- "Your eyes are blind. Your ears, deaf. You hear nor the voices of the people. Nor the screams of my sister. How many people must die before your greed is sated?" —Alaune, before the confrontation with King Pardis III
Alaune Edoras is a character in Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent. She is the main protagonist of the Master of All storyline and have an active role in the Bestower of Power and Bestower of All storylines as one of the Guardians of Light. She is also a Memoir Traveler. She is the ruler of the Kingdom of Edoras.
Skills (NPC)[]
In Master of All's final battle, Alaune will aid the party as a NPC ally, but she is treated as if having a speed stat of 0, causing her to act after anything not a delayed action. Her actions vary between the following:
In Bestower of All Chapter III's final battle, Alaune will aid the party as a NPC ally. This time, however, she uses skills largely based off of her kit as a Traveler, and her damage/heal output is comparable to a Lv86 (the recommended level) Traveler Alaune, though NPC Alaune will never boost. She still is treated as having 0 speed.
Skills (Playable)[]
Battle Skills[]
Passive Skills[]
Support Skills[]
Skill | Description |
Fire/Light Augment V | Raise Fire and Light damage of Self by 30%. |
Vanguard Elem. Def. Boost (Front/All) | While in Front Row: Impart Entire Front Row with Elem. Def. Up 10%. |
Resilience Skills[]
Skill | Description |
Ice Resilience | Raise own Ice Res. by 20%. |
Dark Resilience | Raise own Dark Res. by 20%. |
Fire/Light Resilience | Raise own Fire and Light Res. by 10%. |
Skill | Description |
Hopeful Prayers | Raise max HP of All Allies by 20%→25% (turns: 5) and restore HP (potency: 200→250). |
Awakening Accessory[]
Item | Description | |||
Queen of Edoras' Cape | 40 | 60 | 400 | At 50% HP or less: Raise Phys. Def. by 30%. Raise own HP recovery skill potency by 15% (excludes automatic healing skills). |
- "You are just a lonely king... who was master of naught in the end." —After defeating King Pardis III