vanity  •  Altar of Heavenly Peals)
???: Sacred Springs  •  Labyrinthine Woods
Brightlands: New Delsta (Ouma)  •  Underground Waterway  •  New Delsta: Theater
Toto'haha: Beasting Village  •  Beasting Bay: Anchorage
Harborlands: Canalbrine  •  Lair of the Usurper
Winterlands: Cape Cold
Hinoeuma: Ryu
Leaflands: Cropdale  •  Animal Trail
Crestlands: Flamechurch
Wildlands: Crackridge
Master of Wealth: Burly Blackrobe  •  Captain Tristan  •  Sonia  •  Lady Herminia
Master of Power: Abnormal Ruffian  •  Al the Servant  •  Jurgen  •  Commander Tytos
Master of Fame: Aides  •  Francesca the Actress  •  Auguste the Playwright
Master of All: Ring-sealed Beast  •  Mesara the Thief  •  M'suhi the Viper  •  Edoras Infantryman  •  Gimel the Brigand Leader  •  Cerro the Emissary  •  Gonzalez the Ironarm  •  General Krauser  •  Mysterious Assassin  •  Edoras Soldier/Edoras Defenders  •  Gonska the Clown  •  King Pardis III
Bestower of Wealth: Blackrobes  •  Delvecchio  •  Mandarino and Remone  •  Lookouts  •  Judah the Believer  •  Oskha the Have-not
Bestower of Power: Foreign Emissaries  •  Captain Na'gu  •  G'roha Commander  •  Pelagia the Conjurer (Ruin)  •  Empress Tatloch
Bestower of Fame: Black Scarlets  •  Villains  •  Monaris the Villainous  •  Elite Black Scarlet  •  Villain (Black Scarlet)  •  Guardian of the Tainted Flame  •  Towering Idol  •  Ceraphina the Charitable
Bestower of All: Souls  •  Fallen Mahrez  •  Fallen Sonia  •  Fallen Elrica  •  Fallen Lebrandt  •  Sonzon the Flameguard  •  Cursed Commander Tytos  •  Fallen Lady-in-waiting  •  Cursed Lady Herminia  •  Fallen Francesca  •  Cursed Master Auguste  •  Sazantos  •  Aelfric the Flamebringer  •  Saint Sazantos  •  Bestower of All
Side Solistia: Dokabro  •  Sly Leader Lloris  •  Ignazio  •  Gafaud  •  Avar the Conqueror  •  Lucian  •  Noma
Emberflame Story: Accursed Halo's Servant  •  Black-Clad Shadow  •  Divine Beast Lykaon  •  Divine Beast Simurgh  •  Divine Beast Kulshedra  •  Divine Beast Lutīyā
Side Story: Siva and Zash  •  Mu'shimume the Serpent  •  S. Odio, Lord of Dark
Traveler Story: Lord Morbidus  •  Scott  •  Aristolo  •  Geltner  •  Forest Tyrant  •  Jude  •  Macaed of Darkness  •  Fake Medicine Man  •  Wily Gigantes  •  Malcolm  •  Giacomo  •  Rare Crab  •  One-eyed Wolf  •  Grosvenor  •  Ryan  •  Faust  •  King Chomper  •  Pirlika of Darkness  •  Udo  •  Hans and Elma  •  Milos  •  Lord Deptus  •  Devourer of Dreams  •  Ronan  •  Edmonds  •  Peacock the Thief  •  Strahd  •  Scarface  •  Wakeman  •  Airy  •  Argente  •  Hogni  •  Sangre  •  Ratkin Charmer  •  Cerveza  •  Gaffney  •  Paynes  •  Zakias the Knight  •  Father David  •  Prince Navilio  •  Ogland  •  Boss  •  Fontan  •  Thorndike
Game Mechanics
General: Influences  •  Items  •  Limit Break  •  Awakening  •  Path Actions  •  Traveler Stories  •  Side Stories  •  Memoirs
Battle: Experience  •  Skills  •  Ally Skills  •  Keepers  •  Status Effects
Inventory: Weapons  •  Soul Weapons  •  Headgear  •  Body Armor  •  Accessories
